Oh woe is 10
there has been an almost
vegan blight on bacon delights.
I blame the Empire
jar jar
MAr-present for no new FE's
my BF2 files corrupting
and forgetting to re try the 14 day SWG trail sooner
to lock in TOR free or something
after Sony jump to light "sucking" 200 out of my ccredit card just sitting there on dial up remote country loc
"Throw credits ..dance dance"
WOW! Sounds like you should of tried your luck on Cryptic's grab bag scheme instead. :P Hopefully your new year kicks itself into high gear for being a better one.
they took so long between public leak of take over from new owners and the actal major implimentation
im glad they still have the ip lic cause i hate waiting for a new hand to muck up the works.
WOW! Sounds like you should of tried your luck on Cryptic's grab bag scheme instead. :P Hopefully your new year kicks itself into high gear for being a better one.
Also well done JC for removing what furr you had, keep an eye on Hort who might try to glue the shavings back on whilst you sleep =O
I don't have to worry about Hort. Dawson will fight him to the death for hair to cover up his balding.
Dawson is growing his beard long so he can comb it over.
DEVO any one
You did you did
In that case, he's going to be waiting a long time. He has to impress his Asian interest now.
I would see why Capulet would be offended by this. :eek:
oops - wow, I responded to the first post, lol, talk about a massive miss.
However; to make light of the situation:
Here is DEVO on tips on how to whip that Tribble----> DEVO REPRESENTATIVES
Escapes Ukranian Evanna wanna see u more then svetlanna
If Snow White was a Tellerite, the 7 Dwarf's would of put in 6' under when she was sleeping.
Heres new season update
im glad they still have the ip lic cause i hate waiting for a new hand to muck up the works.
Were bound to rise
perhaps we'll see a brighter day
well meet you on that golden shore!
For all your bacon needs
*lick* O.O How did you get bacon flavoring in the paint?
I was wondering the same thing when the funny man said the Snozeberries taste like snozeberries.
You are disgusting. *Shoves Hort in JC's ear* Get out *PUNT*
*dispassionately watches as hort and JC sail overhead*
Nice to have Cappy back in form.
100 x more chrming then that arnold from green acres the advert mn told me so.