I'm extremely excited for both these ships, especially the Nebula.

I was just wondering if there was any new information on their ETA, their Bridge Officer Layouts and whether they will be Tier 5 ships (Please Please Please x.x)?
So dev's or anyone, is there any info?
Ooooh, ooooh Yes, PLEASE tell us!!!! I wanna know too!
Uhura "Our hails are going un-answered"
Kirk "Spock, analysis"
Spock "It is Cryptic, Captain"
I´m also a little worried about the Excelsior getting an ability totally unrelated to combat. If it sacrifices stuff for the Transwarp like the refit ships do, it will be weaker than any other ship.
^^This. I'm also very anxious to know what the whole package is.
But both the ships should be obtainable in game in my opinion same as the retrofits. I would like to think the delay is an indication that they are considering this, as the latest release on the C Store demonstrates.
*optimism mode enabled*
That said, we're coming up to the end of July, but the release calendar on the main page hasn't been updated for August. Still, I'll wait 'til the end of the month before freakin' out. Chances are they will give us C-store release estimates on the Calendar by the time August hits.
Because a blank release Calendar would look really bad, and I'm sure they know that.
(I want the Excelsior myself, BTW. I'm refusing to level my RA5 to VA1 until the Excelsior hits.)
NCC-2000-D 3
NCC-2000-D 2
NCC-2000-D 1
NCC-2000-D 4
Devs .... When will these be available for live play?
EDIT: Just checked Holodeck Sol and its not there, so im wondering if its literally in testing and seeing if anyone else will notice.
I thought about what they could offer as a unique skill or ability for the Excelsior and I always loved the way you saw it firing torpedoes to destroy Chang's Bird of Prey in sequence. Basically it looks like one torpedo from the left then right, then left and then right again. It looks awesome with the large spacing between the launchers on Excelsior and would be perhaps a five minute (up for discussion) reuse timer operating very much like High Yield 3 would. With it having a significant reuse timer it wouldn't be vastly overpowered but for that finishing blow it would work well and look fantastic.
It's a dream of mine but one that I fear will be shot down and / or ignored but a dream nonetheless.
Star Trek VI clip I know this clip only shows two torpedoes firing in sequence but if it's a ship ability with a substantial reuse timer I don't see why four would be too bad.
I was just on the Holodeck and they are there now.:D
if they are 1000 or 1200 CPs...i say thats a GREAT DEAL
That post is a good week or two out of date now. I was hoping that there was some new information since then.
I spoke briefly with dstahl early this morning on the TTS channel about the Excelsior and Nebula, and he said the same thing he's already said -- Excelsior is going to have Transwarp and Nebula will have somekind of detection thingy. He did say that they will be out soon, but didn't give an exact date.
Remember ... Both the Excelsior and Nebulas are suppose to be available for play at about T3 and refitted for continued use at T5.
Must every new skin become C-Store only? No, this must not happen! :mad:
Whose honestly gonna buy Tier 3 ships, I mean you can get through the rank in a few hours. I really want that ship as much as anyone but I'm not gonna pay for something that is useless to me and I doubt mnay others will either apart for RP purposes.
Still nothing?...
Well ... That's why I applaud them for looking to make these T3 and T5 .... It means you can keep right on using it.
Yeah i know...I'm dreaming.
Isn't 300 Emblems the price these days for a new ship?
Unfortunately, that wouldn't help with the tier 3 version.