Sorry if this is answered in an obvious spot but I just couldn't find it. Now from what I can see of this program, it takes 5 referrals actually subscribing to get the Galaxy-x ship. But when I check my refer page it says that I only have 5 referrals available.
Does this mean if even one of my referrals doesn't subscribe I can never get the ship? Or do we get more referals when those are used up?
I just want to know how careful I should be about giving these keys out.
That is what I want to know. I sent out three, and only one accepted so far.
Yup that. I can confirm it works that way on Champions. As soon as an invite I sent got accepted, it added back one to the invites available. So should do the same thing on STO, though to be honest I haven't bothered. I got my friends to play before the program started here.
lol! want one of mine? I'm sure you'd love the game!