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Accidentally lost ownership of my chat channel and can't get GM help

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited March 2010 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I accidentally deleted myself from my chat channel and it made my hubby the "owner" of the channel. I've been trying for weeks to get GM assistance, but if (when) I finally get a GM to help me, they don't actually TALK to me...but instead they reply behind the scenes with more questions and/or reply with a canned response and close out my help ticket. One GM responded and asked me to reply back with answers to some questions about the issue...but the GM closed out the ticket, so I couldn't respond! So, I updated the prior ticket...with no response. I tried again tonight to get help...

Tonight's response by a GM when I was on line was - again - behind the scenes when I was on line (he replied to the ticket without communicating with me "live"). And he basically told me to save GM help requests for "real" in-game issues, to have the new owner promote me back to owner, and to check out the forums for solutions. Unfortunately, his response kind of sums up my customer service experience so far...

So, here I am posting on the BUG forum. One very active member replied to the forum posting I made a while ago asking if there were in-game GM's that could help me with this, and he suggested I post on the BUG forum since it's monitored. Here's the scoop:

1. I accidentally created a new chat channel with a garbage name when I was in my chat settings. So, I clicked on the "garbage" channel and hit "LEAVE CHANNEL". Well, instead of leaving the garbage channel, the game dropped me from my REAL channel.

2. When I left the channel, my husband became the new "Owner" of my chat channel.

3. I've tried since Feb. 3rd to get in-game assistance to bump ownership back to me. Finally, out of desperation, last night I decided to have my husband quit the channel when he and I were the only ones on line (thinking it would default to me)...only to have the channel ownership jump to someone who is NOT EVEN IN THE GAME ANYMORE (he only logs in when there's a freebie weekend for Champions - he doesn't have an active account)!!

I've had GM's tell me to:
a. Have the new owner promote me back to Owner - there's no way to do that. The highest the Owner can promote another person is to ADMIN status. And now the channel is owned by a non-active player...

b. Have the new owner invite me to the channel. Did that already...and I've been promoted to ADMIN level. It's my channel, I want it back!

c. Delete the channel and start a new one. There are 22 players on Champions and STO using my channel. I don't WANT to restart the channel.

There's no way to email in a request for help - only to do online GM help. Which I was told tonight that I should NOT be doing. Isn't there someone in the game's customer service dept. that can simply give me back ownership of my chat channel? Or shoot, TALK TO ME when I'm in game to trouble-shoot?

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    We're looking into this, thank you!

    We will contact you as soon as possible to get this resolved.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I've been trying for weeks to get GM assistance, but if (when) I finally get a GM to help me, they don't actually TALK to me...but instead they reply behind the scenes with more questions and/or reply with a canned response and close out my help ticket.

    Ouch. I've seen GMs from other MMO developers do that sometimes too. It all depends on who you get behind the keyboard. Hopefully GM_Litana can help you. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Can I suggest to Cryptic that you create an option within the Channel Admin panel that enables you to change the Owner of a channel? I find this persons experience to be shocking that GM's failed to provide any help in this matter.

    For your own good Cryptic you need to do something about these GM's that are failing your customers. Word of mouth is a powerful device and sooner or later if you don't sort out this poor customer experience your going to lose people in waves. I'm enjoying STO myself but each time I read an account such as this I cannot help but feel I will one day run into a similar experience.

    To the OP I hope they get their act together and sort this out for you but I commend you for providing such a detailed response to get it resolved (compared to people who cry "help" yet give absolutely no information with their rant)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It may be possible that GMs do not have the tools to modify chat channels. I'd give them the benefit of a doubt in that. What I find disturbing is the notion that chat channels are not a "real" part of the game. This is a MMO, chat is an essential ingredient. Bugged chat channels are definitely a problem that players should expect a GM to be able to help with.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My only complaint about the game at this point is the "help" you get in game. Otherwise, it's been a LOT of fun playing! I can't wait until we get our issue update soonly. :p

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you GM Litana! I just want mah channel back! Let me know if you need info on who it bounced to. He's a friend (co-officer) on another MMO, so if you need to hear from him "live and in person", I'm sure it can be arranged. He doesn't even know he owns my channel yet, since he's not currently playing any Cryptic games (as far as I know).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    GM Skytrail is actually following up on this. Unfortunately she does not work in the evenings, so it looks like she'll have to follow up with you during the day tomorrow. It looks like I just missed you as well. :(
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Fooey...I'm on line now. I work during the days...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thank you SO MUCH, GM Drannic! You really made my day by "working your magic" and restoring ownership of my chat channel. I sincerely appreciate your extra effort getting this all straightened out. And thank you, GM's Litana and Skytrail, for also helping out. :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Awesome. :D Glad someone was able to help you.
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