You will not get any compensation. It's their game and they can change the rules anytime they want. I got cheated twice now, it will never happen again.
I've played many MMOs before, but CE, Referal and Preorder-Gimmiks were never thrown away like this. Even the Star Wars Galaxies CE-goggles were exclusive for years, and SOE is the most money grubbing publisher around.
Consider your money as vasted and learn your lesson from this:
NEVER ever trust Cryptic again.
Pin this on your credit card, besides your paypal-login and to your toilet door so you are sure to remember it when the next "promotion" starts or you want to preorder another Cryptic game or buy a "special" edition.
You will not get any compensation. It's their game and they can change the rules anytime they want. I got cheated twice now, it will never happen again.
I've played many MMOs before, but CE, Referal and Preorder-Gimmiks were never thrown away like this. Even the Star Wars Galaxies CE-goggles were exclusive for years, and SOE is the most money grubbing publisher around.
Consider your money as vasted and learn your lesson from this:
NEVER ever trust Cryptic again.
Pin this on your credit card, besides your paypal-login and to your toilet door so you are sure to remember it when the next "promotion" starts or you want to preorder another Cryptic game or buy a "special" edition.
If you bought the CO LT sub you got exactly what you paid for: a lifetime sub to CO. If you want "compensation" for that, I would recommend actually playing the game you paid for.
If you bought the CO LT sub you got exactly what you paid for: a lifetime sub to CO. If you want "compensation" for that, I would recommend actually playing the game you paid for.
As I've said in other threads, if Cryptic had said simply that they were rewarding the current Master Recruiters due to how soon their Galaxy was going to be in the C-Store then a lot less people would probably have an issue with it. They didn't say that, however, they said and intended to compensate only those who bought multiple copies for themselves just to get an exclusive item. Which is no different than what a lot of people did at launch. This is why people feel its unfair and although they changed it to affect all Master Recruiters, they intended to be only the ones who bought multiple copies for themselves and said they had a sure way to know this. In the end, everyone got what they paid for; multiple copies of the game. If you're going to compensate one group for doing this, then you have to compensate all groups for doing this for it to be fair enough otherwise many people will feel hurt (as they do now).
There has been an idea suggested here which some people may find to suit their desires for fairness. Normally I wouldn't post this but I think it very well applies here.
They could reward everyone that have bought multiple copies of the game.
They could decide that one game is worth 1000 CP in extra points, then they could give everyone that have more then one game connected to the account that value based on the amount of games in cryptic points.
Gift = Game Value * Amount of game connected to account.
For example if you have three game, they give you a total of 2000 CP for the other two games you have
bought and connected to your account.
So if you have bought 5 extra copies of the game or if you have that galaxy-X Star Ship you get 5000 CP and that is approximately what they are going to give out for compensation for the referral program.
Then everyone is happy and the gift is based on the amount of games you have bought.
In my opinion, it sounds very fair and balanced since, as I've said, the original intent for this entire chaos was to compensate only those who bought multiple copies of the games for themselves to get exclusive items.
Unless you have a "Lifetime Subscription", every box or digital copy of the game granted 30-days of subscription time. This $15.00 in subscription time can be considered compensation. They also got the preorder bonuses.
Lifers, myself included, are not in this position. we paid up front for over two years worth of subscription, taking subscription rates and interest into account. We are the ones who lost the most over pre-order bonuses, but we did this with full knoledge. You can't add more time to a lifetime account.
For this reason, as well as others, the only remaining Lifetime Perk, the "Playable Borg", MUST REMAIN EXCLUSIVE TO THE LIFETIME ACCOUNT. Saying this, returning it to the $299 lifetime subscription would be completly acceptable as to move people into being "Long Term Players.
Unless you have a "Lifetime Subscription", every box or digital copy of the game granted 30-days of subscription time. This $15.00 in subscription time can be considered compensation. They also got the preorder bonuses.
Lifers, myself included, are not in this position. we paid up front for over two years worth of subscription, taking subscription rates and interest into account. We are the ones who lost the most over pre-order bonuses, but we did this with full knoledge. You can't add more time to a lifetime account.
For this reason, as well as others, the only remaining Lifetime Perk, the "Playable Borg", MUST REMAIN EXCLUSIVE TO THE LIFETIME ACCOUNT. Saying this, returning it to the $299 lifetime subscription would be completly acceptable as to move people into being "Long Term Players.
Not sure what you're getting at here are for or against compensation to people who bought multiple copies of the game?
Regardless of what i think who deserves compensation or not, i don´t understand what difference is there between people who bought multiple versions of the game to get exclusives and people who bought multiple copies of the game to get the referall reward. Either both or none of them should get some compensation.
Regardless of what i think who deserves compensation or not, i don´t understand what difference is there between people who bought multiple versions of the game to get exclusives and people who bought multiple copies of the game to get the referall reward. Either both or none of them should get some compensation.
The Compensation award for five referrals was done due to the premature announcement and pending release of the galaxy-X. It was done so that Marketing could save face. While similar in appearance, it's actually a different issue. The decision came from Marketing.
Here is my solution to this, writing my post here also so that all of you can read it again.
I have a suggestion:
They could reward everyone that have bought multiple copies of the game.
They could decide that one game is worth 1000 CP in extra points, then they could give everyone that have more then one game connected to the account that value based on the amount of games in cryptic points.
Gift = Game Value * Amount of game connected to account.
For example if you have three game, they give you a total of 2000 CP for the other two games you have
bought and connected to your account.
So if you have bought 5 extra copies of the game or if you have that galaxy-X Star Ship you get 5000 CP and that is approximately what they are going to give out for compensation for the referral program.
Then everyone is happy and the gift is based on the amount of games you have bought.
Regardless of what i think who deserves compensation or not, i don´t understand what difference is there between people who bought multiple versions of the game to get exclusives and people who bought multiple copies of the game to get the referall reward. Either both or none of them should get some compensation.
Thats the whole point thanks couldnt have said it better myself
By Cryptics own words they only and initially intended to compensate people who bought multiple copies for a referral bonus for themselves. If you don't think there should be compensation then these people would need to have theirs taken away. Naturally, that wont happen, so the best thing to do from what I can see is to compensate everyone who did the same thing that the grounds for this compensation originated in else they get special treatment above everyone else who did the same thing.
The argument is that people who bought multiple copies for themselves to get the ship supported Cryptic by buying those multiple copies. Others did the same at launch so why should they get a bonus for doing it and not the other people who did the same exact thing.
Unless you have a "Lifetime Subscription", every box or digital copy of the game granted 30-days of subscription time. This $15.00 in subscription time can be considered compensation. They also got the preorder bonuses.
Then the people who bought multiple boxes for themselves for the referral system also got their compensation by way of multiple accounts, game time, and referral items. Which means they shouldn't have the $50 CP compensation, but they do. That's a fact, it can't be changed. What can be done is making it right by others who have done the same thing that made them want to give away compensation and not just them exclusively.
Regardless of what i think who deserves compensation or not, i don´t understand what difference is there between people who bought multiple versions of the game to get exclusives and people who bought multiple copies of the game to get the referall reward. Either both or none of them should get some compensation.
Yes, this is exactly the problem. It should be both or none, but it isn't. This is, in my opinion, the main reason why most people are upset.
The Compensation award for five referrals was done due to the premature announcement and pending release of the galaxy-X. It was done so that Marketing could save face. While similar in appearance, it's actually a different issue. The decision came from Marketing.
That would be fine and well but that isn't the case. Stated directly in the original post that started this thing;
This just in: Ive just received confirmation that there are solid plans to add the Galaxy-X to the C-Store in the very near future. Also, for those who already purchased several copies of STO just to get the Galaxy ship, well be gifting you $50 worth of CP as a special thank you.
I've also talked to some of the community team myself in the IRC channel and they too said the same thing. It was meant only for those who bought multiple copies for themselves and they assured me they were confident they had a method to determine who had done that and who hadn't with no error.
I agree.. if you compensate one lot of people you need to compensate the entire playerbase who bought more than one copy of the game.
As mentioned above, it's only fair.
I agree, bought an extra copy of the game (CE) for the TNG/DS9 uniforms one week before they announced those uniforms were going onto the C-store. And when the game launched I bought the Deluxe edition and BestBuy edition for the Targ. The original copy was fine but basically I spent 100 bucks on nothing.
* Star Trek Online - Lifetime Subscription - Exclusives in c-store!
Not that I'd be surprised or anything, but I haven't seen any STOLTS stuff in the cstore. That is to say neither Liberated Borg race, Captain's Table, nor Career Officer are on CStore. If you're going to point at the borg bridge officer, that's a preorder bonus, not the Liberated Borg race.
I think 500 CP per box would be more likely, since that is the amount some retailers were giving away as their Pre-Order Exclusive.
1000CP x 5 boxes would actually be MORE than what the Recruiters were compensated; but if all has to be fair then 800CP x 5 = $50 in points, so 800CP per box key would also be reasonable.
I think 500 CP per box would be more likely, since that is the amount some retailers were giving away as their Pre-Order Exclusive.
1000CP x 5 boxes would actually be MORE than what the Recruiters were compensated; but if all has to be fair then 800CP x 5 = $50 in points, so 800CP per box key would also be reasonable.
yes it would be more you know how much those boxes cost mine average and the dde were 50 and up I think a grand a box is fair its not like cpoints cost cryptic anything to make now that the system is up and running they can make an unlimited number so it's not like they would have to make more items
If you were stupid enough to buy multiple copies to get a ship; you have way too much money to waste and since it was a referral reward for getting 5, you got compensated already when you received your ship. Nobody forced you to buy multiple copies, you should have gotten 5 friends to buy it instead. So here is the Goober Award to all of you that bought multiple copies of the game to get a ship.
As mentioned above, it's only fair.
just give it up
You will not get any compensation. It's their game and they can change the rules anytime they want. I got cheated twice now, it will never happen again.
I've played many MMOs before, but CE, Referal and Preorder-Gimmiks were never thrown away like this. Even the Star Wars Galaxies CE-goggles were exclusive for years, and SOE is the most money grubbing publisher around.
Consider your money as vasted and learn your lesson from this:
NEVER ever trust Cryptic again.
Pin this on your credit card, besides your paypal-login and to your toilet door so you are sure to remember it when the next "promotion" starts or you want to preorder another Cryptic game or buy a "special" edition.
Hilarious signature hehe. So true.
Is this what you told the people who created tons of threads asking for this stuff?
I'm curious how many preorder boxes did you buy?
There has been an idea suggested here which some people may find to suit their desires for fairness. Normally I wouldn't post this but I think it very well applies here.
In my opinion, it sounds very fair and balanced since, as I've said, the original intent for this entire chaos was to compensate only those who bought multiple copies of the games for themselves to get exclusive items.
Unless you have a "Lifetime Subscription", every box or digital copy of the game granted 30-days of subscription time. This $15.00 in subscription time can be considered compensation. They also got the preorder bonuses.
Lifers, myself included, are not in this position. we paid up front for over two years worth of subscription, taking subscription rates and interest into account. We are the ones who lost the most over pre-order bonuses, but we did this with full knoledge. You can't add more time to a lifetime account.
For this reason, as well as others, the only remaining Lifetime Perk, the "Playable Borg", MUST REMAIN EXCLUSIVE TO THE LIFETIME ACCOUNT. Saying this, returning it to the $299 lifetime subscription would be completly acceptable as to move people into being "Long Term Players.
Not sure what you're getting at here are for or against compensation to people who bought multiple copies of the game?
Non-Lifers already got 30-days game time ($15.00) per game copy
Lifers, like you and I, knew what we were doing.
The Compensation award for five referrals was done due to the premature announcement and pending release of the galaxy-X. It was done so that Marketing could save face. While similar in appearance, it's actually a different issue. The decision came from Marketing.
Here is my solution to this, writing my post here also so that all of you can read it again.
I have a suggestion:
They could reward everyone that have bought multiple copies of the game.
They could decide that one game is worth 1000 CP in extra points, then they could give everyone that have more then one game connected to the account that value based on the amount of games in cryptic points.
Gift = Game Value * Amount of game connected to account.
For example if you have three game, they give you a total of 2000 CP for the other two games you have
bought and connected to your account.
So if you have bought 5 extra copies of the game or if you have that galaxy-X Star Ship you get 5000 CP and that is approximately what they are going to give out for compensation for the referral program.
Then everyone is happy and the gift is based on the amount of games you have bought.
Thats the whole point thanks couldnt have said it better myself
By Cryptics own words they only and initially intended to compensate people who bought multiple copies for a referral bonus for themselves. If you don't think there should be compensation then these people would need to have theirs taken away. Naturally, that wont happen, so the best thing to do from what I can see is to compensate everyone who did the same thing that the grounds for this compensation originated in else they get special treatment above everyone else who did the same thing.
The argument is that people who bought multiple copies for themselves to get the ship supported Cryptic by buying those multiple copies. Others did the same at launch so why should they get a bonus for doing it and not the other people who did the same exact thing.
Then the people who bought multiple boxes for themselves for the referral system also got their compensation by way of multiple accounts, game time, and referral items. Which means they shouldn't have the $50 CP compensation, but they do. That's a fact, it can't be changed. What can be done is making it right by others who have done the same thing that made them want to give away compensation and not just them exclusively.
Yes, this is exactly the problem. It should be both or none, but it isn't. This is, in my opinion, the main reason why most people are upset.
That would be fine and well but that isn't the case. Stated directly in the original post that started this thing;
I've also talked to some of the community team myself in the IRC channel and they too said the same thing. It was meant only for those who bought multiple copies for themselves and they assured me they were confident they had a method to determine who had done that and who hadn't with no error.
I agree, bought an extra copy of the game (CE) for the TNG/DS9 uniforms one week before they announced those uniforms were going onto the C-store. And when the game launched I bought the Deluxe edition and BestBuy edition for the Targ. The original copy was fine but basically I spent 100 bucks on nothing.
Not that I'd be surprised or anything, but I haven't seen any STOLTS stuff in the cstore. That is to say neither Liberated Borg race, Captain's Table, nor Career Officer are on CStore. If you're going to point at the borg bridge officer, that's a preorder bonus, not the Liberated Borg race.
1000CP x 5 boxes would actually be MORE than what the Recruiters were compensated; but if all has to be fair then 800CP x 5 = $50 in points, so 800CP per box key would also be reasonable.
yes it would be more you know how much those boxes cost mine average and the dde were 50 and up I think a grand a box is fair its not like cpoints cost cryptic anything to make now that the system is up and running they can make an unlimited number so it's not like they would have to make more items