I have 5 RA5, 4 Feds, 1 Klingon. Last week I leveled one of them to VA1, bought the c-store retrofit, since I know I going to want more then one on some of my toons. I just finished leveling my 2nd toon, go to c-store to claim my retrofit and the button says Buy: 1200 CP. So the c-store retrofit ships are bugged since they are not flagged account wide.
I know they unlock at VA, like I stated I have 4 feds that I'm leveling to VA, I finished one last week bought and claimed the ships, JUST HIT VA1 on 2nd toon and it wants me to buy the ship again! So I should waste my CP and buy the thing again!!!????
I know they unlock at VA, like I stated I have 4 feds that I'm leveling to VA, I finished one last week bought and claimed the ships, JUST HIT VA1 on 2nd toon and it wants me to buy the ship again! So I should waste my CP and buy the thing again!!!????
In that case it is a bug. ( same thing happened with the galaxy-x, and chances are they are working on it ) the best thing to do is to send your token on another ship, and wait for it to be fixed.
I know they unlock at VA, like I stated I have 4 feds that I'm leveling to VA, I finished one last week bought and claimed the ships, JUST HIT VA1 on 2nd toon and it wants me to buy the ship again! So I should waste my CP and buy the thing again!!!????
Are you looking in the right section? Anything you buy that you then claim ends up under "Special Unlock", you don't claim them from the place you buy them.
Already posted a bug, created this thread in hope a dev can see there is a problem, and Yes I know there is more then one place where the ships are, front page of the c-store, and under Ships "Shiip Class". I all 3 retrofits have a big 1200 CP Buy button, while on the toon I first bought the ship, is grey "Already Own" button. Same place you find your Galaxy X! if you did not know!!!!
Already posted a bug, created this thread in hope a dev can see there is a problem, and Yes I know there is more then one place where the ships are, front page of the c-store, and under Ships "Shiip Class". I all 3 retrofits have a big 1200 CP Buy button, while on the toon I first bought the ship, is grey "Already Own" button. Same place you find your Galaxy X! if you did not know!!!!
Look under 'Special Unlocks'. You already own it, but must unlock it on each char.
I guess I have to keep repeating myself. THE NEW RETROFITS do not show up in the SPECIAL UNLOCKS section. Only show up in front page and in the "Ships" section. On the first character I bought the Retrofit from the C-store shows a grey button "Already Own". On my 2nd VA1 it shows a 1200 CP buy button, its bugged, so trying to say look here and try this when you don't have 2 VA1 characters and have bought one of the retrofits does not help!
I guess I have to keep repeating myself. THE NEW RETROFITS do not show up in the SPECIAL UNLOCKS section. Only show up in front page and in the "Ships" section. On the first character I bought the Retrofit from the C-store shows a grey button "Already Own". On my 2nd VA1 it shows a 1200 CP buy button, its bugged, so trying to say look here and try this when you don't have 2 VA1 characters and have bought one of the retrofits does not help!
You need an open ship slot. It just shows up no need to claim it.
Again another comment from some one that does not have 2 VA's and have bought the retrofit. I have 3 ship slots open on the 2nd toon that I leveled to VA1, why? well hell I bought some of the retrofit and want to have more then one!
Again another comment from some one that does not have 2 VA's and have bought the retrofit. I have 3 ship slots open on the 2nd toon that I leveled to VA1, why? well hell I bought some of the retrofit and want to have more then one!
Nice attitude man heh. I also bought a retrofit and my second admiral is 49 so this situation may concern me. So I'm just offering suggestions take or leave it.
I get that you're frustrated but I and others are only posting because it's something that has been overlooked quite a lot. I did it myself when I got the Borg bridge officer and Galaxy X. You're saying that it isn't the case and that the refit / retrofit ships don't show under the "Special Unlocks" or anywhere except as an option to buy them again. OK, that wasn't clear initially and that's why we posted but there's no use taking out your frustration on us
Have you tried looking on the ship vendor, in ESD, to see if it's available on the 2nd character?
If it's not in the C-Store at all, that might be the place it is...
OR it could already be in your ship inventory, have you tried going to the NPC to chance your active ship, to see if it's on he list of the 2nd character?
EDIT: Yep, here it is...on the 2nd character, it should be available for free on the Ship Vendor:
Here is a FAQ on Retrofit ships as taken from Here.
Federation C-Store Purchase
For those of you who are seeking to unlock additional ships without spending your Emblems, you may purchase a Retrofit ship through the C-Store. A C-Store Retrofit purchase is made through the C-Store via a Vice Admiral and will only complete if that Vice Admiral has an open Commissioned Ship slot available when you attempt the transaction.
If you do not have an open ship slot, the transaction will not complete, and your Cryptic Points will not be taken. Before you are able to complete this C-Store purchase, you will need to free up a ship slot by either discharging one of your other ships, or you could purchase additional ship slots through the C-Store.
If you purchase a Retrofit Ship through the C-Store in this way, it will be automatically placed in your ship list; it will also unlock the Retrofit for your entire account. When an alternative character reaches Vice Admiral, they will be able to claim this C-Store purchased ship from the Ship Requisition NPC. This ship purchase WILL NOT appear under the 'Special Unlocks' tab.
If you purchase a Retrofit Ship through the C-Store in this way, it will be automatically placed in your ship list; it will also unlock the Retrofit for your entire account. When an alternative character reaches Vice Admiral, they will be able to claim this C-Store purchased ship from the Ship Requisition NPC. This ship purchase WILL NOT appear under the 'Special Unlocks' tab.r:
Sorry for being frustrated, I looked and tried all before posting, and wanted someone that had similar problem to post or a dev to post a solution.
Thanks to Kiryan42 for finding the answer. I did not try the ship vendor since I was not going to use my free ship token. But they are there now being offer with a zero price, even the 500 emblem ones are gone, so you can select the ship you want, and now makes sense why the default ship gear that it comes with can't be sold to a vendor.
Going to close my ticket, They should add that piece of information to both the c-store in game and the c-store website page so people know.
In that case it is a bug. ( same thing happened with the galaxy-x, and chances are they are working on it ) the best thing to do is to send your token on another ship, and wait for it to be fixed.
Are you looking in the right section? Anything you buy that you then claim ends up under "Special Unlock", you don't claim them from the place you buy them.
Look under 'Special Unlocks'. You already own it, but must unlock it on each char.
1) He/She made a toon and got it to VA
2) He/She bought the retrofit from the C-Store (Main Page)
3) He/She made ANOTHER toon and got it to VA
4) He/She went to the C-Store to get another copy of the ship
5) The ship says he/she must buy it again
6) He/She goes to the "Special Unlocks" to get it there
7) The ship is not listed in the "Special Unlocks"
8) He/She goes to the "Ships" section
9) The ship says he/she must buy it again
Yay! I win!
If it's not in the C-Store at all, that might be the place it is...
OR it could already be in your ship inventory, have you tried going to the NPC to chance your active ship, to see if it's on he list of the 2nd character?
EDIT: Yep, here it is...on the 2nd character, it should be available for free on the Ship Vendor:
Sorry for being frustrated, I looked and tried all before posting, and wanted someone that had similar problem to post or a dev to post a solution.
Thanks to Kiryan42 for finding the answer. I did not try the ship vendor since I was not going to use my free ship token. But they are there now being offer with a zero price, even the 500 emblem ones are gone, so you can select the ship you want, and now makes sense why the default ship gear that it comes with can't be sold to a vendor.
Going to close my ticket, They should add that piece of information to both the c-store in game and the c-store website page so people know.