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Death Penalty Will be the Death of STO



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Also, someone likened a DP to "punching yourself in the face" or some TRIBBLE like that. When I played other MMO's that had a penalty, I didn't feel like I had punched myself in the face arbitrarily as this statement suggests. I felt like I did something stupid and died :rolleyes:

    When I respawned, I was keen on not repeating the same mistake twice.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kasidy wrote:
    All issues obviously need to be looked at one by one. Just because the entire problem isn't the DP or lack thereof doesn't mean we should all throw up our hands and not do anything at all. That'd be kind of silly.

    We have to start somewhere.

    That's assuming that issues are worked on one by one by a single group.

    Which isn't the case
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    That's assuming that issues are worked on one by one by a single group.

    Which isn't the case

    Uh, aren't all of these things handled by the development team? Which is one group? Even if they are in sub-teams, at the end of the day, it all falls under the umbrella of the development team, I think.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Careful Kor, you know how common sense gets treated round here ^^

    lol yea.

    1. No true 3D combat in space.

    2. Predictable and poor AI.

    3. Stale and repetative leveling content.

    4. Simplistic combat mechanics.

    5. So called "RAIDS" that would be barely classed as standard missions in other MMO's.

    6-100, insert as you please.:rolleyes:

    From what i have seen of this and other new mmo's over the last few years it seems like game designers have switched from making good games to making a simplistic game, good promotional videos, selling life time or 12 months subs and scraping in as much money over the short term before the thing they created flops.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lol, which is why I kind of laughed when everyone jumped at those LTS's after open beta. They're braver men and women than I. A few months later, nothing has changed and I have seen no reason to remove my sig which has been the same since January.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kasidy wrote:
    All issues obviously need to be looked at one by one. Just because the entire problem isn't the DP or lack thereof doesn't mean we should all throw up our hands and not do anything at all. That'd be kind of silly.

    We have to start somewhere.

    So you decided to start with summat that does not exist and you have no idea at all what is going to be like?.....................LOL.:D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So you decided to start with summat that does not exist and you have no idea at all what is going to be like?.....................LOL.:D

    A death penalty, regardless of its form serves several basic universal functions across MMORPGs -- one of them being to keep people who die all of the time from advancing as quickly as those who don't, even if it's something simple like breaking equipment that has to be repaired. I don't see why that's so laughable although you apparently find this very amusing.

    What's more idiotic are those who are slamming the DP when they have no idea how harsh or lenient it would be. Those who claim that a totally unknown DP would "kill" the game, which I believe the title of this topic alludes to :rolleyes: Even with all of the content in the world, if nothing is done to slow level progression, it won't really matter.

    Lower the exp, put in a DP--SOMETHING.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kasidy wrote:
    If you really don't blow up that often, you should be a higher rank than someone who plays the same amount of time and isn't even really trying to stay alive, don't you think? It doesn't bother you that other people who suck have basically gotten the same reward (Rear Admiral rank) than you have in the same period of time just because they don't really care about dying and don't have to?

    Not really, cause whether they work it or not, they still have to earn the points to lvl. Which means there has to be some work goin on there. What your really talkin about is their skill as Capt. of a ship. In which case one of these has to be true:

    They don't care about the skills
    They don't know how to use the skills
    Or they're retired Kamakazi

    If runnin in first and lookin later is their play style.........that equals death for sure.
    I dont do that...but some do. you can't really pass that off as they don't care......they just may not know how to optimally move their ship in combat to get the most of their weapons. Not everyone that plays knows ST or what its all about. trial and error is part of the learning curve.

    You do have those that like to race through it, now while I play, Im not trying to race anywhere. But my frist time through I was cranking out the missions because to me at least they were that easy. The second time around is faster for sure because i already know whats going to happen and how to plan for it.

    It may not be a death wish.....it may be they just don't know the full dynamics of what their ship can do defensively and offensivly.

    Still, regardless of what you have attached to your ship or ship type......what keeps me from dying is the flying not what I got under the hood. This may be more of the issue than anything. Some peole just don't know. Watch zone chat and you'll get it real quick on what Im talkin about.

    I give advise all the time on what some should do to get the most from their ship....even if the system for the Character is a little broken....Im a engineer.....I can use duct tape and jumper cables.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    castogere wrote: »
    Not really, cause whether they work it or not, they still have to earn the points to lvl. Which means there has to be some work goin on there. What your really talkin about is their skill as Capt. of a ship. In which case one of these has to be true:

    They don't care about the skills
    They don't know how to use the skills
    Or they're retired Kamakazi

    If runnin in first and lookin later is their play style.........that equals death for sure.
    I dont do that...but some do. you can't really pass that off as they don't care......they just may not know how to optimally move their ship in combat to get the most of their weapons. Not everyone that plays knows ST or what its all about. trial and error is part of the learning curve.

    You do have those that like to race through it, now why I play, Im not trying to race anywhere. But my frist time through I was cranking out the missions because to me at least they were that easy. The second time around is faster for sure because i already know whats going to happen and how to plan for it.

    It may not be a death wish.....it may be they just don't know the full dynamics of what their ship can do defensively and offensivly.

    Still, regardless of what you have attached to your ship or ship type......what keeps me from dying is the flying not what I got under the hood. This may be more of the issue than anything. Some peole just don't know. Watch zone chat and you'll get it real quick on what Im talkin about.

    I give advise all the time on what some should do to get the most from their ship....even if the system for the Character is a little broken....Im a engineer.....I can use duct tape and jumper cables.

    An interesting (non-sarcastic and non-confrontational) reply. Very thoughtful, and there's not much I can say to con what you're saying. I hope this holds true for the majority of players here.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I don't give a TRIBBLE if theres a DP or not, with no particular increase in game difficulty it's not going to bother me too much. (woop big headed moment :P)

    One development team can encompass specialists on multiple different areas, some of which have no bearing on the others aside from being in the same game, I don't make any pretence on knowing how cryptic runs their shop btw, but I have experience with the processes used by the industry in general. Plus everything I've seen from the engineering reports so far shows that this is probably the case with cryptic too.

    If that is the case then only a part of the team is going to be working on DP, others will be doing ship designs, yet others will be working on gameplay content.

    Lump em all together and tell em "Sort the DP" and you'll have too many cooks spoiling the broth.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Indeed, but I don't think anyone's expecting ship designers to be working on the DP. I don't have experience in the gaming industry as you say you do, but wouldn't there be one faction of the developers who primarily deal with game mechanics?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A good way to test any kind of DP would be to apply it to PVP combat only. Start off with a very very weak DP like Officer injured and that officer cannot not be used for like say 30 minutes or 15 minutes. Even something as simple as increasing the respawn timer to double what it is and go from there. Every time you die your respawn time goes up. Lots and lots of ways to start small and slowly progress to a middle ground.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kasidy wrote:
    A death penalty, regardless of its form serves several basic universal functions across MMORPGs -- one of them being to keep people who die all of the time from advancing as quickly as those who don't, even if it's something simple like breaking equipment that has to be repaired. I don't see why that's so laughable although you apparently find this very amusing.

    While i do not support pointless money or time sinks, what you describe is the first level of effect.

    The second level off effect for ppl who "die all the time" is that they may have a brain storm and actually decide to play better and not die so much.

    A good DP or death mechanic, or respawn mechanic ect ect (whatever you wanna call it) promotes good/skilled game play and adds a to the challenge.

    Right now the game rewards those while die.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    While i do not support pointless money or time sinks, what you describe is the first level of effect.

    The second level off effect for ppl who "die all the time" is that they may have a brain storm and actually decide to play better and not die so much.

    A good DP or death mechanic, or respawn mechanic ect ect (whatever you wanna call it) promotes good/skilled game play and adds a to the challenge.

    Right now the game rewards those while die.

    That's all I'm saying. I don't want people punished into not liking the game, I just don't think someone who blows up every five seconds should be a rear admiral in the same amount of time that someone who plays wisely does. Level progression is so messed up right now that even a three year old could be an Admiral in a matter of weeks. The difficulty slider should sort that out though, I believe. Those who want it can have it and get rewarded for it and those who don't can do what they please but not get rewarded for death.

    I also think that implementing it in PVP first wouldn't be such a bad idea.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I totally agree Kor. Even if it is PVP only DP it would make matches more interesting and force my fed brothers to actually team up instead of I'm Rambo!!!!! However they do need to fix it to where the server can count.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Dwarden33 wrote:
    I totally agree Kor. Even if it is PVP only DP it would make matches more interesting and force my fed brothers to actually team up instead of I'm Rambo!!!!! However they do need to fix it to where the server can count.

    They are still working on telling the time correctly over the time zones right now so id not hold your breath.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kasidy wrote:
    Indeed, but I don't think anyone's expecting ship designers to be working on the DP. I don't have experience in the gaming industry as you say you do, but wouldn't there be one faction of the developers who primarily deal with game mechanics?

    Wait.. wasn't that what I said already?

    And doesn't that then nullify your previous point of everyone piling onto the DP issue and doing one thing at a time?

    Now I'm confused. *goes to lie down*

    On a side note, why is it every time I see Kor's sig I think it says "Curry Guide"?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    On a side note, why is it every time I see Kor's sig I think it says "Curry Guide"?

    Asian food obsession?.

    PS: Hmmmm curry.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ceasar1 wrote:
    Cryptic will never lose subscribers because there is no Death Penalty. They will lose subscribers if a Death Penalty is implemented. Watch and see.

    Tell us Cryptic how you are going to deal with the people who are sucked into a deep space encounter and their ship is blown up? It's happened to me several times.

    What about being put into a group with other players who lay back and do nothing while you fight overwhelming odds by yourself, and your ship in blown up?

    What about the myriad of other situations where players die because of bugs and glitches in the game? How is the ticket system going to handle this? If you really want to make players angry start imposing some time sink Death Penalty and not answer tickets for 2 weeks.

    Edit: Cryptic how about fixing the broken skill system before implementing a DP? Respec's won't do it, the entire system needs to be redone to reflect a system with a cap.

    A Death Penalty will cause many problems while solving none.

    Cryptic fix the problems in the game and then in 6 months if everything is working as it should lets talk about a Death Penalty.


    blablabla 10 chars.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wait.. wasn't that what I said already?

    And doesn't that then nullify your previous point of everyone piling onto the DP issue and doing one thing at a time?

    Now I'm confused. *goes to lie down*

    On a side note, why is it every time I see Kor's sig I think it says "Curry Guide"?

    Apparently I misunderstood your post O_o

    'tis an ill-effect of staying up so late after the night shift at work. My bad.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kasidy wrote:
    Apparently I misunderstood your post O_o

    'tis an ill-effect of staying up so late after the night shift at work. My bad.

    Hey, it could just as easily have been me :p
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