Very Rare and Omega items may now be equipped on your Bridge Officers. Note that these items do not display on costumes yet. Costume designs for this gear will be addressed in a future update.
Impulse Engines with Full Enhancements now properly provided a bonus to Full Impulse speed.
Fixed Red Matter Capacitor so that it is functional and can be equipped on the power bar. Multiples will not stack.
Mk-X Deflectors now allow full use of all Deflector related powers.
Clarified tooltips for Torpedoes to show they disable and kill a target percent or an absolute amount of crew - whichever is less.
The Best Buy special promotion Tribble is now appropriately displayed as a Rare item.
Addressed an issue where some Grenades were not displaying visual FX when thrown.
Anti-Proton Dual Beams now use Anti-Proton stats and not Phaser stats.
We removed the old driver warning on the 191-195 line of NVidia drivers that some players were receiving since newer drivers are not yet available for some configurations.
Game Cursor rendering is no longer reliant on the GPU which should resolve issues with cursors disappearing on SLI configurations.
Some larger enemy ships were not damaging player crew, and some smaller ships were damaging too many. This is now fixed.
Fixed an issue where some players were unable to enter the Cernan system
Added the ability to use the Depart System (minimap button) from Sol System and Earth Space Dock.
Added more localized text that was missing from the Tutorial and Character Creation.
Updated the Galaxy map to make locations more accurate, fix typos, and add future game play locations.
Addressed an issue where ranking up bridge officers would unexpectedly add additional ranks.
Congratulations Lieutenant! Voice Over narration from Leonard Nimoy should now play more reliably when you level up in space.
Added the missing audio for Tractor Beam Repel.
Revised the audio for science (medical) team.
Ensured that unique special items are being checked properly to prevent players from equipping multiple copies of unique items.
9 times out of 10 the patch goes on the server and we get no notes on it.. i kinda like it this way. in fact, i suggested that we get the release notes the night before the patches go up.
Will Breaking the Planet ever become... non-broken?
i successfully completed this mission tonight .. though i personally did have a bug.. it wasn't due to a broken quest.. my bug got me stuck on one of the bridges.. and even after being killed i still could not move.
Very Rare and Omega items may now be equipped on your Bridge Officers. Note that these items do not display on costumes yet. Costume designs for this gear will be addressed in a future update.
Impulse Engines with Full Enhancements now properly provided a bonus to Full Impulse speed.
Fixed Red Matter Capacitor so that it is functional and can be equipped on the power bar. Multiples will not stack.
Mk-X Deflectors now allow full use of all Deflector related powers.
Clarified tooltips for Torpedoes to show they disable and kill a target percent or an absolute amount of crew - whichever is less.
The Best Buy special promotion Tribble is now appropriately displayed as a Rare item.
Addressed an issue where some Grenades were not displaying visual FX when thrown.
Anti-Proton Dual Beams now use Anti-Proton stats and not Phaser stats.
We removed the old driver warning on the 191-195 line of NVidia drivers that some players were receiving since newer drivers are not yet available for some configurations.
Game Cursor rendering is no longer reliant on the GPU which should resolve issues with cursors disappearing on SLI configurations.
Some larger enemy ships were not damaging player crew, and some smaller ships were damaging too many. This is now fixed.
Fixed an issue where some players were unable to enter the Cernan system
Added the ability to use the Depart System (minimap button) from Sol System and Earth Space Dock.
Added more localized text that was missing from the Tutorial and Character Creation.
Updated the Galaxy map to make locations more accurate, fix typos, and add future game play locations.
Addressed an issue where ranking up bridge officers would unexpectedly add additional ranks.
Congratulations Lieutenant! Voice Over narration from Leonard Nimoy should now play more reliably when you level up in space.
Added the missing audio for Tractor Beam Repel.
Revised the audio for science (medical) team.
Fixed an assert with character copy.
Fixed a memory leak in character transfer.
Updated character copy so that the web flow does not wait on a response and cause a bottleneck.
Ensured that unique special items are being checked properly to prevent players from equipping multiple copies of unique items.
It looks like this was posted a little early! We have not yet posted these notes on the STO website, which is why the News Article link isn't operational quite yet. Feel free to consider this an early peek at this maintenance period's notes, and we'll keep an eye on the patch for any issues.
Thanks again!
No fix for the Klingon Joined Trills ?
I really hope this gets fixed ASAP.... I want to re-roll my Klingon as a trill as I wanted todo in the First place.... we were Promised from the Start...
I really hope this gets fixed ASAP.... I want to re-roll my Klingon as a trill as I wanted todo in the First place.... we were Promised from the Start...
Please get this to us ASAP
Ya know I just don't see why this should be done. Trill's are not a warrior race. They are a thinking race more than any other and I really can't see a Trill joining with a Klingon. At least not from a Star Trek POV.
Oh well.. I'm curious what the expanded galactic map will look like.
The fact that us ATI users must turn off Dynamic Lightning to be able to play without crashing is redicalous.
I got a HD5870, and I really would like to use the power it has to give.
But then again, I don't know if it's a quick fix from cryptic or if it's a problem they can't figure out.
I just hope we get a response on this bug soon
Well, I personally would like the costume thing fixed. Depending on the armor you give your BO it "might" show and it might now. Now I've noticed that one of my BO can't show the armor and the rest of them do show armor. In addition I just purchased a purple level X armor and it won't show on my char. It's a little frustrating since I wanted to see how it looked.
Ya know I just don't see why this should be done. Trill's are not a warrior race. They are a thinking race more than any other and I really can't see a Trill joining with a Klingon. At least not from a Star Trek POV.
Why did the devs stop posting the release notes in the Release Notes forum about a week ago?
Theres been about 3 patches in the last week, but the last post in Release Notes forum is from the 19th.
Makes it really confusing to find the notes sometimes.
Are you considering nerfing the bonus for loosing pvp-scenarios?
Cant be right one of the fastest ways to raise ranks is by loosing fast over and over.
Any patch that does not contain the ability to ReSpec is a complete and utter failure/waste of time. Nothing else matters.
Making Tribbles show as purple...oh god, fix it quick!
Miniskirts for the ladies? Priority numero uno for sure...
Depart System from Space Dock...I don't know how I could go on without it...
No word on the war zones being bugged to high heaven? 80% of the time when I enter them I can't use my weapons at all and/or my own team mates auto-firing weapons lock and blow me away...
Shame, I was hoping for some content as an incentive for me to pay for another month =/ I'll probably just about reach 45 in time for it to run out, then it's time for a break I think =]
Dont take this the wrong way cause its just a query but why are the patches so relatively large in size when theres a short list?
I mean today i had 169mb, not that much i guess in the grand scheme of things, but when in other mmos ive played (most of them!) patch lists like todays would result in say 30-40mb file size.
Just curious why STO always has larger patch files to be downloaded for code fixes and bug fixes etc and no real graphical etc additions.
Are you considering nerfing the bonus for loosing pvp-scenarios?
Cant be right one of the fastest ways to raise ranks is by loosing fast over and over.
Id rather not. Being virtually forced to pvp to level at a decent rate is bad enough. I play Klingon side because I like the ships/look/setting, not for pvp. Hope theres more pve added soon. They also need to work on allowed levels in pvp matches. Im REALLY sick of seeing most other players as +4 or higher. Only been in about 8 or so matches(missions), and only ONCE were the opponents my level.
The fact that us ATI users must turn off Dynamic Lightning to be able to play without crashing is redicalous.
I got a HD5870, and I really would like to use the power it has to give.
But then again, I don't know if it's a quick fix from cryptic or if it's a problem they can't figure out.
I just hope we get a response on this bug soon
Happy Cruiser! ^^
Not quite sure why that card is crashing with dynamic lighting on. I have a 5770 with it turned on and I'm not having any issues.
Interesting. Looking forward to seeing what this includes. Oobviously i know the names wont be visitable (yet) but still interesting.
Oh well.. I'm curious what the expanded galactic map will look like.
o_O It's fine I've done it 3 times in the past few days...
It's been fixed for weeks.
i successfully completed this mission tonight .. though i personally did have a bug.. it wasn't due to a broken quest.. my bug got me stuck on one of the bridges.. and even after being killed i still could not move.
No fix for the Klingon Joined Trills ?
I really hope this gets fixed ASAP.... I want to re-roll my Klingon as a trill as I wanted todo in the First place.... we were Promised from the Start...
Please get this to us ASAP
Ya know I just don't see why this should be done. Trill's are not a warrior race. They are a thinking race more than any other and I really can't see a Trill joining with a Klingon. At least not from a Star Trek POV.
The fact that us ATI users must turn off Dynamic Lightning to be able to play without crashing is redicalous.
I got a HD5870, and I really would like to use the power it has to give.
But then again, I don't know if it's a quick fix from cryptic or if it's a problem they can't figure out.
I just hope we get a response on this bug soon
Happy Cruiser! ^^
HAve you watched DS9, like, AT ALL?
Theres been about 3 patches in the last week, but the last post in Release Notes forum is from the 19th.
Makes it really confusing to find the notes sometimes.
Cant be right one of the fastest ways to raise ranks is by loosing fast over and over.
Making Tribbles show as purple...oh god, fix it quick!
Miniskirts for the ladies? Priority numero uno for sure...
Depart System from Space Dock...I don't know how I could go on without it...
Give us the friggin respec already.
I mean today i had 169mb, not that much i guess in the grand scheme of things, but when in other mmos ive played (most of them!) patch lists like todays would result in say 30-40mb file size.
Just curious why STO always has larger patch files to be downloaded for code fixes and bug fixes etc and no real graphical etc additions.
What unique special items are there?
Id rather not. Being virtually forced to pvp to level at a decent rate is bad enough. I play Klingon side because I like the ships/look/setting, not for pvp. Hope theres more pve added soon. They also need to work on allowed levels in pvp matches. Im REALLY sick of seeing most other players as +4 or higher. Only been in about 8 or so matches(missions), and only ONCE were the opponents my level.
Does this refer to ship explosions?
Not quite sure why that card is crashing with dynamic lighting on. I have a 5770 with it turned on and I'm not having any issues.