Is there any way you'd consider opening up the Mercenary Wear not just to the Off Duty costume slot but to the regular uniform slots as well? The reason I'm asking is that some of these costume elements would be pretty cool to mix with "official" uniform options. I like the idea of the Federation at war and captains on the front being a little more rough around the edges.
Also, can we get more off duty slots, or assign open slots to either uniform or off duty?
While I'm more-or-less against the mercenary outfits (I don't plan on buying them, ever), I'll second this request. It makes more sense to have them as duty uniforms than it does for them to be off-duty.
I agree 100%. It would be great to be able to add the bandolier and belt with the grenades to any tactical captain (and a few pouches to everybody else, we have to put our things somewhere) and to be able to put combadges on off-duty outfits like the mercenary costume.
I would love to add a belt and/or bandolier to my existing Startfleet Uniform. Also would love to put the Merc wear on one or more of my BOs.
I would love to be able to outfit my crew with the merc gear.
In fact, make all off duty outfits accesible for our BO
if not maybe we can get offduty uniforms for our BO's (pretty much just for merc costumes, and maybe the formal wear)
Agreed. In fact, most of the C-Store TRIBBLE should be faction neutral (except for the ships/bridges, of course).