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Why I quit.



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Stelakh wrote: »
    And you know, that's the thing.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but while I'm old I still have a highly active imagination. I started off with reading the mission texts, then building my own stories in my head around them.

    But it simply got to the point that while I could build grand scenarios in my head about where I was going and what I was doing, the constant "kill X squadrons" or "scan X items" was like a torrent straight out of the Writer's Bloc (haha, Bloc. Get it? Yeah, I know. Moving on).

    It just became too difficult to maintain the illusion in the face of abject repetitiveness.

    that is why a good Star Trek RP fleet is a must, at least until the game gets better, and even then you need to stick with them.

    EDIT: and the same thing happens to me also.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    sovereign wrote: »
    Nonsense, most all male bathhouses (atleast in Toronto) serve as a haven for TRIBBLE males, therefore, a woman could not go down in there. :P

    My logic is sound. ;)

    Thank you for killing that otherwise entertaining mental image for me.

    Ah well. At least your avatar is pretty.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    that is why a good Star Trek RP fleet is a must, at least until the game gets better, and even then you need to stick with them.

    Any suggestions on that, Zodi?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Stelakh wrote: »
    Any suggestions on that, Zodi?

    do you mean for a fleet?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Zodi-emish wrote:
    do you mean for a fleet?


    Provided my railing against the establishment all this time has not utterly alienated me from any and all fleets. LOL
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Stelakh wrote: »

    Provided my railing against the establishment all this time has not utterly alienated me from any and all fleets. LOL

    that is fine you should not be to alienated, remember we are a minority we forum goers, so most of the players don't know you or me.

    I will start with my fleet.

    Task Force Hydra

    Task Force Hydra is an RP Fleet centered around the idea of a battle group, similar to Battle Group Omega, whose function is primarily special operations and deep space exploration support. Hydra does not have a single base of operations, rather our base of operations will change depending on how the game unfolds essentially following the hotspots within Star Trek Online. From a roleplay perspective this means our surroundings will change based upon where Starfleet Command has seen fit to dispatch Hydra. We have also adopted the Starfleet Marine concept and will offer this type of roleplay through the 10th Marine Expeditionary Unit currently attached to Hydra.

    At Hydra we place a high value on fleet camaraderie. Our membership ranges from those who are considered light RPers to those who may be considered hardcore RPers, with the fleet outlook focusing on moderate to heavy RP overall. We are not draconian in our RP requirements as we take part in optional OOC interaction between fleet members so that we may get to know one another better. Fleet roleplaying takes place in local chat in various locales, on our forums, as well as in Team chats and a special RP channel. We participate in PvE such as STFs, alt leveling, and will take part in PvP on some occasions. We also have an interest in participating in joint-roleplays between our members and those of other fleets, as well as full interfleet roleplay events; contact us if this is something your fleet might be interested in.

    Hydra was conceptualized and is lead by members who believe in well written, quality Star Trek roleplay and are familiar with 90%+ of the IP including television series, movies, and books. We are fun, friendly, and enjoy meeting players who enjoy roleplay in it's various forms.

    ( well I've been in the task for for a little over a week now, and I say I'm enjoying it, but it is not perfect. the task force is new, and only has around 15 to 20 members right now, so far we have put in another 4 members this week { I mite of lost count } but it is still new, so event RP is slow. I do want to start RP that happens every week. also we are entering a slow time with some Real life effecting some of the leaders right now.

    as for the people, they are great, and we have people from the east coast, west coast, and Europe, but mostly on the east coast right now. some of us west coaster are looking for people on our side of the states. everyone is friendly, and from what I've seen mostly everyone is helpful. over all a great group of people who love Star Trek, and love to RP.

    so if you want to help build a RP fleet, and can deal with low RP events that will increase over time. this mite be the fleet for you, but it's not for the faint of heart. on the other hand if you help build it better by the time we are done you should have more then enough fun, and you will be part of a great group. check out the link for more information.

    also it's a heavy RP fleet, but it's not to strict. )
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    As for any other fleet , your best bet it to check out Starbase one there are PVP fleets, PVE fleets, soft RP, hard RP, and some all around we just want to have fun fleets. I found my fleet by just going, and reading about the fleets on their recruitment pages. if they had a website I would go check it out. read their forums, and just get as much of a feel of that fleet that I could. I was looking at my fleet about four or five days before I put in an application.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Since it is late, and I have a lot to do in the morning, I must be going.

    But if you or anyone else have any questions about the task force, or anything about fleets, feel free to send me a message at the link bellow.

    good night.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    However I would like to remind you that Klingon ships are not afflicted in the same manner that Federation ships are. Which seems a little unfair.

    I am sorry but you are totally incorrect in this. Klingon ships are effected and if you think you're the only one who shields drop like lead you are crazy. It happens almost every time Kling side.

    I could be wrong but it sounds to me like you are one of these lone wolfs. The "I want to work alone and when I can't pwn everything I get angry types" If that is indeed true, to be honest then you QQing about pvp brings a smile to my face. I don't mean that outta of malice, I mean it outta of the fact that you prove what many folks have been saying over and over and over again.

    Pvp is not a long wolf thing. In pvp running around pwning is over for the most part. Oh sure you might get lucky and catch one or two off or get someone having an off day but no more running ape all over the place. Now you are pretty much required to work together. You get off by yourself trying to pull a rambo and me and my other bony headed friends are going to decloak and the last thing that will go through your mind is our impulse exhaust. The point is YOU HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER. Period! Teamwork is the key these days to winning in PVP and to be honest that is the way it should be.

    Oh don't get me wrong the right load out still works and is part of the program but if you aren't working with the group then you are just tiny bits of debris waiting for 15 seconds.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Oh I totally agree, PVP is completely unbalanced, you notice that when my escorts shields go down faster then a woman in an all male bathhouse. I have covarient mark X shields which are blue and supposed to be good but in PVP I might as well not have shields at all and fly around with a bullseye on my hull.

    LOL what you describe is the perfect example of balance. The ship with the highest damage output has the lowest possible defense. How is that not balanced?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Stelakh wrote: »
    Any suggestions on that, Zodi?

    Glass Petal is an all RP fleet. They're in Drozana a lot. There's varyig degrees of "hardcore" when it comes to RP fleets. I would say GP is probably on the top end of that list since they are always IC. There's tons of other RP fleets around.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I think BP made a mess. IBL.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Heh, the video in your signature always reminds me of this video:


    "It's a FAAKE!"

    "It's REAL!"


    OMG, I watched that whole video waiting for something to happen.

    I've been pwned!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    OP: Sorry you didnt enjoy the game, try again later. As far as the people who are so insecure about the game that they feel violated to hear someone else explain why they dont like it as much as they do: Thanks for the laugh :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Talonsin wrote: »
    OMG, I watched that whole video waiting for something to happen.

    I've been pwned!!!

    Its like the new rick roll. XD
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    pdabson wrote:
    Just to start things out, this is NOT a troll thread. This is simply a list of things the devs can put into the game to make it a more enjoyable experience. First, there is not a lot of end game content. I mean sure there are the task force missions but we need more. PvP is unbalanced and is the same every time you enter. There is not a whole lot of freedom in the so called "exploration". Please reply, I want to see what everyone else thinks. Thanks :D
    I totally agree that there should be more content (I think the developers would agree too). :D

    PvP is almost too balanced on the high end (matches can go on a long time). However, if you had joined a fleet - it might have helped your ability to hold your own in a match. :)

    As for exploration, it should be getting retooled eventually. Even the game's producer feels there's room for improvement there: both in presentation and gameplay.

    Come back in a while - hopefully the game is closer to your liking by then. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    xylander wrote: »
    ...Exploration could be better but that's what season 2 is all about. I reserve judgment until then on this topic. As for end-game content... I'm a roleplayer. I have plenty to do every day. I can see how a WoW kid might nto have anything to do. Gear here means nothing. Epics mean nothing. I like that. I don't play WoW for that very reason.

    So, anytime someone says, "Lack of end game content," I immediately translate that as, "ZOMG NO 40 MAN RAIDS FOR PHAT LEWTZ?!!"

    PVP in this game is skill based, not item based. If you're getting your TRIBBLE handed to you, it isn't because the game is unbalanced.

    Same here...gotta agree with this 100%
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Now, you'll be controlling your ship in a pretty standard fashion. The camera will be behind, you'll be viewing it. You're traveling through space. Now, what we're going to be doing is representing Star Trek-style combat. It's going to be more tactial, more slow-paced, you're going to be able to issue commands; send security to deck 5, repair a hull breach on deck six. Divert power from engines to shields. We want to make sure that all the things we've seen in the various episodes and movies you can be able to do as a player."
    •"Star Trek has never been just about that [combat]... but Star Trek has also always been about exploration. It's been about that trek across the stars that fired all of our imaginations for decades. In Star Trek Online you will be discovering new worlds and new civlizations. We have a system of infinite exploration. We will be creating planets, solar systems, civilizations that you as players might be the very first to ever see. You might make first contact or maybe you'll go to a pre-warp civilization and study it from afar. All of these things are going to be a major part of your gameplay, not just the fighting."
    •"All of these planets are going to offer new resources and new technology, knowledge; and this is going to be funneled back into either the Federation or Klingon empire. You're going to be building equipment, putting new things on your starships."
    •"And of course, these new alien races might be recruited into your crew. You might find yourself with a bridge crew member from a species you discovered."
    •"Exploration is only one aspect, combat is another. The third major part of gameplay is the galactic economy. With this constant exploration and constant discovery there's going to be a demand for goods and resources across the galaxy. Trade's going to be flowing back and forth between the major empires... You as players will help be expediting this, and you'll be banding together into guilds called fleets."
    •"In a fleet you can pool your resources to create a space station or a mining platform or sattelites. All of these things will enable you to build shipyards that will make you bigger, larger ships which you can then hand out to the rest of the fleet."

    I has wants?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    what no one finds it ironic that someone would complain that a ship named "escort" actually has to fly with other ships? ummm hello? sorry not trying to be a #$@ but drop your shields mate and enjoy life with interaction with other people...hugs have a beautiful day.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    A month after launch and at rear admiral 5, I also quit playing STO. I also had some pretty pitifull posts about how cryptic is doing this and that wrong.. and this game sucks.. and yadda yadda yadda. I have sinced calmed down, and having stepped away from the game and the forums for a while... i can say im having some fun playing STO. No the game is NOT perfect.. nor should it really be perfect. Its a game after all.

    With the updates the game has recieved and the revamp of memory alpha.. which ive tried out ingame already... im liking this game more than I thought I would have. No... I didnt give cryptic a chance before, and no, i dont think I was really all that reasonable during that time frame when I was "angry" at cryptic.

    Im looking forward to the future seasons and the Diplomatic core content. So.... I guess what im saying is Ive pretty much had a change of heart since my past misguided ramblings and blind unrelenting view of the game. Ive come back to say Im sorry to the community I activley disrupted because of my pitifull attitude, and that im likeing the game. From now on ill try my best to give constructive feedback.. and to not "feed the trolls" which is ... ironicly.. what I used to be. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    pdabson wrote:
    Excuse me, why would I need sympathy? I left because of my decision, there is no need for you to say that.

    because diehard fanboys will defend a sinking ship to the death.

    not trying to cause a stir, just stating the obvious.:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Geribaldie wrote:
    what no one finds it ironic that someone would complain that a ship named "escort" actually has to fly with other ships? ummm hello? sorry not trying to be a #$@ but drop your shields mate and enjoy life with interaction with other people...hugs have a beautiful day.

    Actually, on a related tangent, I wish Cryptic would fix that! :mad:

    'Escorts' are smaller support ships, usually better-armed and more manoeuvrable than regular starships, that serve as protection for larger, less combat-orientated vessels. That's applicable to Defiant- and Sabre- class ships and their derivatives, but not large cruisers like the Akira- and Prometheus-classes.

    It's all part of the larger problem created by pigeon-holing all ships into arbitrary 'DPS'/'Tank'/'Healer' classes, and I'd gladly pay four times as much for my subscription if daft concessions to generic MMO gameplay were removed from STO...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The thing to remember is that the game is new. Also remember that Cryptic was handed a fragment of a game and a deadline. As far as I'm concerned, the game is obviously unfinished (there's a tiny fraction of the content one would expect from an MMO), but they have an excellent foundation and appear to actually listen to and communicate with the fans and players.

    My point is, give them time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Here's a Pro Tip Regarding PVP:

    If the other team is focus firing your ship and nuking it over and over again, this doesn't mean that Cryptic has messed up your ship. This means that the other team is working together as a team (by focusing targets) and your team is not (in not healing you).

    Yes, it sucks, because you can't force your team to not be idiots, and you don't control what team you end up on. But the alternative is limiting pvp entirely to one on one duels.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's all part of the larger problem created by pigeon-holing all ships into arbitrary 'DPS'/'Tank'/'Healer' classes, and I'd gladly pay four times as much for my subscription if daft concessions to generic MMO gameplay were removed from STO...

    Here's the problem: The only way to do that is to completely homogenize all ships. Because if one ships has more tactical consoles than another, or can use cannons where another ship can't, or whathaveyou, that ship will be able to do more damage than another ship, and so will be pegged as a dps ship.

    Likewise if one has any survivability advantage, it'll get tagged as the tank ship. Support benefits will get it tagged as the 'healer' ship.

    I'd much rather have variety, despite the tendency of gamers to pigeonhole things, than have all of the ships in the game be reduced to just different cosmetic skins.

    Also keep in mind that just because you're a Tac doesn't mean you need to fly an escort. My Klingon BG5, for example, is a Tac in a Negh'var, so I get the dps benefits of my class and the survivability benefits of the ship. This ability to mix and match, particularly in pvp, makes the game plenty interesting if you take advantage of it.

    The problem isn't with the game design, its with unimaginitive players.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Yes, it sucks, because you can't force your team to not be idiots, and you don't control what team you end up on. But the alternative is limiting pvp entirely to one on one duels.

    Exactly, there's no "I" in teamwork, but there is an "I" in pie. :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Personally, I never saw them as being pidgeonholed. I find each ship is pretty versatile, and a lot depends on your officers. I mean, you can make a pretty credible DPS Cruiser or Tanking Science Ship...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I guess the forum mods are sleepin today... can't believe the "i quit" thread isn't closed yet?

    I do, however, have to say that MisterMIracle is dead on regarding team play in PvP. If you have 5 other who are working together to bring you down, and it's just you against them. All the RSP and Ramming Speed in the world won't mean a thing. I'm sure someone is going to say how their own personal superior ability at life means they can win a 1v5 encounter in 3 seconds with both hands behind their back while also blindfolded, but for most everyone else it's all about teamwork.

    If PvP is important to you, find a group who PvPs regularly and stick with them. You'll be cleaning up before you know it. In fact, you can probably win without having to just crash your ship into things too ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    in before lock
This discussion has been closed.