Thanks for the update, I've got people downloading the client and waiting to go. I wish I had realized it was so small though in terms of demo content, I'm really going to have to push this like a salesman to get people to buy it. :P
We're working on it! Should be up soon, probably a couple of hours.
Well its up and running, I got my brother referred, and he used the retail key I bought him and even bought him a months subscription.. HOWEVER, I have only recieved the retail key referral bonuses so far, not the bonuses for his months subscription paid for.
I should have gotten the Recruiter title, EMH boff and 400 cryptic points but havent got any of those.. any idea whats happening Destra?
I ticketed it but, that was almost an hour ago and still waiting (and no I gm ticket'ed it not bug reported it)
I have sent out my 5 invites to 5 of my friends who I think will have the greatest chance of giving STO a try and now all I can do is wait, while hoping that they all except the invites.
sent out 6 invites, 1 of which has upgraded ty friend lol. and the rest accepted now just waiting to get them to upgrade *gets paintball gun on the ready* UPGRADE I tell you lol.
Ahhhh, the stupid program gave so many problems earlier nobody has had a chance to play yet. Hopefully the 3 levels will be enough to sell them all on the game.
Well its up and running, I got my brother referred, and he used the retail key I bought him and even bought him a months subscription.. HOWEVER, I have only recieved the retail key referral bonuses so far, not the bonuses for his months subscription paid for.
I should have gotten the Recruiter title, EMH boff and 400 cryptic points but havent got any of those.. any idea whats happening Destra?
I ticketed it but, that was almost an hour ago and still waiting (and no I gm ticket'ed it not bug reported it)
im in the same boat, a friend of mine upgraded and subbed for a month, no boff or second title, not really bothered about the CP
saw your thread Demonsunder, but this thread is in regards to the items not being received when a referral upgrades with 1 month sub (ie: not getting the boff and second title with the points)
i read your thread, and in cryptics defence, it did say on the refer a friend page (coming soon) under step 1, and we already knew the pre-order /special edition buddy keys wouldn't be tied to the program
it also said now available at the top of the page, I though coming soon referred to the email link invitation, the other promotions are clear that they start on the 7th this one was not listed that way. It is very disappointing.
Should be getting the title and tribble pet, but nothing. The Friend Referral Trial worked, but when he purchased the game, no tribble, title, or Warp to Buddy power. Also have offer cancelled for the status of My Account's referral section.
For those that are concerned about their holographic BOff, wait a month. The free month has to run out before the subscription purchase goes through.
Woohoo! 3/5 towards Galaxy-X with so many referrals still accepted and considering it. I'm going to be swimming in C-Store points and cruising in the Galaxy-X!
i have the free demo and love it...i want to get more involved but i'm a broke college guy who could use all the help he can get...referral codes, anything me and let me know what's going on
i have the free demo and love it...i want to get more involved but i'm a broke college guy who could use all the help he can get...referral codes, anything me and let me know what's going on
hahah nah, theyll always be my friends. My one buddy who sub'd actually really enjoys the game, the other 4 meh...not really to thrilled on what they seen so far. But Iam trying to entice them to sub for meh, so i can get the ship. Ive made several offers so far, help my buddy paint his place, 1 month of gas on me for another friend..hahahh yeah...w/e on that lol. Few other odd requests.
I was under the impression that we would be able to refer as many people as we would choose to.
Its only 5 at a time, as you send them you get more once they accept. So its not 5 much as only five to send at any one time.
Well its up and running, I got my brother referred, and he used the retail key I bought him and even bought him a months subscription.. HOWEVER, I have only recieved the retail key referral bonuses so far, not the bonuses for his months subscription paid for.
I should have gotten the Recruiter title, EMH boff and 400 cryptic points but havent got any of those.. any idea whats happening Destra?
I ticketed it but, that was almost an hour ago and still waiting (and no I gm ticket'ed it not bug reported it)
What if they never accept? How would I manage that?
/Fingers crossed
I can give you a very simple answer credit seller spam.
im in the same boat, a friend of mine upgraded and subbed for a month, no boff or second title, not really bothered about the CP
will ticket it out too
I got my tribble and courier title so far, 30 days till galaxy-x then!
i read your thread, and in cryptics defence, it did say on the refer a friend page (coming soon) under step 1, and we already knew the pre-order /special edition buddy keys wouldn't be tied to the program
For those that are concerned about their holographic BOff, wait a month. The free month has to run out before the subscription purchase goes through.
Who wanted to join the Galaxy-X club?
Sent you a PM
i have 1/5 also, but my 4 other friends who played are gonna get they say...they better dam i want that ship lol
Or what? You won't be their friend anymore?
Cryptic, alienating friends since 2010.
But that's just fine, there's plenty of time!
The system is sending a broaken Link:
Correkt would be
To bring mie closer to my Galaxy class vessel i would be very thankfull if You People could fix this.
Wow... that sucks. Can this be fixed, verified, and all sent requests automatically re-sent with explanation?
I second that and note, that I posted about the same issue in the "Referral and Demo FAQs" thread, but still no answer.
hahah nah, theyll always be my friends. My one buddy who sub'd actually really enjoys the game, the other 4 meh...not really to thrilled on what they seen so far. But Iam trying to entice them to sub for meh, so i can get the ship. Ive made several offers so far, help my buddy paint his place, 1 month of gas on me for another friend..hahahh yeah...w/e on that lol. Few other odd requests.