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MMORPG.com: EvE vs STO



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    teralkaar wrote:
    Almost 10 years separate Eve and STO ... Ten years ! in computing area is like centuries. What is the purpose in 2010 to release a game that would be a remake of a 10 year old game?

    I haven't seen anyone suggest STO should be EVE skinned with Star Trek ships, but EVE does have a lot of nice mechanics. I would have loved for STO to more sandbox-encouraging mechanics, rather than holding our hand through single-player stories.

    I never wanted to play "Picard Online" or "Kirk Online" or even "Federation Online". I wanted to have a character within the living, breathing Star Trek universe. I wanted the capacity to make him good or evil, loyal to Starfleet or loyal to no one.

    Even World of Warcraft has more character freedom.

    STO really is, at its core, a simulation of Star Trek episodes. It's more about the single-player experience than the multiplayer experience. Cryptic wants us all to feel like heroes, like we're special. We all personally change the galaxy, at the cost of the continuity of that galaxy between the perspective of different players.

    I don't need or want a game to make my characters heroes for me. The fun is in accomplishing that on my own.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hornet331 wrote: »
    Indeed, the first thing people start to complain about in eve is travel time, hell if you try to optimize you gamestyle in eve you always aim to do as little travel as possible, because its such a huge waste. People hardly go further then 5 systems.

    Cargo haulers are an exception, but personally i don't like flying from A to B for 30 min pick up stuff and go to C for another 20min.

    People enjoy fishing, too, even though most of the time you're just sitting there. And they like golf, even though most of the time you're waiting on other golfers.

    When I traveled long distances in EVE I was able to sit back and relax, and I always figured my character would be doing the very same thing. I just enjoyed the ambiance of being in space.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    People enjoy fishing, too, even though most of the time you're just sitting there. And they like golf, even though most of the time you're waiting on other golfers.

    When I traveled long distances in EVE I was able to sit back and relax, and I always figured my character would be doing the very same thing. I just enjoyed the ambiance of being in space.

    Yes there are people that enjoy such things, but many people don't I don't midn medicore traveltime myself, but eve is a whole other caliber.

    You need hours just to pass hisec space and better not talk about crossing the whole univers from S-N or W-E

    The treval time in STO is long enough for my taste, when you have to go from Iota Pavonis to Gama Orionis, its far enough. When i have only a couble hours to play, I don't want to spend most of my time doing nothing.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    57 minutes is plenty of time..... to review the DEMO. :p

    Also if STO is around and being updated 7 years from now, my lifetime membership will have been more than worth it :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    I never wanted to play "Picard Online" or "Kirk Online" or even "Federation Online".

    This is what I wanted all along. I cringed at any prospects of an EvE-style game and would not have touched anything resembling Perpetual's released plans.
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    I wanted to have a character within the living, breathing Star Trek universe. I wanted the capacity to make him good or evil, loyal to Starfleet or loyal to no one.

    I know I never would have plunked down a lifetime subscription for that game. I wanted an episode simulator and I'm glad to see we got that and it's getting better at doing that.
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    STO really is, at its core, a simulation of Star Trek episodes. It's more about the single-player experience than the multiplayer experience. Cryptic wants us all to feel like heroes, like we're special.

    I wouldn't touch a game that didn't make this a central goal for the player experience.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    GlobalTaxi wrote: »

    As a side note, EvE online is adding a console FPS shooter style game (DUST 514) that will interact with the Space portion of the game. If you enjoy FPS style games, you can be hired by groups in EVE to fight for various types of control over the planet or region within Eve Online.



    Actually, I've been following this very closely & I've been hearing
    conflicting stories that Dust514 won't be plugged into EVE Online
    at all. It'll run stand-alone. Think Battlefield 2145 (or whatever
    number that was). This will still be fine by me. What will likely happen
    is they'll produce Dust514 as a shooter for consoles & then
    eventually it will either plug-in to EVE, or they will produce a
    sequel that has the EVE plug-in.

    I've been thinking like crazy trying to figure out how they can make
    Console shooters work or be part of being transported to work for
    an EVE player & I don't see any way it can be done. Also, what do
    you do if you just get flown to a battle & the guy paying you to fight
    is simply a ganker who gets you killed for a few laughs? You can't
    trust anyone. And I doubt the a-hole attitude that people like in EVE
    will carry over that well for console players who end up getting ganked
    by a PC player on EVE.

    Another thing is time. You might be waiting forever for a live game
    to show up. Unless you just have endless NPC games to play in the
    interim. It sounded really excited when I first heard about it, but after
    seeing how Planetary Interaction works in EVE Online (very, very boring!)
    & the near impossibility of shooter to MMO integration, I'm betting it will be
    weakly linked. I'll still be playing Dust when it comes out, but I don't
    have high hopes of true MMO integration.

    Another thing EVE doesn't have that STO does: Lifetime subs! That's
    practically unheard of for an MMO game after release! Wonder why
    Champions doesn't offer it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hornet331 wrote: »
    Yes there are people that enjoy such things, but many people don't I don't midn medicore traveltime myself, but eve is a whole other caliber.

    You need hours just to pass hisec space and better not talk about crossing the whole univers from S-N or W-E

    The treval time in STO is long enough for my taste, when you have to go from Iota Pavonis to Gama Orionis, its far enough. When i have only a couble hours to play, I don't want to spend most of my time doing nothing.

    STO could easily have a galaxy as large without the travel time, though. Most of the time spent traveling in EVE is from going between stargates, whereas Star Trek would be a straight point A to point B. Hopefully the sector space revamp will make things feel bigger. Being able to see a half dozen systems at once only makes space feel very, very small and underwhelming.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Talonsin wrote: »
    I'd like to know how high in rank he got in 57 minutes.

    I'd like to know how long he spent in the character creator, or tweaking the game settings and keybinds. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Armsman wrote: »
    I'd like to know how long he spent in the character creator, or tweaking the game settings and keybinds. ;)

    Apparently, no time is enough time to make a judgment call. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    GlobalTaxi wrote: »

    As a side note, EvE online is adding a console FPS shooter style game (DUST 514) that will interact with the Space portion of the game. If you enjoy FPS style games, you can be hired by groups in EVE to fight for various types of control over the planet or region within Eve Online.



    Problem is - a CCP Dev stated they WANT to link both games, but that's in the future and is being 'work on on the side' (and that comment was made in October 2009 over a year ago and Dust is still in development). My point? CCP has been claiming Human Avatars and walking on Stations as 'coming soon' since 2006; and that's not in yet (4 years later; SO, if the Dust link is 'on the side' - maybe we'll see it in EVE, oh I don't know, by the year 2020. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Armsman wrote: »
    Problem is - a CCP Dev stated they WANT to link both games, but that's in the future and is being 'work on on the side' (and that comment was made in October 2009 over a year ago and Dust is still in development). My point? CCP has been claiming Human Avatars and walking on Stations as 'coming soon' since 2006; and that's not in yet (4 years later; SO, if the Dust link is 'on the side' - maybe we'll see it in EVE, oh I don't know, by the year 2020. ;)
    Dust 514 is the Duke Nukem Forever of the MMO world - it used to be Star Trek until this past February.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This is what I wanted all along. I cringed at any prospects of an EvE-style game and would not have touched anything resembling Perpetual's released plans.


    I know I never would have plunked down a lifetime subscription for that game. I wanted an episode simulator and I'm glad to see we got that and it's getting better at doing that.


    I wouldn't touch a game that didn't make this a central goal for the player experience.

    So... you want a Star Trek version of Mass Effect with regular DLC developed afterwards? I'd love to get a game like that, myself; one that tells a detailed story in which our actions have consequences and we have the chance to be a hero.

    But MMOs aren't good mediums for that sort of centralized storytelling. MMOs are communal mediums. Their potential and strength is realized when the general population has an influence on the game world.

    In simple terms: what's the point of a game being an MMO if the storytelling and mechanics are designed around single-player play?

    Yeah, we haven't had a decent single-player Trek game in a while. I think we'd all be happy to have a few. But for an MMO to try to serve that purpose is folly. It can never serve to make our characters heroes like single-player games can, and the potential of the MMO is compromised by trying to do so.

    Edit: Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to playing Mass Effect. I'm on my 9th character. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Armsman wrote: »
    Problem is - a CCP Dev stated they WANT to link both games, but that's in the future and is being 'work on on the side' (and that comment was made in October 2009 over a year ago and Dust is still in development). My point? CCP has been claiming Human Avatars and walking on Stations as 'coming soon' since 2006; and that's not in yet (4 years later; SO, if the Dust link is 'on the side' - maybe we'll see it in EVE, oh I don't know, by the year 2020. ;)

    A year ago isn't that long. You have a point though. STO claimed they were going to have a full Klingon faction back in Aug of 08 so things can change.

    I can't say how or when the two games will be linked but the fact is the game is currently being made and is being advertised as linking to EvE online.

    Posted on Oct 17, 2010 the CCP CEO still claims that the planets you take over in DUST will be actual planets in EVE online.

    Also, 4 years sounds about right if we're talking about getting it right. STO's 2 year development time may be a good example of how producing something under the gun can cause.....issues. But who knows, in 4 years, if STO is still around, then maybe they'll add something groundbreaking. One can only hope.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    Welcome to "space".
    Perhaps more than anything else I wish STO had gone for, it's that scale of space. It makes a person appreciate worlds and stations a lot more. And encounters with enemies and allies in that void are that much more appealing.

    It's like sensory deprivation. It might not be fun, but it makes you appreciate the things you often take for granted. But personally... I find it fun. It makes my immersion that much deeper for space to feel like space.

    Besides... Star Trek ships have warp. It's not like they'd have to fly from stargate to stargate.

    Perhaps not, but we have TRANSWARP now...in fact I'd really like to see my Excelsior, equipped with a TRANSWARP drive, have lower coolerdowns on those timers so I can fully take advantage of my upgrade :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Perhaps not, but we have TRANSWARP now...in fact I'd really like to see my Excelsior, equipped with a TRANSWARP drive, have lower coolerdowns on those timers so I can fully take advantage of my upgrade :P

    No kidding... you can move around the game world quicker than any other MMO I've played, and the game world isn't even that big to begin with. They might as well get rid of space altogether and just have us pick where we want to be from a dropdown. :(

    Anyone remember when the IP had something to do with trekking between stars?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    No kidding... you can move around the game world quicker than any other MMO I've played, and the game world isn't even that big to begin with. They might as well get rid of space altogether and just have us pick where we want to be from a dropdown. :(

    Anyone remember when the IP had something to do with trekking between stars?

    Well I don't mind quickly moving around as after all technology has advanced in Star Trek. I just want more places to explore. Don't make me sit for an hour like EVE. People in Star Trek always got where they needed to go fairly quickly to advance the plot.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well I don't mind quickly moving around as after all technology has advanced in Star Trek. I just want more places to explore. Don't make me sit for an hour like EVE. People in Star Trek always got where they needed to go fairly quickly to advance the plot.

    Maybe, but as I'm more interested in the universe of Star Trek than any one plot, I'd like to experience the universe. Besides.. if technology has advanced that much then the whole galaxy should be open to play in.. if not other galaxies also. Technology might make things smaller, but the universe remains a huge place.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    Maybe, but as I'm more interested in the universe of Star Trek than any one plot, I'd like to experience the universe. Besides.. if technology has advanced that much then the whole galaxy should be open to play in.. if not other galaxies also. Technology might make things smaller, but the universe remains a huge place.

    Indeed it does. however there's that whole galactic barrier thingy that might cause some problems.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Indeed it does. however there's that whole galactic barrier thingy that might cause some problems.

    Problems? Pft. Mutating into a powerful being with a god complex sounds like fun
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It never would have occurred to me to compare EVE to STO. The only thing they have in common is that they both take place in space. I've played both, and I found EVE boring for the most part. When I play MMOs, I am not looking to set myself up in a virtual job or be victimized by veteran bullies. It's just not interesting or fun for me to deal with that brand of nonsense.

    EVE is a pretty game and the size of the game universe is daunting, but after a few weeks I found little to make me want to subscribe regularly.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hravik wrote:
    Problems? Pft. Mutating into a powerful being with a god complex sounds like fun

    You sure? In some instances it sounds like eternal torture.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Meh, we don't know if Mitchell would have been immortal or not. Apparently not since Kirk was able to kill him with the help of Dehner
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hravik wrote:
    Meh, we don't know if Mitchell would have been immortal or not. Apparently not since Kirk was able to kill him with the help of Dehner
    In the Q-Zone novels, it was discovered that the Q had set up the galactic barrier to prevent a being called 0 from re-entering the Milky Way Galaxy. Gary Mitchell and Dehner were infected with a "piece" of 0 and that is the origin of their powers.

    so you're right, not quite fully Q, therefore not quite fully immortal.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Indeed it does. however there's that whole galactic barrier thingy that might cause some problems.

    Meh... even ~250 years prior STO's time period the Enterprise was upgraded to make it through the barrier. Later it sounds like someone modified it enough and it made it deep within the barrier.

    Jump ahead 250 years later... the Federation has much improved ships, transwarp, slipstream, and all manner of other improvements. I can't imagine it's the same level of danger it was during TOS.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    Meh... even ~250 years prior STO's time period the Enterprise was upgraded to make it through the barrier. Later it sounds like someone modified it enough and it made it deep within the barrier.

    Jump ahead 250 years later... the Federation has much improved ships, transwarp, slipstream, and all manner of other improvements. I can't imagine it's the same level of danger it was during TOS.

    well apparently the Q created the galactic barrier to protect us from 0 so I'd say it's still a threat.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    well apparently the Q created the galactic barrier to protect us from 0 so I'd say it's still a threat.

    None of the books are canon, not even the novelizations of the movies or episodes. (there are a very very small handful that are an exception) Unfortunate that they couldn't adhere to a structured story line like the Star Wars books had. There are too many books that flat out contradict each other to make it possible for Star Trek.

    That and Gene Roddenberry said so.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Rikaelus wrote: »
    I haven't seen anyone suggest STO should be EVE skinned with Star Trek ships, but EVE does have a lot of nice mechanics. I would have loved for STO to more sandbox-encouraging mechanics, rather than holding our hand through single-player stories.

    I never wanted to play "Picard Online" or "Kirk Online" or even "Federation Online". I wanted to have a character within the living, breathing Star Trek universe. I wanted the capacity to make him good or evil, loyal to Starfleet or loyal to no one.

    Even World of Warcraft has more character freedom.

    STO really is, at its core, a simulation of Star Trek episodes. It's more about the single-player experience than the multiplayer experience. Cryptic wants us all to feel like heroes, like we're special. We all personally change the galaxy, at the cost of the continuity of that galaxy between the perspective of different players.

    I don't need or want a game to make my characters heroes for me. The fun is in accomplishing that on my own.

    If you really want to compare things that can be compare why you don't compare Vandetta to EvE online.

    I like star trek online because it's different it's not the kind of game we already played those past 10 years can you understand that ?

    On the character creation systeme I totally disagree .... it's a freaking awsome system so much time i see people in earth dock comming with just completly amazing and original looks! EvE online on that aspect is much less open you 3 main races wich are declined to 6 kind ... But in the end who cares in EvE until now you don't see characters you see ships and they are all just the same ....

    Do i look like kirk or picard ? I don't even look like spok !

    STO isn't at all a simulation of a star trek episode !!! first because it's war ! and then the main federation purpose and mission to discover new world to make new friends and get new knowledge pacifically is gone ! We went from the all gentle and nice situation with some spare selfdefense action to open total war where the main purpose is survival. So you can't compare it to what existed previously cause we never got this situation of open total conflict from everywhere. The closest episode in TNG of STO should be The enterprise of yesterday season 3 episode 15. And in it the ambiant the feeling of the entreprise D through the 22 years of wars agains the KDF is really dark and despressed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hravik wrote:
    None of the books are canon, not even the novelizations of the movies or episodes. (there are a very very small handful that are an exception) Unfortunate that they couldn't adhere to a structured story line like the Star Wars books had. There are too many books that flat out contradict each other to make it possible for Star Trek.

    That and Gene Roddenberry said so.

    STO isn't canon either ;)

    and yet it still adheres to somethings from the novels. Or did you forget the appearance of Mackenzie Calhoun?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    well apparently the Q created the galactic barrier to protect us from 0 so I'd say it's still a threat.

    Meh. And Kirk was resurrected by the Borg, destroyed them, and is living happily on 25th century Earth, riding horses. The novels have about as much relevance for me as my 11th toe. And I don't have an 11th toe.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    teralkaar wrote:
    If you really want to compare things that can be compare why you don't compare Vandetta to EvE online.

    I like star trek online because it's different it's not the kind of game we already played those past 10 years can you understand that ?

    I can understand that you want a single player Trek experience. But really, why should I pay a monthly fee to play a single player game, that has the possibility of playing with a friend or two from time to time? Single player mentality does not work in an MMO.
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