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Enterprise F Wish List / Ideas Thread

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
As UK citizen, so not eligable to enter the Design Contest, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for people to write down, post pictures of what they would like to see the next Enterprise look, function like etc.

My first suggestion is that the ship be the first Federation in game "Universal" Ship, so it could be used by each career and depending on what career you were the Enterprise would come with the relevant passive skills as any other ship of that career, relevant BO and console slots plus a special power...

Science Enterprise F power suggestions:

a) Meta-Phasic Shields - immune to all damage
b) Inverse "insert scientific name" Field - damage foes, heal allies
c) Temporal Inversion - Enemy ship reverts to a lower tiered ship for duration
d) Nanite Contagion - Hull Damage over time

Engineering Enterprise F power suggestions:

a) Hull Drones - Hull Heal over time
b) Power Overload - Act like viral matrix, bringing down subsystems in turn
c) Extend Warp Field - Increase in movement and turn rate with a large defense bonus
d) Graviton Anchor - Enemy hold that spreads to all enemies within 10km of each other (like tachyon detection grid)

Tactical Enterprise F power suggestions:

a) Attack Pattern Gamma - Pulls allied ships into formation all with damage and movement bonus
b) Torpedo Transport - Transport torpedo onto enemy ship through shields so longer cooldown on this power
c) Squadron Deployment - Either 10 Fighters; 5 Frigates or 2 Escorts come to your aid and target your same target
d) Phaser/Tetryon, plasma etc Explosion - All beam and cannon weapons are directed to a single point in space, which builds up into a massive ball of that weapon type, which then explodes with a 5 km radius and damages shields and hull

I can imagine some good FX and sound with all these powers :rolleyes:

Another idea which a lot of Fed players have been wanting, is a Federation Carrier, which the next Enterprise could be and work all long the same line as the Klinks.

Design-wise I have seen some interesting and great entries on to the contest website. Some of my favourites have been some of the more "fatter, meaty designs". Which is strange as I generally prefer a sleeker look; I guess some of the designs have satisfied both aspects, go check them out.

I would love to see some external lighting decal on the new design like what cryptic did on the Nomad and Comet.

My main wish is my Universal Ship idea, such an Iconic ship I think should be open to all careers and characters at Tier 6 with the level cap increase. I know all ships are available to all careers at the moment, but I mean truly Universal as explained above, as at the moment a Sci captian in a Escort does not get the Sci passives/power levels on that ship.

I would also love to see the 3 variations of each part to mix and match like all the other tiered ships; so release official contest winner design and two other variaties.

Any other suggestion about the ships design or function please post...
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Check out the Eximius Class that someone has submitted on the Contest Website... It is gorgeous! :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Strorus wrote:
    As UK citizen, so not eligable to enter the Design Contest, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for people to write down, post pictures of what they would like to see the next Enterprise look, function like etc.

    My first suggestion is that the ship be the first Federation in game "Universal" Ship, so it could be used by each career and depending on what career you were the Enterprise would come with the relevant passive skills as any other ship of that career, relevant BO and console slots plus a special power...

    Science Enterprise F power suggestions:

    a) Meta-Phasic Shields - immune to all damage
    b) Inverse "insert scientific name" Field - damage foes, heal allies
    c) Temporal Inversion - Enemy ship reverts to a lower tiered ship for duration
    d) Nanite Contagion - Hull Damage over time

    Engineering Enterprise F power suggestions:

    a) Hull Drones - Hull Heal over time
    b) Power Overload - Act like viral matrix, bringing down subsystems in turn
    c) Extend Warp Field - Increase in movement and turn rate with a large defense bonus
    d) Graviton Anchor - Enemy hold that spreads to all enemies within 10km of each other (like tachyon detection grid)

    Tactical Enterprise F power suggestions:

    a) Attack Pattern Gamma - Pulls allied ships into formation all with damage and movement bonus
    b) Torpedo Transport - Transport torpedo onto enemy ship through shields so longer cooldown on this power
    c) Squadron Deployment - Either 10 Fighters; 5 Frigates or 2 Escorts come to your aid and target your same target
    d) Phaser/Tetryon, plasma etc Explosion - All beam and cannon weapons are directed to a single point in space, which builds up into a massive ball of that weapon type, which then explodes with a 5 km radius and damages shields and hull

    I can imagine some good FX and sound with all these powers :rolleyes:

    Another idea which a lot of Fed players have been wanting, is a Federation Carrier, which the next Enterprise could be and work all long the same line as the Klinks.

    Design-wise I have seen some interesting and great entries on to the contest website. Some of my favourites have been some of the more "fatter, meaty designs". Which is strange as I generally prefer a sleeker look; I guess some of the designs have satisfied both aspects, go check them out.

    I would love to see some external lighting decal on the new design like what cryptic did on the Nomad and Comet.

    My main wish is my Universal Ship idea, such an Iconic ship I think should be open to all careers and characters at Tier 6 with the level cap increase. I know all ships are available to all careers at the moment, but I mean truly Universal as explained above, as at the moment a Sci captian in a Escort does not get the Sci passives/power levels on that ship.

    Any other suggestion about the ships design or function please post...

    Science Enterprise F power suggestions:

    a) I so hate this on PvE ships! I believe it is a cruiser ship function though making it an engineering skill.
    b) I like this idea
    c) I don't see this one working
    d) Sounds interesting!

    Engineering Enterprise F power suggestions:

    a) I really hope the F is not a carrier!
    b) You should go more indepth for this it sounds like it affects yourself.
    c) Sounds interesting
    d) I like this to a point. 5km maybe and it pulls ships together like you made the target a giant magnet!

    Tactical Enterprise F power suggestions:

    a) Don't know about formation part but a team speed and manuverability skill would be interesting
    b) I doubt this
    c) I don't know about this. Cross between PF and a carrier...idk
    d) interesting idea

    I really don't want to see the F be a carrier. The Jupiter Dreadnaught could be but I hope not the Enterprise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I agree with you, I do not want to see the Enterprise as a Carrier; although I would love to see a Fed carrier in game.

    (Please lets not turn this thread in to a Carrier one, keep it on the Enterprise) ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Anybody got anymore thoughts?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Just slap the F on a typhoon class :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    My design may not be the absolute best showcase for the feature (I can accept the critique that it looks flimsy while used) but one thing I've been really married to since I dreamed it up is the idea of a phase cloak.

    The references to it in TNG made it seem possible in the then-near future and with Federation using cloaks on some ships, it seems viable.

    My core idea is rather than using it as a stealth feature, using it to reduce the mass of a ship for enhanced maneuvering.

    Saucer separation was a neat idea but seems unwieldy in practice. The saucer tends to get stranded or, worse, crash.

    Phasing part of a ship lets you keep it attached while making that part of the ship massless. This could be useful in a variety of ways; you could use it to build momentum or as a secondary power source. I also think that it could be a practical alternative to escape pods by moving the crew to what I call the "ghost decks" or "auxillary hull" and then phasing them, leaving them safe until they can be retrieved, something escape pods and a separated saucer don't offer, especially in hostile deep space.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I want that ship now!!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Strorus wrote:
    Check out the Eximius Class that someone has submitted on the Contest Website... It is gorgeous! :)

    Afraid that entry is a fraud, because that was ripped from a Bridge Commander Mod. Heck there videos of it on Youtube.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The -F needs to be the Fed's big gun battleship, their ultimate trump back against the Borg, the Dominion, the Scimitars and the Carriers, the feddie's answer to be able to punch through the biggest and the baddest, and take them down a notch quickly and efficiently. She needs to be the point of the spear, and that big shining ship with the even bigger spinal mount to punch through. The Galaxy X, well, when you use it against what it shows an obvious use against (namely Carrier/Capital Tank Breaker), it's use becomes obviously clear. Now we just need a faster turning, dual-wielding version.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Well, given how the Excelsior kicks butt in-game. My submission is a meld of the Excelsior's design with the Sovereign's style. Sort of a modern take on the Excelsior Class similar to how the Sovereign is a modern take on the Constitution Class.

    It's designed to be a troop carrier/destroyer. It really a tank of a starship.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    a) if this isn't stonger or longer than RSP, it should be a fine counter
    b) interesting, and a nice addition :)
    c) ...not sure that one can be used
    d) kinda like plasma damage, but without the slow torpedo... i like it

    a) i think engineers have enough healing-ish powers already (i think)
    b) maybe, if you could be more specific
    c) a good one, and maybe it could affect the enemies speed as well
    d) i think we need this one :) just make it 5 km to be fair

    a) good idea, just lose the instant allied bonus (unless you aim it at an ally)
    b) not a good idea... since transporters can't go through shields (except in special cases that this game can't replicate)
    c) maybe... but it might make the carrier fans a bit mad :D
    d) interesting idea :) just make the name generic to fit with all the weapon types

    my thoughts on your suggestions, that is all
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The Ent F should have a slipstream drive at least. The Federation has had plenty of time to fully develope this tech into a ship design for its standard propulsion.
    I think the Ent F should remain simple in form and sleak like all the other Ent. It needs the famous dual nacelle and saucer shape that is the icon of the name. I have seen a lot of great entries that have all these elements. My humble attempt at a design kept this in mind.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think any Enterprise would be built around the highest values of Starfleet. New worlds and new civilizations. But like the E (which was designed specifically to survive the Borg), the F would definitely be built with enough Umph! to handle itself, even in war time.

    IMO, I think it would be sleek and graceful, but functional and simple in design. Roddenberry and Jeffries (Matt Jeffries, designer of the TOS Enterprise) had agreed that the Enterprise shouldn't have fins or spikes when they designed the first one. I feel the new Enterprise should have the same feeling.

    The Enterprise shouldn't look imposing or agressive, but still look solid enough that you wouldn't want to pick a fight with it. It should have the feeling of the cavalry coming to the rescue when it shows up.

    First Contact did an excellent job of doing that with the E. So much that I don't think I could make a decent entry, as my submission would be too much like the E, just cosmetically altered...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Briard wrote:
    I think any Enterprise would be built around the highest values of Starfleet. New worlds and new civilizations. But like the E (which was designed specifically to survive the Borg), the F would definitely be built with enough Umph! to handle itself, even in war time.

    IMO, I think it would be sleek and graceful, but functional and simple in design. Roddenberry and Jeffries (Matt Jeffries, designer of the TOS Enterprise) had agreed that the Enterprise shouldn't have fins or spikes when they designed the first one. I feel the new Enterprise should have the same feeling.

    The Enterprise shouldn't look imposing or agressive, but still look solid enough that you wouldn't want to pick a fight with it. It should have the feeling of the cavalry coming to the rescue when it shows up.

    First Contact did an excellent job of doing that with the E. So much that I don't think I could make a decent entry, as my submission would be too much like the E, just cosmetically altered...

    EXACTLY. Right on the nose.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    All I know is that when this ship is added in to the game there had better be one fantastic story arc to explain what happened to the Enterprise E.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    All I know is that when this ship is added in to the game there had better be one fantastic story arc to explain what happened to the Enterprise E.

    It ran out of fuel and Starfleet decided it was easier to just replace it than to refill it. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Azurian wrote: »
    Afraid that entry is a fraud, because that was ripped from a Bridge Commander Mod. Heck there videos of it on Youtube.

    Why would it make my design and model a fraud because I ported it to a Bridge Commander mod?

    It was used in Starfleet Command before that, Star trek Armada... but that doesn't make the design a fraud.
    It's just as valid as any other entry.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Cleeve wrote:
    Why would it make my design and model a fraud because I ported it to a Bridge Commander mod?

    It was used in Starfleet Command before that, Star trek Armada... but that doesn't make the design a fraud.
    It's just as valid as any other entry.

    Here's the issue:

    Cryptic Contest Rules:
    Submission Image must NOT have been previously submitted to another Contest, or submitted to any entertainment entity that would conflict with this Contest, as determined in the Contest Entities’ sole discretion
    Each Entrant represents and warrants as follows: (i) the Submission Image is the Entrant’s own original, previously unpublished, and previously unproduced work; (ii) the Submission Image does not contain any computer virus, is otherwise uncorrupted, is wholly original with Entrant, and as of the date of submission, is not the subject of any actual or threatened litigation or claim; (iii) the Submission Image does not and will not violate or infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other rights of any other person or entity; and (iv) the Submission Image does not and will not violate any applicable laws, and is not and will not be defamatory or libelous.
    All entries become the sole and exclusive property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. Each Entrant agrees and acknowledges that participation in the Contest, including, without limitation, the Entrant’s decision to provide the Submission Image to Contest Entities for purposes of the Contest, shall not give rise to any confidential, fiduciary, implied-in-fact, implied-in-law, or other special relationship between the Contest Entities and Entrant, does not place the Contest Entities in a position that is any different from the position held by members of the general public with regard to elements of the Entrant’s Submission Image, and that the only contracts, express or implied, between the Contest Entities and Entrant is as set forth in these Official Rules and the release forms (as described below).

    Filefront Bridge Commander Mod Site:
    You may post on the Service only Content owned by you (such as your original statements or video clips), Content for which you have received express permission from the owner and Content in the public domain (collectively, the "Material"). You assume all risk and responsibility for determining whether any Material is in the public domain. You hereby grant, transfer and assign to FF and its successors, assigns and licensees (collectively, "Licensee") a fully-paid, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right and license to publish, distribute, reproduce, transmit, use, translate, display, perform, modify, revise, create derivative works of and archive the Material, in any form or media now known or hereafter developed (including without limitation in print, magnetic or electronic form), on any number of occasions in any form, and to sublicense third parties (including other users of the Service) to do any of the foregoing with further right of sublicense (the "License"), without compensation to you. You represent and warrant that you are authorized to grant all rights set forth in the preceding sentence and that the exercise by Licensee of Licensee's rights under the License shall not violate any laws, defame or libel any person, invade any person's right of privacy or publicity or otherwise violate, misappropriate or infringe the rights of any person (including without limit any copyright or moral right).

    Even if you're the author of a file found on the bridge commander mod site:

    - You signed over something you didn't have clear rights to as posting it there gave Filefront a license to it.

    - Previously published work is ineligible. (This because, among other reasons, it may give you and third parties a legal claim to ownership of the material later.)

    - The material is now property of Cryptic/Atari but with a perpetual license to Filefront. It violates everyone's interests. Cryptic wants clear, sole, perpetual ownership. Filefront has a prior licensing claim on the material.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Strorus wrote:
    Anybody got anymore thoughts?

    Hi boss. Good to see that you finally got on the forums. :)

    I will post a few notions in a bit. Personally we have the Excelsior for a tac cruiser, the nebula for a science cruiser, and the Gal-R for a engineer cruiser. Maybe I am being lazy but I think they have kinda painted themselves into a corner on this one. That said I would need a little time to get my mind out of the box on this one.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Well, i did submit an entry to the contest... you guys can check out under

    However, since i can't really win... i LOL every time i say this. I'm more worried about the story arc around what happened to the Enterprise E.
    Also I would love that quest to take us to the remains of the Enterprise D aswell, recover so lost data about Geordi's studies on a potencial new type of ship.

    The new Enterprise should be according to Star Trek tradition an EXPLORATION vessel, not a Battleship or Dreadnaught. I would like it to have an Sharp look, not as bulky as the Kirk's ship or the D. I would like it to be a mixture of Fed building type, Klingom building type and Romulan build type. An most important it should be equipped with a cloaking device.

    A ship the size of the E could be seen from the ground via a telescope, as seen on First Contact, if a race not advenced enough for warp travel but advanced enough to have a detection system could see the ship, the Prime Derictive would go out the airlock!
    I know that my model is bulky, but it's design to be a battleship/carrier. I think that the new Enterprise should have a Starfighter corps attached to it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I haven't made a submission yet, as I'm still sketching ideas and haven't found anything I'd be really proud of displaying (and my artistic skill is average at best).

    One idea was a ship with a Sovereign-like saucer with a shuttle bay built under the bridge with entrances both in front of and behind the bridge module. That was sort of a carrier like idea. The Saucer section also had two steamrunner like nacelles build into it and an NX class like navigational deflector.

    The engineering hull looked like the lower 1/2 of an andorian warship with a battle bridge on the underside and a navigational deflector above it. The idea being that during saucer separation the secondary hull would roll 180 degrees and then be of the familiar starfleet structure. And then both the saucer and engineering hull could be completely autonomous as the saucer would have independent warp capability and it's own navigational deflector.

    I scrapped the idea becuase It looked clunky like the "Raging Queen" and I couldn't really think of a plausible way that the rotational engineering hull would work (the captain's chair would have to be bolted to the roof during normal flight, etc.)

    I kind of liked the idea of emphasing the saucer separation though, but that's just me.

    I also had another design that I called the Repentent Class which aesthetically was pretty much a blending of features from pre-Dominion War classes. The reason I called it Repentent was that it was supposed to be an effort to make a ship that resembled the ships back from the more idealistic time when there was relative peace, before Federation ships took on a more militaristic design and compromised those ideas.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Sadly, I cannot draw at all.

    My idea has an Avenger like saucer paired with a elongated Sovereign, Typhoon like hull but that smoothly curves into the saucer and not just out like the typhoon. It goes 3/4ths the way underneath the saucer, and has a Vanguard type deflector dish. The saucer is not a full oval, as it has a curve cut out where the hull connects and merges with it.

    The nacelles are a mix between the Monarch and another class, but their is a third nacelle which is different from the other two. It is connected by two pylons in a similar way as the U.S.S. Premonitions from Star Trek Armada game, but instead of from the sides one is from the saucer and other from the hull. This nacelle is for more transwarp and slipstream usage and an additional sub deflector dish.

    I am trying to see something that eventually could lead to the J. The deflector dish is starting to approach the front of the ship, the saucer is starting to go back to side ways oval, the hull is getting longer, and eventually tech will catch up and the third nacelle won't be needed.

    I wish I could draw :(

    P.S. It would be the "Han" class after the Han Dynasty from China.
    P.P.S. Function, Command and Control/ Very Long Range Explorer type ship. I see a Eng Com, LtC, Ensign slots, Tactical LtC slot, Science LtC slot. 4 Eng consoles, 3 sci and 3 tact.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I spent an hour trying to draw (Awful at drawing) what resembled a star ship, then when I was finally happy with my own design, I realized I don't own a camera... So looks like I wont be in this contest unless I suddenly get a whole lot better at 3D CGI stuff. :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The Enterprise should never be a warship, a ship that can fight yes but not a warship. The Enterprise must always stand as symbol of peace, diplomacy, and exploration.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Here's the issue:

    - You signed over something you didn't have clear rights to as posting it there gave Filefront a license to it.

    - Previously published work is ineligible. (This because, among other reasons, it may give you and third parties a legal claim to ownership of the material later.)

    - The material is now property of Cryptic/Atari but with a perpetual license to Filefront. It violates everyone's interests. Cryptic wants clear, sole, perpetual ownership. Filefront has a prior licensing claim on the material.

    Filefront has no claim to the design, I never posted the file there - someone else did who didn't have publishing rights.

    You're also assuming that filefront's disclaimer is worth the photons you can see on your screen. A lawyer would educate you otherwise. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Well, one thing my design looks like it's going to have is a new neutronium hull similar to the Doomsday Device. It was not actually intentional at first, but I was having a hard time trying to get it to look textured without having a lot of detail. I was using this metal texture I have which I realized kind of looks like the Doomsday Device's hull, and I thought "why not?"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Cleeve wrote:
    Filefront has no claim to the design, I never posted the file there - someone else did who didn't have publishing rights.

    You're also assuming that filefront's disclaimer is worth the photons you can see on your screen. A lawyer would educate you otherwise. :)

    The rules for this contest specify that a design can never have been published before. Authorized or unauthorized, I don't think Atari wants the legal hassle of talking to a lawyer about an entry.

    If you designed that ship, you can design a new one for this contest that's never been published, with or without your consent. I think you're playing games by saying it was published without your consent but the fact is that it's been published and that disqualifies it from THIS contest as per the rules. It wouldn't matter whether you've published it or not.

    If a mugger came up to you on the street and stole your design and ran sent it in to Star Trek magazine and they published it, you might have a claim against the mugger but it's published and therefore ineligible for this contest.

    If you designed that ship, you can take the tools and know-how you used to make it and design a never-before-seen entry for this contest.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The rules for this contest specify that a design can never have been published before. Authorized or unauthorized, I don't think Atari wants the legal hassle of talking to a lawyer about an entry.

    Based on your comments I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's probable you have no experience or training when it comes to contest and copyright law.

    I've been a professional artist and producer probably as long as you've been alive. I have dealt with these issues firsthand. I'm not going to debate minutia with someone who at best has a fraction of my experience, there's no point.

    The bottom line is, if Cryptic/Atari feels the need to perform diligence,on whichever design wins, they certainly have the right to do that. If they deem an entry ineligible, that's their prerogative. But you don't represent Cryptic/Atari, and based on my experience I think you're misinterpreting a few things. I therefore don't consider your conclusions valid.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Guys this is not a thread about the legality of Contest entries; so let's refocus on the topic, ideas about the design and functionality of the new Enterprise.

    Thank you
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Martok42 wrote: »
    I spent an hour trying to draw (Awful at drawing) what resembled a star ship, then when I was finally happy with my own design, I realized I don't own a camera... So looks like I wont be in this contest unless I suddenly get a whole lot better at 3D CGI stuff. :rolleyes:

    Anyone you know own a camera?
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