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How to put the 30 day paid subscription on hold



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Veive257 wrote: »
    So you know, I have 10 open tickets dating back to January 29th with no response. I'll try calling Cryptic tomorrow to see if they would be willing to help me, but otherwise I'm not really interesting in wasting my money until the technical issues are cleared up.

    I took part in two weeks open beta and the headstart, all the problems that are happening now went on then.

    I unfortunately pre ordered from Direct2drive which was unrefundable, i suppose i had rose tinted glasses back then , as it being called Star Trek it must be some mega game i thought. :rolleyes:

    Same day i put my key in though, the recurring sub was cancelled.

    I really dont believe Cryptic are in any rush to sort out anything pronto, once they got your money thats it.

    They might have had £45 of mine for their lunches, but rest assured they could possibly bring out the biggest game ever next, and you know what i wouldnt touch it.

    Anything in the gameworld involving Cryptic i will be steering well clear of.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hatemenow wrote: »
    From a free to play mmo I wouldn't care, this double dipping is a joke though.

    Well in free to play MMO they sell stuff which effect your character and its progression so it mostly becomes essential for you to buy stuff from store. Its not the same for C-STORE. Its all vanity and cosmetic things which you don't need to improve your character. You can ignore it and keep on playing.

    So to make comparisons with free to play MMO is not fair.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Veive257 wrote: »
    I didn't realize this was an unproven technology. MMOs have been around for years, and this isn't Cryptic's first, but you are right, and I was foolish.


    Oh well. Point taken. Understood.

    Now, please only respond if you have an answer to my post.

    1) I think people HAVE been answering your question. I just think you don't like the answers you are given so you must be waiting on the right one???
    2) I'm not sure a post in this forum is the place to get a problem like that corrected. Maybe try contacting the company as no one that posts here can help you?? (HINT: Try starting at the SUPPORT forums, not the regular online discussion board?!?!)
    Of course that should be common sense.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hatemenow wrote: »
    From a free to play mmo I wouldn't care, this double dipping is a joke though.

    You know, WoW has one, too, and they have more than two items. Face it, it's the new standard. The difference is that Cryptic isn't intending to base it's profit off of it. If they were, as you seem to think, they'd have more than two items in it, with both of them being races that would only appeal to a small minority of players.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Veive257 wrote: »
    OK, now that I've received a retail box that I paid for, entered the code and started this paid playtime.. I'm not satisfied with the game crashing daily, or being down for maintenance when I want to play, etc.

    How do I put my subscription on hold? I don't want to waste the 30 days on this alpha-testing part of the game.. I'd be happy to come back when the bugs are worked out.

    As many have said once you put in your key, the 30 day countdown starts. You can cancel now and not be charged. In the future they may have some free trial period or something you can do before you decide to resuscribe.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    1) I think people HAVE been answering your question. I just think you don't like the answers you are given so you must be waiting on the right one???
    2) I'm not sure a post in this forum is the place to get a problem like that corrected. Maybe try contacting the company as no one that posts here can help you?? (HINT: Try starting at the SUPPORT forums, not the regular online discussion board?!?!)
    Of course that should be common sense.

    You have issues man. Calm down. You are right, though, I don't like your answer. I'm hoping for something useful.

    If you don't think this forum is a good place to discuss my issue, stop discussing it with me.

    I've got ten (10) open tickets dating back to January 29th with Cryptic, so I am using the support system. I've also talked to people in the support forums about support issues i.e. game bugs and disconnects, but I'm talking about a general relationship between the customer and the supplier in here.

    Please stop trolling, some of us are trying to discuss an issue.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Veive257 wrote: »
    You have issues man. Calm down. You are right, though, I don't like your answer. I'm hoping for something useful.

    If you don't think this forum is a good place to discuss my issue, stop discussing it with me.

    I've got ten (10) open tickets dating back to January 29th with Cryptic, so I am using the support system. I've also talked to people in the support forums about support issues i.e. game bugs and disconnects, but I'm talking about a general relationship between the customer and the supplier in here.

    Please stop trolling, some of us are trying to discuss an issue.

    Actually, at this point, I think it's safe to say you're the one trolling. You make unrealistic demands of a brand-new MMO, and then threaten the company that made the game that didn't meet those demands. You also admit that you don't really know what you're asking for, yet, when we spell it out to you that what you ask is unreasonable and unprecedented, you call us trolls. Finally, you call someone a troll for telling you that your thread is in the wrong forum, which is absolutely true.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Actually, at this point, I think it's safe to say you're the one trolling. You make unrealistic demands of a brand-new MMO, and then threaten the company that made the game that didn't meet those demands. You also admit that you don't really know what you're asking for, yet, when we spell it out to you that what you ask is unreasonable and unprecedented, you call us trolls. Finally, you call someone a troll for telling you that your thread is in the wrong forum, which is absolutely true.

    Better than 79% uptime for a retail product is not unreasonable. You are a sucker if you think that's good enough for $60 plus $15/month.

    I'm not threatening anyone. The customer service is non responsive in my experience (ten open tickets for more than a week now) and the phone service isn't available on weekends.

    I'm asking for a way to put my 30 day paid subscription on hold for a while. Spell out how to do that because all you do is babble nonsense about how stupid I am.

    If this thread was in the wrong forum, it would be moved by a moderator.

    GO AWAY JediDethFreak.
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