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Tell Me You Aren't Going To Try To Sell Us The Excelsior Twice

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Looking at the calendar I noticed that what is coming up for sale is labeled the "The Search for Spock Excelsior." for the Commander rank. Does this mean you're going to sell "The Enterprise-B Excelsior" for Admirals as an entirely separate product later?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    According to Dstahl, the Tier-3 Excelsior is going to be purchasable for energy credits. It's the Tier-5 Excelsior that's going in the C-Store.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Oh sweet. I withdraw my question and thank you for the info. The blue color used on this on the calendar looks the same to me as the c-store blue on there.

    If that's right can I get Stormshade to lock this one please :D. But not Rekhan, that monkey creeps me out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Just have to say, not much makes me laugh but the "It's really per character. Oh my." quote in your picture got one out of me. Bravo.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So you are actually ok with getting a Tier 3 Excelsior for EC and a Tier 5 Excelsior to replace it for $$$. It boggles my mind when people line up to use the C-Store and do not consider the ethical conundrum of offering inequal costs for similar items. Guess most people don't see much beyond, 'Cool I want that' ...sad.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So you are actually ok with getting a Tier 3 Excelsior for EC and a Tier 5 Excelsior to replace it for $$$. It boggles my mind when people line up to use the C-Store and do not consider the ethical conundrum of offering inequal costs for similar items. Guess most people don't see much beyond, 'Cool I want that' ...sad.

    If it wasnt for the C-store the Excelsior wouldnt even be on the release schedule for many more months. It cost money to make that ship due to player demand, and now they must rectify the costs to make it via the C-store. It sucks, but it is logical...I guess.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Morgomir wrote: »
    If it wasnt for the C-store the Excelsior wouldnt even be on the release schedule for many more months. It cost money to make that ship due to player demand, and now they must rectify the costs to make it via the C-store. It sucks, but it is logical...I guess.

    i wish it was true...however it s the same artist building ships for the C store and for the core game...

    anyways if we follow your logic... why don t they put the ships's interior in the C store then ... it must have taken longer to make them than the Excelsior, more personals and was demanded by a lots of players too...Basically if we did not ask for it, they would have never made them. in the same line why don t they charge for the dabo game as well....Hmmm?

    I m afraid it did not cost them any more money or time to make the Excelsior than an Undine ship you have been fighting. it s even easier as the Excelsior is well documented... just need to copy it...no need of creativity.

    to me a t5 excelsior does not make much sense... even re/retro=fited it should not be as powerful as a sovereign...but some people wants to play with her at high level... fair enough...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Morgomir wrote: »
    If it wasnt for the C-store the Excelsior wouldnt even be on the release schedule for many more months. It cost money to make that ship due to player demand, and now they must rectify the costs to make it via the C-store. It sucks, but it is logical...I guess.

    No offense, but people actually swallowing this argument is exactly why this issue will never be resolved. The current mmo market is living, breathing proof of that. Content as well as fluff items can and wil be made for any game by any developer as the game matures as people are playing it and paying their subscription fees. This belief that the C-Stores very existence is the only reason that new ships are designed and put into game is utter nonsense.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    MarkStone wrote: »
    No offense, but people actually swallowing this argument is exactly why this issue will never be resolved. The current mmo market is living, breathing proof of that. Content as well as fluff items can and wil be made for any game by any developer as the game matures as people are playing it and paying their subscription fees. This belief that the C-Stores very existence is the only reason that new ships are designed and put into game is utter nonsense.


    I think the best way I've seen it described is this (paraphrase, couldn't find the original)

    Subscription pays for :
    Content A
    Content B
    Content C
    Content D

    Fans want extra content (E)

    Content D workers instead work on Content E, which you are then charged for.

    So, at the end of the day, you paid for

    A,B,C, and D

    But only got A,B,&C and are told to pay extra for Content E


    You paid for A,B,C,D and so they divert some of the workers to Content E

    And A,B,C,D drop in quality
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    I think the best way I've seen it described is this (paraphrase, couldn't find the original)

    Subscription pays for :
    Content A
    Content B
    Content C
    Content D

    Fans want extra content (E)

    Content D workers instead work on Content E, which you are then charged for.

    So, at the end of the day, you paid for

    A,B,C, and D

    But only got A,B,&C and are told to pay extra for Content E


    You paid for A,B,C,D and so they divert some of the workers to Content E

    And A,B,C,D drop in quality
    You know, I've already made good arguments of why some things in the C-Store shouldn't be bought, but I've never thought of it like that. That gives a lot of perspective. Unless they're hiring more people to work specifically on C-Store stuff, then they're leeching even more out of us than the C-Store prices indicate. And yes, even though I'm a lifer, the price I pay is not in hard cash, but time waiting for the regular, already paid for content taking longer. You monthlies can just unsub for a while, then resub when the new, regular content comes out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    MarkStone wrote: »
    No offense, but people actually swallowing this argument is exactly why this issue will never be resolved. The current mmo market is living, breathing proof of that. Content as well as fluff items can and wil be made for any game by any developer as the game matures as people are playing it and paying their subscription fees. This belief that the C-Stores very existence is the only reason that new ships are designed and put into game is utter nonsense.

    Agreed, it's just a means to drag in more dough for something that should be put in the game. So long as people keep buying it the problem will continue to exist. If Cryptic seriously NEEDs the C-Store revenue then they're in a lot of trouble and people should stop sinking their money in there immediately. Every time I read about some cool new improvement the first thing that goes through my head is "Okay that sounds great, now is it part of the game I've paid for or is it going in the nickle and dime store?" The same question is nearly always asked of every player I know who stopped playing the game, both lifers and former subscribers. I read about the Excelsior and thought how awesome, shame I'll probably never fly one at T5.

    Oh well...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I fear that Cryptic drew in MT Fans and since they buy from the C-Store regularly, that things will only get progressively worse. I will probably give up and start forking over $$$ for more stuff. If you cant beat em join em eh?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The only two things I bought on the C-Store, was with the 240 CP from the questionaire.

    Between the amount of C-Store items, what has been put on the C-Store, Cryptic's attitude toward the C-Store and the game, and the state of the game. I won't buy anything until I see some serious improvements.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Venatici wrote:
    i wish it was true...however it s the same artist building ships for the C store and for the core game...

    anyways if we follow your logic... why don t they put the ships's interior in the C store then ... it must have taken longer to make them than the Excelsior, more personals and was demanded by a lots of players too...Basically if we did not ask for it, they would have never made them. in the same line why don t they charge for the dabo game as well....Hmmm?

    I m afraid it did not cost them any more money or time to make the Excelsior than an Undine ship you have been fighting. it s even easier as the Excelsior is well documented... just need to copy it...no need of creativity.

    to me a t5 excelsior does not make much sense... even re/retro=fited it should not be as powerful as a sovereign...but some people wants to play with her at high level... fair enough...

    Using ship interiors as an example isn't a good idea, because that is something that Cryptic wanted to have in the game from day one along with the bridges.

    The Excelsior wouldn't had found it's way into the game before it was needed in a mission somewhere and that could be months/years from now, but thanks to the C-Store we can have it earlier.

    Although I'm against the C-Store and has been against it since it was brought up during closed beta, I'm also kinda glad they added it because they have added some nice items to it.

    Without the C-Store you wouldn't have had any of the pre-order stuff or any of the uniforms that was only available through the Digital Deluxe (TOS), Collectors Edition (TNG, Voyager/DS9 series) or Life time CO subscription (Mirror Universe). If they had just added all those items for free for everyone after so many of us paying extra to buy the game to get those items then I can promise you there would had been allot of angry players and allot of players quitting the game...I'm still annoyed that they did add them to the C-Store in the 1st place.

    Not to mention you wouldn't have had Joined Trill (Digital Deluxe bonus), Borg bridge officer (Amazon pre-order) or the TOS Constitution (GameStop pre-order) for the same reason as above.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Using ship interiors as an example isn't a good idea, because that is something that Cryptic wanted to have in the game from day one along with the bridges.

    The Excelsior wouldn't had found it's way into the game before it was needed in a mission somewhere and that could be months/years from now, but thanks to the C-Store we can have it earlier.

    Although I'm against the C-Store and has been against it since it was brought up during closed beta, I'm also kinda glad they added it because they have added some nice items to it.

    Without the C-Store you wouldn't have had any of the pre-order stuff or any of the uniforms that was only available through the Digital Deluxe (TOS), Collectors Edition (TNG, Voyager/DS9 series) or Life time CO subscription (Mirror Universe). If they had just added all those items for free for everyone after so many of us paying extra to buy the game to get those items then I can promise you there would had been allot of angry players and allot of players quitting the game...I'm still annoyed that they did add them to the C-Store in the 1st place.

    Not to mention you wouldn't have had Joined Trill (Digital Deluxe bonus), Borg bridge officer (Amazon pre-order) or the TOS Constitution (GameStop pre-order) for the same reason as above.

    A lot of that is why I am against the C-Store. I didn't mind the idea but after they added things with in-game effects and the pre-order bonuses, I became strictly anti- C-Store and won't spend any money there.

    Stahl's explanation for stuff on the C-Store, that it is needed to justify making the stuff has a problems.

    Ferengi, Klingon, and Tellerites were in-game at launch, so chargin for them is stupid, and yet they do. Stahl can throw around all the comments he wants about how it is to "offset costs" or "justify adding stuff" but what it really is is that Cryptic wants more money and is trying to get double profits

    A)The way normal P2P MMO's get profit (subscription)


    B) The way many F2P MMO's get profit (microtransactions)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Cryptic has done as I feared and begun to take the C-Store too far in scope. I tried to be reasonable and accepting of Cosmetic Items and Character Services. I let it go when they added 'Ship Costumes' even though it seemed a bit too much. I quailed when they introduced Pre-Order Exclusives to the C-Store. When they added the Galaxy-X I almost lost it I will admit.

    The problem with MT's is that the scope of the Cash Shop always gets too large. The money provided from MT's becomes so attractive that a developer focuses on MT Content over non-MT Content. A race begins to get everything impulse buyers want into an (usually F2P) MMO. Much PR is spun about 'new revenue streams' to make us all nod, our theoretically capitalist noggins like bobble-heads. They appeal emotionally with "this makes developing more content financially feasible."

    Bottom line MT's focus the MM) on a Profit Motive. There is nothing wrong with Profit until it becomes more important than customer service. A company that put Profit first puts its customer last imho. Cryptic is just showing their true colors. They made STO to make money at the core. They purchased the IP to draw in a player base quickly. Now they are going to milk all of us for every penny they can. Try to admit that and not defend MT's as a bold new revolution in MMO's please folks.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Cryptic has done as I feared and begun to take the C-Store too far in scope. I tried to be reasonable and accepting of Cosmetic Items and Character Services. I let it go when they added 'Ship Costumes' even though it seemed a bit too much.

    ...you thought purely cosmetic ship costumes was too much? :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The c-store will soon have more content than the actuaql game , getting sick of the TRIBBLE-store now , make this game FTP asap and get it over and done with.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    DeadlyShoe wrote:
    ...you thought purely cosmetic ship costumes was too much? :p

    Well it was kinda borderline to me and suggested it would slide into worse things.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The reason these ships will a buy only type thing is they need to CBS royalties for using Canon ships. Every ahip that isn't a cryptic original costs cryptic more money because CBS asks for money in return to use the design. The only way cryptic will get most of that money back to recoup the cost of royalties is through microtransactions. CBS has their fingers in this game, every Cryptic original has to be approved by CBS so that there is no kit bashing going on from canon ships that would cause CBS to miss out on any royalties.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The reason these ships will a buy only type thing is they need to CBS royalties for using Canon ships. Every ahip that isn't a cryptic original costs cryptic more money because CBS asks for money in return to use the design. The only way cryptic will get most of that money back to recoup the cost of royalties is through microtransactions. CBS has their fingers in this game, every Cryptic original has to be approved by CBS so that there is no kit bashing going on from canon ships that would cause CBS to miss out on any royalties.

    I think they bought the IP ? That most certainly included ships. Any evidence to the contrary ? :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ashur1 wrote:
    I think they bought the IP ? That most certainly included ships. Any evidence to the contrary ? :)

    They haven't bought the IP, CBS still owns it so Cryptic needs to get almost everything they do with the game cleared (uniforms, ships, species, locations etc) through CBS before adding it to the client.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    They haven't bought the IP, CBS still owns it so Cryptic needs to get almost everything they do with the game cleared (uniforms, ships, species, locations etc) through CBS before adding it to the client.

    Getting clearance is not the same as paying for anything separate. But maybe CBS pulled a Cryptic at Cryptic and forced them into a monthly subscription but keeps putting the good stuff in the CBS-Store. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ashur1 wrote:
    Getting clearance is not the same as paying for anything separate. But maybe CBS pulled a Cryptic at Cryptic and forced them into a monthly subscription but keeps putting the good stuff in the CBS-Store. :D

    hehe you never know
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    I think the best way I've seen it described is this (paraphrase, couldn't find the original)

    Subscription pays for :
    Content A
    Content B
    Content C
    Content D

    Fans want extra content (E)

    Content D workers instead work on Content E, which you are then charged for.

    So, at the end of the day, you paid for

    A,B,C, and D

    But only got A,B,&C and are told to pay extra for Content E


    You paid for A,B,C,D and so they divert some of the workers to Content E

    And A,B,C,D drop in quality

    How do you know that the people doing stuff in the C-store are the same people doing the other stuff for game. The people working to create C-store item could be freelance artist or they could be working for Cryptic but doing these during their off-hour hence the later part if they did not work during their off-hour...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Diomasach wrote: »
    How do you know that the people doing stuff in the C-store are the same people doing the other stuff for game. The people working to create C-store item could be freelance artist or they could be working for Cryptic but doing these during their off-hour hence the later part if they did not work during their off-hour...

    We know because it's the same people designing the C-Store ships that are also making the normal ships. How we know that is because those two has made posts about their work and also said so them self.

    Search for Excelsior and you will find it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ashur1 wrote:
    Getting clearance is not the same as paying for anything separate. But maybe CBS pulled a Cryptic at Cryptic and forced them into a monthly subscription but keeps putting the good stuff in the CBS-Store. :D

    ROFL when i read this i actually fell out of my chair, i just see a cryptic employee writing on a forum much like we are complaining to CBS saying "its not fair that we(cryptic) have to pay for this stuff"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    We know because it's the same people designing the C-Store ships that are also making the normal ships. How we know that is because those two has made posts about their work and also said so them self.

    Search for Excelsior and you will find it.

    Yes but did you read the last part about doing them during their free time or if you want doing them when they should be taking a rest? You know overtime....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Diomasach wrote: »
    Yes but did you read the last part about doing them during their free time or if you want doing them when they should be taking a rest? You know overtime....

    Where is the proof that they are actually doing that? The only facts are:

    1) They are spending time making C-STORE content


    2) The same people making regular content are making C-STORE content

    Therefor, technically, it is possible either is what is actually happening. And before anyone says, "They said they are doing it in over time!" would the company really admit they are doing extra content rather than normal content?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    No offense but I'm reading a lot of these anti-cstore posts in a 'waggh waghh!' baby voice.:) I agree with some of the problems, but I don't see anythign morally horrible about paying more to get more. I certainly don't see what's so horribkle about getting the pre-order things through it since that seems perfectly fair. What if you someone really wants one, and would happily have pre-ordered, but didn't find out about it until it was too late? Or simply changed their minds? It sounds like people complaining that they're not the only ones with these fancy toys.

    Granted I'm biased because I haven't payed extra for any points yet, and have only used the extra ones they've given me, so as far asI'm concerned I'm not paying extra at all. Add in not actually gettign most fot he things on there.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    why make a refit excel,a teir 5 the conni class is by far the fave ,,wasnt even a thought,,i think its funny...crypyic good job
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