Hi devs do you even bother reading in this forum ? if you do.
where are the klingon refits that were promised for the end of august ?
Ps this is me asking nicely cause i dont want you deleting this post.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the [URL=" http://forums.startrekonline.com/announcement.php?f=70&a=2"]Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines[/URL] ~InfoNinja
Few of us have concerns on the Vor'Char - we're hoping its a typo and available at 51 or its a second skin for the T4. The B'rel will be intersting to see how effective its torpedoes will be.
Tier 2: Levels 11-20
Tier 3: Levels 21-30
Tier 4: Levels 31-40
41 being the point where you become a BG and can get the Negh'var, making the Vorcha refit a tier 5 ship and the rest are like the Defiant, Intrepid and Galaxy retrofits. So while it may indeed be a typo it still makes the vorcha retrofit a tier 5 ship just available at BG1 instead of LG1 like the rest Dstahl listed.
Hey, at least this way it would get released sooner!
::runs, very fast::
First of all, if that is you asking nicely, you suck at nice. Phrases like "even bother" aren't used in nice posts. Usually, "even bother" only pops up in whiney girlfriend conversations like "you don't even bother to listen to me!" Also, the line about you asking nice so they don't delete your post implies that you are aware that they read the posts....otherwise you wouldn't have to fear summary deletion of yours.
Second, why should they read the stuff in the forums? All STO forum posts can be broken down along the following lines:
24% of all posts: Nerd rage rants over the inclusion/exclusion of THE ONE THING that they must or must not have in the game. These posts usually conclude with a whiney, self serving summation about how stupid Cryptic must be for not already having THAT ONE THING in the game already.
24% of all posts: Canon TRIBBLE (cannon? I can't keep it straight) posts about how stupid Cryptic is for having XYZ class ships in the game. Or how XYZ character is really dead or alive. Or why can't Cryptic make the characters look right and so on.
24% of all posts: C-store rants about how stupid Cryptic is for actually selling stuff in the C-store and not running their business as if it was a computer based soup kitchen providing new ships and toys to rubber pointie-ear wearing, basement dwelling Star Trek uber nerds. (seriously guys - its a business. Cryptic should be able to make money. And before you ask, No - your subscription fee doesn't mean everything else should be free.)
24% of all posts: Nerf XYZ power so that PvP doesn't suck for me posts. These usually are written from the sole perspective of a player who just had their butt handed to them in a PvP match and usually end with the familiar "Cryptic is stupid for not balancing this power" theme.
4% of all posts: Actual useful, constructive feedback or questions not prefaced with a "do you even bother" snark in the opening line.
If youre going to make numbers up at least try to make them plausible or make the post mildly entertaining. Sadly from a scale of 1-10, I'm going to have to give you a 0.
Correct me, if I am wrong but wasn't all 3 Federation Refits only available at lvl 51? I doubt they would give us access to it earlier then the Feds.
Its the internet - you never use real statistics on the internet.
well lets see, your takin out of your rear end, devs dont need to read posts for them to be deleted, id love to know where you get your % from and welcome to ignore.
Two things ...
1- You're not very nice to your girlfriend. That kind of sucks.
2- There's a difference between moderator and dev. The poster may rightfully fear moderation, but still ask the question of devs. To be more explicit, Infoninja can read this forum up down and sideways ... but Infoninja isn't a dev.
wow...over-react much? If you look above your post, you'll see I freely admit my numbers were made up. My original reply was meant to point out that whining "do the devs even..." isn't a "nice" way to draw any dev concern to your issue. I thought I'd poke a little fun at the fact that almost every forum thread here turns into a flame fest along the lines i mentioned so why would anyone from Cryptic with a vote in game development care to read them?
But if you need to remove yourself from the discussion, go ahead. I'm sure someone will miss you. Not me. But someone.
I guess I can pull another fake stat for the list....
10% of posts: made by hypersensitive players who appear to be in desperate need of a hug.
Yeah, good call. Missed that distinction in the original. My bad.
My girlfriend isn't whiney.
I believe that .. what i wouldnt believe is you actually have a girlfriend (other than pam & her sisters)
giving you the 5 finger shuffle.
I was putting it as nicely as i feel i can given the way the mod/admins on this forum are.
there jumped up little ****s that need a reality check.
its the same old same old give a little geek some power & it goes to there heads there little adolfs.
All i want to know is if the devs actualy read posts in this part of the forum now p***off back to your feddybear section please.
I have noticed the only people that flame the klingon players for wanting questions answered about the lies
we have been told about our ships & content are the feddybear trolls that come along here.
You keep making my point for me. You started off whiney and now have moved into insulting. In one post you have called people little *****s, little geeks, little adolfs, and feddiebears.
I tried a klingon toon for a while. the PvP queues were jacked and then I didn't have anything to do with the guy so I lost interest. I sort of get where you are coming from (except for all the angst). But, if the hundreds of polite, constructive posts pointing out that being a klingon sucks at this point in the game hasn't changed the fact that it sucks, why do you think a whiny, rude post will accomplish anything? And why get tweaked when you get called for it? If you are going to be rude, have the sack to own your rudeness.
Maybe if you guys tried complaining with your money and not your keyboards you might accomplish something. If you don't think the "little adolfs" care about your concerns, quit giving them money every month until they address your concerns. If you are lifetime, you may be out of luck. Guess you could ask for a prorated refund? If enough klingon players did that, I'm pretty sure you'd be getting what you want and you'd get it pretty fast, too.
Anyway, hope you get what you ask for before your head explodes from containing all the rage.
Hence, why you should then work harder on the entertaining part.
and why would you want to hug BBzMadDog? His avatar scares me.
I'm sure he is a wonderful human being and that probably most of the time he isn't rude. I'm not missing with him per se, I'm just a bit tired of seeing posts where people start off by being rude and whiney and think Cryptic owes them some sort of special consideration. Paying a subscription fee means you can register your opinion in the forums or send tickets or email Cryptic and hope the right people pay attention. It isn't a license to be a jerk when you feel they don't pay enough attention to your problem. The fact that it is an ongoing problem is frustrating, but that still doesn't entitle people to be jerks about it.
So I called him on being whiney and rude and he whipped out the klingons-are-an-oppressed-minority-in-STO card and resorted to name calling. I think klingons are getting a raw deal, too. But the chip on the shoulder and general jerkiness doesn't get anything fixed any more than the whiney post. Until a decent sized chunk of the klingon faction is willing to withhold sub fees until their problems are addressed, I think they are out of luck. No one seems to do that though. Seems like they just post rude and whiney TRIBBLE and get all bent went they are called on it.
1st are the ones that play the Klingon Race E-card and never shut up.
2nd are the Klingon player that actually use their brains when they play and no matter what Cryptic has done to Nerf them they still think up ways to come out on top.
But that is just something Ive observed on the forums since the game started for real.
ps This message is not meant to insult simply to provide a neutral opinion of the facts.
A decent sized chunk have already quit, it was mentioned the game had around 1 mil boxes sold and to be fair I doubt it was even that high, and according to Cryptic they have just over 100,000 subs which was the number they were looking for. What I find strange is they don't seem to be upset over loosing that many potential customers but then again Cryptic is known for its mediocre quality, and lack of quantity. Its probably what they expected.
Boglejam, take lessons from this guy on a scale of 1-10. He rates a 2 for mildly entertaining. He lost points for bringing up politics though.
wow just wow go away feddybear please just go away .. & yes i asked for a refund on the 2 life time subs i bought & guess what.
Just like the posts of the klingon players NO ANSWER nada nothing i even took out a paypal claim to try & get them to answer me but as it was over a month from payment.
So please be quiet & go & post in your own section feddybear i at least have toons on both sides where i have put in the work & maxed out.
Unlike you & your feddybear friends who wont do Klingon because its to hard because you got no story mode take my hand to VA/LG cause i cant do anything on my own.
They don't take anything the KDF players say seriously.
With their ignorant behaviour the company and the devs not only ruin the Star Trek licence, but also it's good namem Regretably UGC seems not to bother with equality either, if they would, they would have intervended as licence giver, but as it seems as long as they got their share of the (C-Store) profit everything is fine the Cryptic way.
The polictical landscape always changes to match in any government job setting and in DC when a new CNC is in office. In one of my old jobs this happened every time a new director was appointed, we had to tow the company line on political correctness to match.
You are getting crazier and crazier. Take the medicine...its there to help.
Everyone else is posting in a sane manner. Quit being rude and whiney and join the conversation.
And yeah, I gave up on the klingon. I'm not looking to spend my time beating my head against a wall and rant in forums about how bad being a klingon sucks. I'm looking to play a game. Something fun. You take this stuff more seriously than a lot of people take their jobs.
Again, hope you get the help you need before you stroke out.
PS - I think its a raw deal that Cryptic won't give you your money back.