How about an Intrepid with a special power of having a Delta Flyer as a playable ship.... once your Intrepid gets blown up you automatically get transported into your Delta flyer as you fly out of the warp core explosion...and on the PvP Salvage map you could fly back to your base in order to dock/get into another Intrepid re-spawned ship....or you could continue the fight in Delta Flyer....:D Just an idea....
Add the Runabout to the C-Store (but leave it purchaseable at DS9 still). And add a Delta Flyer to the C-Store. And don't make it pathetically weak. It obviously isn't as strong as a starship, but make it decent enough that it's realistically somewhat playable at high levels. The Runabouts need some kind of retrofit or upgrade, too, they're simply so weak they're impractical for any useful purpose.
Delta Flyer with a mounted Transwarp Coil :-)