Seems like a lot of us are giving up. We just want content and we add "for the C-Store" to try and make it happen. :P
I hate the C-Store. It's pure evil. But I still find myself compromising and suggesting stuff for the C-Store when in reality, again, I hate it and believe nothing should be in it at all. The amount of content is already too small even compared to most MMOs out there to be charging me for other stuff.
I look at it like this if i can have fun with out the extra cost then fine if i want to spend a few bucks for something flashy thats for looks great. I have no issue with the C-store as long as if they have something big it can also be gotten in game as well, and so far their working pretty well with this so more power to them. There are a lot of people out there that don't have the time to grind all day everyday to get something and the c-store covers those people. If you dont want to to spend money dont they are not forceing you to do anything.
The C-Store is a way for Cryptic to make a little extra cash in order to ensure the continuation of this game. For the most part it has cosmetic items which don't affect your gameplay in anyway. Having that extra content in-game for free won't do anything for you. It doesn't give you extra missions and it doesn't make you stronger. It simply "looks cool".
Other items such as additional slots are necessary to be sold through the C-Store. In order to give you these additional slots Cryptic needs more storage space, which costs money. You are essentially paying for a portion of that space.
I don't know what you're true problem with the C-Store is. Perhaps you want all those items and can't afford it. Maybe you want a 100% free Star Trek MMO. Whatever you're reason, that's your opinion and its fine. Just understand that the C-Store is a way to support this game even further, and I see nothing wrong with giving them a little extra support.
frankly, i wonder what people's problem with the C-Store is..
the general argument i see given is "that stuff should be covered by our monthly sub and should be free"
normally given by people who are willing to shell out the price of a full new game on an expansion to a game (which is also made at the same time using the money from the monthly subs)
yes, its a form of generating revenue, and i'd rather see content thats in the C-Store drip-feed into the game bit by bit over time in a way that allows you to chose what you want to have and what you dont than have it all lumped together in a package i HAVE to buy all of to get the bits i want a year after launch.
its the model the whole MMO industry is using now, and just as when expansions started happening not everyone is going to be happy about it.. i accept that, i just wish others would accept that not everyone hates it and move past it.
Other items such as additional slots are necessary to be sold through the C-Store. In order to give you these additional slots Cryptic needs more storage space, which costs money. You are essentially paying for a portion of that space.
Very few MMOs charge for additional character slots; in fact most MMOs that I have played start you with at least ten slots. Personally after I used up my free pre-order I have not purchased any other Cryptic points and have no intention to. F2P use an in-game store very few P2P use such a model. I guarantee Cryptic made enough money on Lifetime-subs to run this game for 5 years or more.
its the model the whole MMO industry is using now, and just as when expansions started happening not everyone is going to be happy about it.. i accept that, i just wish others would accept that not everyone hates it and move past it.
This is an overly general statement I would like to see proof that this is the model for the NA market(I understand that in Asia this is the model). None of the major MMO companies use such a model as extensive as STO.
I don't think the C-Store is the real problem. I think Cryptic is starting to look like it's "let's put everything to the C-Store". Like Attilo said, some things like slots (costume, character, or ship), I find understandable.
Outfits like that 21st Century off duty outfits when we already have so limited number to pick? REALLY? That was necessary for the C-Store? REALLY? But at least I won't buy such rubbish.
From a business sense I really do get why companies are switching to the F2P/C-Store type models. I really do. It usually is turning out to be a cash cow.
Personally, I think the problem with it is putting highly sought after items in the store and not available directly in game. I'd rather see Cryptic-made items go into the C-Store if they just have to have it.
The claim of F2P (and I know we're not specifically talking about that here but the store feels like an element of it) or these game Stores often feel like a slap in the face to the gamers that are traditionally used to shelling out for a game and paying a monthly fee and that's it. A kind of Net Neutrality for players I guess. To me, I think that's is the biggest issue with this.
Only way you can really get them to change their business view though is to not use it and make them see it doesn't make business sense if their customers aren't going to buy into it. But I think that ship has already sailed my friends.
No problem here with the cstore. Havent bought anything from it in say a monthish. The people who have a problem are those that want the stuff thats in it for free. As for me I havent eaten in about a week.(700 bucks on text books this semester /cry) and I dont "need" anything they have up there. Nothing Is lacking from my char thats only avail in cstore (imo)
and to answer your question
I havent heard any talk in my fleet about OMG GOTTA GET CSTORE UNIFORM NOA so I dont think so.
This is an overly general statement I would like to see proof that this is the model for the NA market(I understand that in Asia this is the model). None of the major MMO companies use such a model as extensive as STO.
Guild Wars. aka NCsoft> ArenaNet w.e Go look at thier "cstore".
Ive bought almost everything in it.
i cant recall if this truly is all but heres the link
I hate the C-Store. It's pure evil. But I still find myself compromising and suggesting stuff for the C-Store when in reality, again, I hate it and believe nothing should be in it at all. The amount of content is already too small even compared to most MMOs out there to be charging me for other stuff.
and its been said a million times. if they dont have the funding from the c-store then we dont get future items as quickly or even at all. there is little reason for them to add extra skin ships or playable species like the pakleds or the caitains or new costumes. those items dont add anything to the game but people still want them now, now, now
you dont have to buy them but if you get rid of the store they wont be there are all. do you think not having the items is better than having a choice now?
there are people that only work on the c-store, there wages are probably paid by the c-store funds. get rid of that and they then cant afford to keep two extra artists.
yes the core game artist could spend time designing things like the nebula or the other ships skins anyway for free, but the time they spend doing that is something else taken from the game. perhaps the breen or fluidic space does not get made because they have to spend time doing the items people want. and then people moan they want the breen.....
we all want everything for free but we also want it now but thats not how life works. if they ever took the c-store away people would scream for it back once they realised that the cosmetic content is slowing down as a result.
I don't think the C-Store is the real problem. I think Cryptic is starting to look like it's "let's put everything to the C-Store". Like Attilo said, some things like slots (costume, character, or ship), I find understandable.
Outfits like that 21st Century off duty outfits when we already have so limited number to pick? REALLY? That was necessary for the C-Store? REALLY? But at least I won't buy such rubbish.
What is an even bigger annoyance is the cost. It cost $6.25 for 500 points those costumes cost 280 points. so after I buy those items I would have to spend another $6.25 to purchase anything else worthwhile since i would only have only 230 points after the initial purchase.
Also why does the Federation Dreadnuoght cost more than the game? I can purchase this game at Wall-Mart for $19.99, but that ship will cost me $25 since it takes 2000 points.
What is an even bigger annoyance is the cost. It cost $6.25 for 500 points those costumes cost 280 points. so after I buy those items I would have to spend another $6.25 to purchase anything else worthwhile since i would only have only 230 points after the initial purchase.
Also why does the Federation Dreadnuoght cost more than the game? I can purchase this game at Wall-Mart for $19.99, but that ship will cost me $25 since it takes 2000 points.
Unfortunately to me it seems that you are complaining about being poor, cheap or both. ive seen so many darn fed dreds that that honestly i dont think the price must be that bad.
Personally I think the C-Store is one of the least of the game's issues. I have no problem with them putting extra non-essentials in there just for fun.
I am patently surprised that I am agreeing with the OP here. He and I usually differ quite widely on our opinions here. But I agree with him that people are just giving up fighting about the C-Store.
I was initially against it, but Cryptic claims it is necessary to pay for STO. They started tasting the $$$...
Then they said it would be Cosmetic Items and I relaxed, until they changed that to MOSTLY Cosmetic Items. More $$$ started tasting even better.
Then they said that there would always be a way to earn C-Store Items in game. Of course they qualified that with 30 days of Grinding Emblems or referring 5 people (who stay 30 days.) When people caught on that they would be grinding forever or buying 5 copes of STO to refer themselves. Yummy tasty $$$.
Eventually (maybe a year or two down the road) they will announce that STO will be F2P and the C-Store will have all limits removed. All the $$$ that the ever shrinking Dev Team never sees because it all goes to Atari.
So I have given up. Long live the C-Store and woe to my bank account, you win Cryptic. I will be here up to the second you make STO F2P. But no worries, I will certainly be replaced with 100 Play-By-Wallet MMO Fans. Hope you enjoy the type of player you are drawing in.
P.S. Everyone hold on because this thread is about to be banished to C-Store Forum Section, don't want to get knock out our computer chairs TOS-Style
and its been said a million times. if they dont have the funding from the c-store then we dont get future items as quickly or even at all. there is little reason for them to add extra skin ships or playable species like the pakleds or the caitains or new costumes. those items dont add anything to the game but people still want them now, now, now.
This is complete PR propaganda. I highly doubt that this defunct game cost them so much to make that they actually need the C-Store to break even. When you count box sales, plus the subscriptions and the Lifetime_Subs do you really expect me believe they are not making enough of a profit to run this game?
I am patently surprised that I am agreeing with the OP here. He and I usually differ quite widely on our opinions here. But I agree with him that people are just giving up fighting about the C-Store.
I was initially against it, but Cryptic claims it is necessary to pay for STO. They started tasting the $$$...
Then they said it would be Cosmetic Items and I relaxed, until they changed that to MOSTLY Cosmetic Items. More $$$ started tasting even better.
Then they said that there would always be a way to earn C-Store Items in game. Of course they qualified that with 30 days of Grinding Emblems or referring 5 people (who stay 30 days.) When people caught on that they would be grinding forever or buying 5 copes of STO to refer themselves. Yummy tasty $$$.
Eventually (maybe a year or two down the road) they will announce that STO will be F2P and the C-Store will have all limits removed. All the $$$ that the ever shrinking Dev Team never sees because it all goes to Atari.
So I have given up. Long live the C-Store and woe to my bank account, you win Cryptic. I will be hear up to the second you make STO F2P. But no worries, I will certainly be replaced with 100 Play-By-Wallet MMO Fans. Hope you enjoy the type of player you are drawing in.
Quite honestly Im sure they would enjoy the play by wallet players more. They prolly would bish about cstore less.
When I buy anything I tend to look for a deal. Maybe I am a cheap that way. But I have never seen the C-Store have a sale on anything, to me that's just a bad store idea. To me things like the C-Store are for F2P games, some P2P have a few transactions you can make, like name changes and server transfers but not nearly as much as the C-Store (for all cryptic games). I bet it drives more people away from the game than it makes in money. Think if even just all the cosmetic stuff was in game how much better it would look at first glance to a new subscriber. I am willing to bet that most people are huge fans of TNG if nothing else in star trek. Yet you have to pay extra for a TNG uniform, what? The 2 worst things in the C-Store are ships, mostly refits and respecs. Why discourage people from trying new specs and ships that will keep them interested in the game and thus play longer?
Unfortunately to me it seems that you are complaining about being poor, cheap or both. ive seen so many darn fed dreds that that honestly i dont think the price must be that bad.
I am not poor, I just find it unreasonable to expect someone to pay more for a ship than the actual cost of the game. If people buy than fine, but is it really to much to expect a decent quality to cost ratio.
frankly, i wonder what people's problem with the C-Store is..
the general argument i see given is "that stuff should be covered by our monthly sub and should be free"
normally given by people who are willing to shell out the price of a full new game on an expansion to a game (which is also made at the same time using the money from the monthly subs)
yes, its a form of generating revenue, and i'd rather see content thats in the C-Store drip-feed into the game bit by bit over time in a way that allows you to chose what you want to have and what you dont than have it all lumped together in a package i HAVE to buy all of to get the bits i want a year after launch.
its the model the whole MMO industry is using now, and just as when expansions started happening not everyone is going to be happy about it.. i accept that, i just wish others would accept that not everyone hates it and move past it.
The only problem with that statement is that it assumes that Cryptic will never put out an ST:O expansion pack that we'll have to buy. They'll STILL have a retail expansion at some point... that we'll have to buy ON TOP of the C-Store revenues...
This is complete PR propaganda. I highly doubt that this defunct game cost them so much to make that they actually need the C-Store to break even. When you count box sales, plus the subscriptions and the Lifetime_Subs do you really expect me believe they are not making enough of a profit to run this game?
ok you have not actually heard what im saying because im not asking you to believe their are not making enough profit to run the game
first off games cost millions. simply saying they have sold some box sales and got some subs does not automatically mean they are rolling in profit
and i did not and no one else has ever said that they cant run the game on the subs and box sales. im saying there is only a finite amount of profit and funding from subs. you can have a certain amount of content with that (ie season 2), but this is star trek and there are a million things people want from the shows. you cant have all of that on the sub and box sales alone. if you want everything now, you have to pay extra.
does this all require a little bit of faith that cryptic tell us the truth and that all the profit from c-store is not buying them fancy cars, then yes. i choose to believe them
ok you have not actually heard what im saying because im not asking you to believe their are not making enough profit to run the game
first off games cost millions. simply saying they have sold some box sales and got some subs does not automatically mean they are rolling in profit
and i did not and no one else has ever said that they cant run the game on the subs and box sales. im saying there is only a finite amount of profit and funding from subs. you can have a certain amount of content with that (ie season 2), but this is star trek and there are a million things people want from the shows. you cant have all of that on the sub and box sales alone. if you want everything now, you have to pay extra.
does this all require a little bit of faith that cryptic tell us the truth and that all the profit from c-store is not buying them fancy cars, then yes. i choose to believe them
Than why is it that other P2P games run just fine with no C-Store even games like Age of Conan( which does not have a large subscription base anymore) don't need a C-Store to operate. Not to mention what do you actually think it cost to make this game?
What is an even bigger annoyance is the cost. It cost $6.25 for 500 points those costumes cost 280 points. so after I buy those items I would have to spend another $6.25 to purchase anything else worthwhile since i would only have only 230 points after the initial purchase.
Also why does the Federation Dreadnuoght cost more than the game? I can purchase this game at Wall-Mart for $19.99, but that ship will cost me $25 since it takes 2000 points.
I am not poor, I just find it unreasonable to expect someone to pay more for a ship than the actual cost of the game. If people buy than fine, but is it really to much to expect a decent quality to cost ratio.
The Dreadnought was originally for those that got 5 people to try and purchase the game. People complained that everyone should be able to just purchase the ship. So, there you go.
Is the price high...yes it is, and it should be. Cryptic putting that ship up on the store for a lesser price would've been a slap in the face to those that earned it through the referral program.
Regarding the C-Store in general. I really haven't seen anything in the store that I see as a "must have." I purchased the Caitian-playable race simply because it brought some added fun to the game...but that added fun wasn't necessary for me to enjoy myself with STO.
The only complaint I could sort of agree with is the character slot debate, as I agree. I've played other games that gave a lot more slots to start out with. I think a good compromise would be grant an extra 2 character slots to anyone who has a character reach the Vice Admiral rank (a one-time gift).
Very few MMOs charge for additional character slots; in fact most MMOs that I have played start you with at least ten slots. Personally after I used up my free pre-order I have not purchased any other Cryptic points and have no intention to. F2P use an in-game store very few P2P use such a model. I guarantee Cryptic made enough money on Lifetime-subs to run this game for 5 years or more.
This is an overly general statement I would like to see proof that this is the model for the NA market(I understand that in Asia this is the model). None of the major MMO companies use such a model as extensive as STO.
WoW uses a micro transaction store for cosmetic items.
Guild Wars
DDO (had one before going F2P)
i also believe one has been announced for the forthcoming starwars MMO
i'd like to see the proof you have that STO can run for 5 years solely on the lifetime subs that you obviously have to make your guarantee there.
The only problem with that statement is that it assumes that Cryptic will never put out an ST:O expansion pack that we'll have to buy. They'll STILL have a retail expansion at some point... that we'll have to buy ON TOP of the C-Store revenues...
what it means is they can take on an extra hand or two, so instead of only being able to spare the resources to put cosmetic updates into the expansion they've got the budget to get that stuff in once its ready and still fund the expansion. the players dont have to wait for the not-so-important stuff expansions normally bring and the revenue keeps those extra hands employed.
i'm also still waiting for someone to explain why giving players CHOICE is the most evil thing ever...
WoW uses a micro transaction store for cosmetic items.
Guild Wars
DDO (had one before going F2P)
i also believe one has been announced for the forthcoming starwars MMO
i'd like to see the proof you have that STO can run for 5 years solely on the lifetime subs that you obviously have to make your guarantee there.
what it means is they can take on an extra hand or two, so instead of only being able to spare the resources to put cosmetic updates into the expansion they've got the budget to get that stuff in once its ready and still fund the expansion. the players dont have to wait for the not-so-important stuff expansions normally bring and the revenue keeps those extra hands employed.
i'm also still waiting for someone to explain why giving players CHOICE is the most evil thing ever...
Nope Bioware has made no announcement as to its subscription model. And the GW store is mild compared to the C-Store. DDO has never been successful. It is not choice what it is saying is that just buying and subscribing is not good enough for us to make content for you. When you compare the overall quality of STO to the price it leaves something wanting.
Than why is it that other P2P games run just fine with no C-Store even games like Age of Conan( which does not have a large subscription base anymore) don't need a C-Store to operate. Not to mention what do you actually think it cost to make this game?
ok im going to say it again because your not hearing me
this game does NOT need the c-store to operate.
the c-store gives them more money to make MORE stuff that the fans want because star trek is such a huge IP that there are tons of things that people want put into the game as soon as possible
it would run perfectly well without the c-store but you would not get as much
if age of conan added a c-store they could produce more stuff, but adding it does not mean that without it the game would fail
i do not know the numbers but last time i heard the game cost 15 million to make, that could be true it could be false. i have no idea how much it takes to continue making it
ok im going to say it again because your not hearing me
this game does NOT need the c-store to operate.
the c-store gives them more money to make MORE stuff that the fans want because star trek is such a huge IP that there are tons of things that people want put into the game as soon as possible
it would run perfectly well without the c-store but you would not get as much
if age of conan added a c-store they could produce more stuff, but adding it does not mean that without it the game would fail
i do not know the numbers but last time i heard the game cost 15 million to make, that could be true it could be false. i have no idea how much it takes to continue making it
Other items such as additional slots are necessary to be sold through the C-Store. In order to give you these additional slots Cryptic needs more storage space, which costs money. You are essentially paying for a portion of that space.
I don't know what you're true problem with the C-Store is. Perhaps you want all those items and can't afford it. Maybe you want a 100% free Star Trek MMO. Whatever you're reason, that's your opinion and its fine. Just understand that the C-Store is a way to support this game even further, and I see nothing wrong with giving them a little extra support.
the general argument i see given is "that stuff should be covered by our monthly sub and should be free"
normally given by people who are willing to shell out the price of a full new game on an expansion to a game (which is also made at the same time using the money from the monthly subs)
yes, its a form of generating revenue, and i'd rather see content thats in the C-Store drip-feed into the game bit by bit over time in a way that allows you to chose what you want to have and what you dont than have it all lumped together in a package i HAVE to buy all of to get the bits i want a year after launch.
its the model the whole MMO industry is using now, and just as when expansions started happening not everyone is going to be happy about it.. i accept that, i just wish others would accept that not everyone hates it and move past it.
Very few MMOs charge for additional character slots; in fact most MMOs that I have played start you with at least ten slots. Personally after I used up my free pre-order I have not purchased any other Cryptic points and have no intention to. F2P use an in-game store very few P2P use such a model. I guarantee Cryptic made enough money on Lifetime-subs to run this game for 5 years or more.
This is an overly general statement I would like to see proof that this is the model for the NA market(I understand that in Asia this is the model). None of the major MMO companies use such a model as extensive as STO.
It's not like they are forcing you to buy CP to visit a new zone or to unlock new missions or *real* content.
You've got a bridge, you've got emotes, you've got playable races, you've got ships, you've got tribbles, you got character slots.
There's nothing on the C-Store you need to play the game.
Outfits like that 21st Century off duty outfits when we already have so limited number to pick? REALLY? That was necessary for the C-Store? REALLY? But at least I won't buy such rubbish.
Personally, I think the problem with it is putting highly sought after items in the store and not available directly in game. I'd rather see Cryptic-made items go into the C-Store if they just have to have it.
The claim of F2P (and I know we're not specifically talking about that here but the store feels like an element of it) or these game Stores often feel like a slap in the face to the gamers that are traditionally used to shelling out for a game and paying a monthly fee and that's it. A kind of Net Neutrality for players I guess. To me, I think that's is the biggest issue with this.
Only way you can really get them to change their business view though is to not use it and make them see it doesn't make business sense if their customers aren't going to buy into it. But I think that ship has already sailed my friends.
and to answer your question
I havent heard any talk in my fleet about OMG GOTTA GET CSTORE UNIFORM NOA so I dont think so.
Guild Wars. aka NCsoft> ArenaNet w.e Go look at thier "cstore".
Ive bought almost everything in it.
i cant recall if this truly is all but heres the link
Now what's the next C-Store item going to be?
you dont have to buy them but if you get rid of the store they wont be there are all. do you think not having the items is better than having a choice now?
there are people that only work on the c-store, there wages are probably paid by the c-store funds. get rid of that and they then cant afford to keep two extra artists.
yes the core game artist could spend time designing things like the nebula or the other ships skins anyway for free, but the time they spend doing that is something else taken from the game. perhaps the breen or fluidic space does not get made because they have to spend time doing the items people want. and then people moan they want the breen.....
we all want everything for free but we also want it now but thats not how life works. if they ever took the c-store away people would scream for it back once they realised that the cosmetic content is slowing down as a result.
/ducks and runs
What is an even bigger annoyance is the cost. It cost $6.25 for 500 points those costumes cost 280 points. so after I buy those items I would have to spend another $6.25 to purchase anything else worthwhile since i would only have only 230 points after the initial purchase.
Also why does the Federation Dreadnuoght cost more than the game? I can purchase this game at Wall-Mart for $19.99, but that ship will cost me $25 since it takes 2000 points.
Unfortunately to me it seems that you are complaining about being poor, cheap or both. ive seen so many darn fed dreds that that honestly i dont think the price must be that bad.
I was initially against it, but Cryptic claims it is necessary to pay for STO. They started tasting the $$$...
Then they said it would be Cosmetic Items and I relaxed, until they changed that to MOSTLY Cosmetic Items. More $$$ started tasting even better.
Then they said that there would always be a way to earn C-Store Items in game. Of course they qualified that with 30 days of Grinding Emblems or referring 5 people (who stay 30 days.) When people caught on that they would be grinding forever or buying 5 copes of STO to refer themselves. Yummy tasty $$$.
Eventually (maybe a year or two down the road) they will announce that STO will be F2P and the C-Store will have all limits removed. All the $$$ that the ever shrinking Dev Team never sees because it all goes to Atari.
So I have given up. Long live the C-Store and woe to my bank account, you win Cryptic. I will be here up to the second you make STO F2P. But no worries, I will certainly be replaced with 100 Play-By-Wallet MMO Fans. Hope you enjoy the type of player you are drawing in.
P.S. Everyone hold on because this thread is about to be banished to C-Store Forum Section, don't want to get knock out our computer chairs TOS-Style
Quite honestly Im sure they would enjoy the play by wallet players more. They prolly would bish about cstore less.
I am not poor, I just find it unreasonable to expect someone to pay more for a ship than the actual cost of the game. If people buy than fine, but is it really to much to expect a decent quality to cost ratio.
The only problem with that statement is that it assumes that Cryptic will never put out an ST:O expansion pack that we'll have to buy. They'll STILL have a retail expansion at some point... that we'll have to buy ON TOP of the C-Store revenues...
ok you have not actually heard what im saying because im not asking you to believe their are not making enough profit to run the game
first off games cost millions. simply saying they have sold some box sales and got some subs does not automatically mean they are rolling in profit
and i did not and no one else has ever said that they cant run the game on the subs and box sales. im saying there is only a finite amount of profit and funding from subs. you can have a certain amount of content with that (ie season 2), but this is star trek and there are a million things people want from the shows. you cant have all of that on the sub and box sales alone. if you want everything now, you have to pay extra.
does this all require a little bit of faith that cryptic tell us the truth and that all the profit from c-store is not buying them fancy cars, then yes. i choose to believe them
Than why is it that other P2P games run just fine with no C-Store even games like Age of Conan( which does not have a large subscription base anymore) don't need a C-Store to operate. Not to mention what do you actually think it cost to make this game?
The Dreadnought was originally for those that got 5 people to try and purchase the game. People complained that everyone should be able to just purchase the ship. So, there you go.
Is the price high...yes it is, and it should be. Cryptic putting that ship up on the store for a lesser price would've been a slap in the face to those that earned it through the referral program.
Regarding the C-Store in general. I really haven't seen anything in the store that I see as a "must have." I purchased the Caitian-playable race simply because it brought some added fun to the game...but that added fun wasn't necessary for me to enjoy myself with STO.
The only complaint I could sort of agree with is the character slot debate, as I agree. I've played other games that gave a lot more slots to start out with. I think a good compromise would be grant an extra 2 character slots to anyone who has a character reach the Vice Admiral rank (a one-time gift).
WoW uses a micro transaction store for cosmetic items.
Guild Wars
DDO (had one before going F2P)
i also believe one has been announced for the forthcoming starwars MMO
i'd like to see the proof you have that STO can run for 5 years solely on the lifetime subs that you obviously have to make your guarantee there.
what it means is they can take on an extra hand or two, so instead of only being able to spare the resources to put cosmetic updates into the expansion they've got the budget to get that stuff in once its ready and still fund the expansion. the players dont have to wait for the not-so-important stuff expansions normally bring and the revenue keeps those extra hands employed.
i'm also still waiting for someone to explain why giving players CHOICE is the most evil thing ever...
Nope Bioware has made no announcement as to its subscription model. And the GW store is mild compared to the C-Store. DDO has never been successful. It is not choice what it is saying is that just buying and subscribing is not good enough for us to make content for you. When you compare the overall quality of STO to the price it leaves something wanting.
ok im going to say it again because your not hearing me
this game does NOT need the c-store to operate.
the c-store gives them more money to make MORE stuff that the fans want because star trek is such a huge IP that there are tons of things that people want put into the game as soon as possible
it would run perfectly well without the c-store but you would not get as much
if age of conan added a c-store they could produce more stuff, but adding it does not mean that without it the game would fail
i do not know the numbers but last time i heard the game cost 15 million to make, that could be true it could be false. i have no idea how much it takes to continue making it
That is not what you originally said. If it really adds more money to make more content than why have we not seen allot of added content?