As a Lifer, I can honestly say that the #1 Reason I got it isn't "you only pay once, ever". It was the Liberated Borg character !
So, while not adding any advantage to the player, you guys are pretty good at character customization so here are my ideas...
1. Ship Costume: Assimilated Ship (any fed / klingon ship) Pretty much a skin pack that would make it pretty visible that your ship has been assimilated by the borg. (Green warp nacelles, Borgified hull, etc.)
EDIT: here's an example video:
2. Ship Interior / Bridge: Assimilated Ship (hoping you get my point...)
It'd buy those as soon as they come out on the C-Store.
Another thing (no idea if it's already there) when killing borg, would be nice to actually loot "Borg Weapons". Again, no real advantage, only the typical green borg weapon color and usual weapon stats (no matter the weapon type).
I think it'd be cool to be a Liberated Borg who's at the same time, attached to his ship and also (like most liberated borg) has a true understanding of the advantages of borg technology.
Show some support, we might, one day, have this !
A borg skin for a ship?
you know what an EXCELLANT idea.
If I could I would ^.^
It's a stupid idea anyway imo. The Borg absorb people and technology. They don't customize spaceships.
But hey, it's all about being special not being reasonable.:rolleyes:
The Borg would have less problems if they adopted my captain's policy, but they are too stubborn which is why my captain was kicked out of the collective.
+1(a million times) make it like the romulan assimilated mog'ai escort and you guys would have a HUGE money maker on your hands in the much as that would suck.................i would buy it as long as it was under 300 points
you would have every person who is like me (anything for more ship designs) eating out of the palm of your c-store
and i also would be willing to wait til AFTER the klingons get all there new ships so they cant flame this idea and have it for BOTH fed/klingon
as for getting CBS to approve i could see it going a little like this
cryptic- ok all the ships you've already approved ...can we just put some green stuff on them...
CBS- omg seriously no one will go for that
cryptic- we are gonna put it on the c-store and call it assimliated borg skins
CBS- lmfao ok but seriously i want a share of the c-store profits
atari- WOAH um no way its ALL OURS muahahaha
cryptic- how about i give you a SUPER SPECIAL REWARD and 100 CRYO grenades
CBS- throw in a lower cooldown on my slipstream drive and we got a deal--
cryptic- hmm, throw in a few seasons of how i met your mother on dvd and its a deal
CBS- you drive a hard bargain but it was cheaper than CHARLIE SHEEN so shall we get this in writing
cryptic--absolutley oh and can we get this on a rush order so we can put them in before the klingon ships I SO HATE the klingons....ive never forgiven them for killing my son...
CBS - lol kirk quotes your hilarious
cryptic---beam me up scotty!
ok its late i think i lost my mind somewhere in this post
Would be awesome to have the following added in STO:
Borg tactical sphere skin
Borg armor (TNG looking Borg armor)
Borg plasma firing arm weapon
Ship interior alcoves (like in Voyager)
Ship interior modded Borg panels
Borg (player) user interface with voice
It is not too far out there. Voyager was borgified for a few episodes. It is no worse than piloting the Constitution.
For what it is worth, I wanted one to match my Borg crew.
but honestly i believe this could be VERY doable Maybe as a HOLO EMITTER from dabo ??? that way your not busting anything timeline wise and would give us what we want.
not much different than letting us fly as a gekli or a breen ship
We freed you from the collective.
Worthy men died prying you out of the collectives hands.
They died so you could live free.
YOU got saved.
Not some starship.
YOU got command of a ship that was originally not the one you have been yoinked from by the borg.
There is no reason why you should have a borgified vessel, especially not after switching ships like 4 times....
Looks about right to me.
No one freed or died to liberate my borg captain from the Collective. She was kicked out and disappointed that the Borg can't listen to any constructive criticism like my Captain would make a better Queen.
All of the above, please
Did you not watch Voyager? The ship was modified using borg tech in the show so why not in the game? I'd also like to see that ham bone looking ship used by the liberated borg in TNG. It was big and ugly but the more ship types the better.
This is yet another rediculous exanple of a few lifers NEEDING to be more special than everyone else even if it totally destroys any semblance to reason. Make all the excuses for it you like, it is just plain silly and childish.
But hey, keep harping on it, surely Cryptic will add it in for 25.00 just for you "special" folks. They don't care if this "universe" makes sense or respects tjhe IP or not apparently. 'Sides, it would go so well with the 21st century formal wear.
There is nothing rediculous about customization of the game. The more unique each player is able to make his ship, toon, bo's and etc the better. Each ship should have abilities that diferentiate it from other ships more so than exists currently... a good example being the KDF carrier which is just a big cruiser that can launch a small handful of fighters, it should be more of a carrier and less of a cruiser. A good example of ship specialization would be the Akira class which if I remember correctly is a torpedo ship, it should come with fewer gun slots but have the ability to fire larger numbers of torpedoes. The Nebula is a cruiser/science ship hybrid so a good way of making it unique is to give it extra science slots or a Commander rank science slot along with the typical cruiser stuff.
You know what they say about assuming, yes? Some of us 'lifers' aren't out to feel any more special than anyone else. Personally, I just love the cyborgs, and any cyborg things I can find, I like. If Liberated Borg had been a subscription-pay race, I'd never have been a Lifer. I only payed the $300 to play a Borg. I always play cybernetic races in games, whenever available, and anything that enhances that just makes it cooler for me.
Who knows, maybe it wil lactually come. Dstahl and matterson mentioned that a new tech for ship customization is in works. Maybe Borg components could be part of that.
THe information is only vague. But it seems the "idea" is that you can equip your ship with stuff and it affects it looks.
So maybe you could get a Resillient Shield Array [Cap] x2 [Borg] and it would add some green blobs around your hull.
You equip your ship with Cannons andinstead of Phaser Strips, your ship has cannon turrets (currently ship have always both to cover all possibliites.)
(This is mostly speculation. Maybe it will be way less cool. Or way more cool. We'll see when it gets here.)