Screenshots of the tailor for full length pics of crew; saving the costumes to get the mugshots (in the screenchots folder in your STO folder). Same for the ship.
Screenshots of the tailor for full length pics of crew; saving the costumes to get the mugshots (in the screenchots folder in your STO folder). Same for the ship.
Crew of the USS Raven
From left to right:
Lt Commander Needa, Commander Colleen Murphy, Commander Wiggeela ov Meerka, Captain Drooz ov Meerka,
Doctor Nyl Boj, Commander Mak, Lieutenant Gorel, Lt Commander Mon'nek, Ensign Xeno
Screenshots of the tailor for full length pics of crew; saving the costumes to get the mugshots (in the screenchots folder in your STO folder). Same for the ship.
Then, the magic of photoshop...
Alright. Thanks.
Print screen keys will also save a screen shot to the folder. If you don't have access to Photoshop there are serveral free graphics programs out there. I use one called (Paint Dot Net) Its pretty easy to use and has allot of add-ins and support at the website.
Because I spent WAY too long doing this, I feel compelled to show it off, even though I'm still missing officers (filling in all the positions is going to cost me mucho C-Store credits )
So, for your reviewing pleasure, here's the roster and chain of command of the USS Lightholder, flagship of Task Force Gascogne, including the Admiral's staff (not assigned yet!)
Pictures is reasonable resolution, you can zoom in to read names and see portraits.
I went for a planetary pic and assembled them all together from composites using GIMP. I think it'd be nice to get some kind of vanity bridge picture sorted but STO hasn't provided for that possibility yet.
I went for a uniform that kind of pre-empted the cadet uniform. It's essentially the "All Good Things" uniform with a Jupiter veteran belt. The top section of the uniform is purple and the rest of it is jet black apart from what would be the black strip on the uniform, which now acts as the career designation.
How are you guy and gals getting full crew screenshots? (Great pics btw!)
Is there some feature that allows this or are you all doing some awesome crop, copy and pasting?
How are you guy and gals getting full crew screenshots? (Great pics btw!)
Is there some feature that allows this or are you all doing some awesome crop, copy and pasting?
crops and layers, take different away teams down to the same place to match the lighting move the camera and shoot from different angles and combine
crops and layers, take different away teams down to the same place to match the lighting move the camera and shoot from different angles and combine
Ah, thanks for the tips! I'd always tried the same spot, same position but they never turned out looking as natural what other's had been posting. Never occurred to me to try different angles!
You are most welcome, good sir!
Five new crew members join the crew of the U.S.S. Pathfinder.
Log Entry:
USS Phobos
Well, few days ago I was little bored
CMNDR Shelana (Andorian)- XO
" " Kara (Betazoid)- Chief Science Officer and 3rd Officer
" " Lubes (Betazoid)- Chief of Engineering
" " Iachequesht (Alien)- Engineers mate
" " Sesep (Vulcan)- Helmsman and Head of Lab
" " Jane (Human Female)M.D.- Doctor
" " Apafoor (Klingon)- Tactical Officer
" " Yinan (Trill)- Security Chief
" " 8 of 10 (Liberated Borg)- Astrometerics officer
" " Kimber (Human Female)- Helsman 2
Vice Admiral Derek Simon Ross (human male)- Captain
How do I get a pic formed up of the crew with my ship?
Looks awesome
Then, the magic of photoshop...
Alright. Thanks.
From left to right:
Lt Commander Needa, Commander Colleen Murphy, Commander Wiggeela ov Meerka, Captain Drooz ov Meerka,
Doctor Nyl Boj, Commander Mak, Lieutenant Gorel, Lt Commander Mon'nek, Ensign Xeno
AWSOME!!!!!!!! How did you make the LCARS screens ?
Print screen keys will also save a screen shot to the folder. If you don't have access to Photoshop there are serveral free graphics programs out there. I use one called (Paint Dot Net) Its pretty easy to use and has allot of add-ins and support at the website.
Just Photoshop and LCARS Brush
I'm thinking the Doff chart might be something along the lines of this....interesting.
My crew is under the sig.
Now VA Senshi W Boffs
Tactical in Left Chair.
The Senior Staff at their Stations.
Now Va Valarious Marie Batavious "Aquila" Rom/VUL
Away Mission With te Crew of Vulcan Fury
Nice uniforms. Also, good ship name - and registration!
I went for a planetary pic and assembled them all together from composites using GIMP. I think it'd be nice to get some kind of vanity bridge picture sorted but STO hasn't provided for that possibility yet.
I went for a uniform that kind of pre-empted the cadet uniform. It's essentially the "All Good Things" uniform with a Jupiter veteran belt. The top section of the uniform is purple and the rest of it is jet black apart from what would be the black strip on the uniform, which now acts as the career designation.
From left to right:
Captain Thomas Fox (Human/Andorian)
Commander Povush, son of Vortok, 1st Officer (Klingon)
Commander Tessa Simen, OPS/2nd Officer (Human)
Commander Sivok of Vulcan, Chief Medical Officer (Vulcan)
Commander Farr, Chief of Security (Catian)
Commander Zanith, Helmswoman (Cardassian)
Commander Irthouhi, Security Officer (Hirogen)
Five of Seven, Science Officer (Liberated Borg/Human)
Thot Gor, Breen Liason (Breen)
Commander Cyi, Security Officer (Bajoran)
Dr. Than, Medical Officer (Aenar)
Commander Goret, Engineer (Ferengi)
Dr. Kors, Medical Officer (Tellarite)
Commander Quvoon, Security Officer (Sarrorian)
Commander Dr. Re-havoo, Chief Engineer (Minsk)
Vranlek, Reman Liason (Reman)
S'arith, Klingon Exchange Officer (Gorn)
A crew full of Commanders, it's a wonder anything gets done! LOL!
(In this first one, Three on the left looks like she's wearing green. Her outfit is actually the Engineer color used by T'pol. The lighting in this instance must be altering it.)
Eventually I'll have biographies and more stuff at my web site on my main character,
Well my free graphics program does not have an LCARS Brush. So I did this one from scratch over the last week.
I set it up as a template so I can use the other tabs on the right to do my other characters.
Here's Vice Admiral Redwood and the crew of the U.S.S. Visionary.
Is there some feature that allows this or are you all doing some awesome crop, copy and pasting?
crops and layers, take different away teams down to the same place to match the lighting move the camera and shoot from different angles and combine
Ah, thanks for the tips! I'd always tried the same spot, same position but they never turned out looking as natural what other's had been posting. Never occurred to me to try different angles!
Left to Right: Lt. Yus Aaryn, Lt. Trex, Lt. Commander Yus Taza, Ensign Doyar, Lt. Yikilo Yrl of the U.S.S. Princess Ariel.
Believe it or not, not ALL of my crew is Bajoran. There's like four more I have yet to get a picture of.
Maybe later?
CO: Misa Hayase
XO: Claudia Crant
CHENG: 4 of 7
Weaps: Kiim Kabrivov
Asst Weaps: Roy Fokker
Not sure when I'll make a collage of my other characters' bridge officers.