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STO has no Crafting Because....



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ...am I alone in not giving a **** about crafting?

    No your not, its just plain boring
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Better that they launch without a crafting system, and develop it later IF necessary, then throw one in there just because everyone else has one and make it a dull grind fest and/or superfluous to the game.

    But, hey, you seem to have some sort of axe to grind here, judging by your other posts. So, carry on.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Baconnaise wrote:
    I didn't care for Blizzard's crafting system and thought it was garbage. Pirates of the Burning Sea had a very detailed and micromanaged crafting system. It was a pretty robust system for people that actually like that socioeconomic thing. Eve has a very unique crafting system as well which is fulfilling for many.

    It sounds like you're asking for a useless unless it's maxed crafting system. Lotro, WoW, AION, and many others have that type of system. This doesn't need a typical crafting system or at all imo.

    Why come to these threads if you don't think it needs a crafting system?. Why comment? Would it make you mad if there was a better crafting system would ninja's sneek into your home and eat all your sandwich meat? Why would you not want things added as long as they dont take away?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I loved the crafting in Earth and Beyond, primarily focused on components like shields, engines, weapons, etc. You had to deconstruct to learn the schematic, it was great to get loot so you could decon it and there was a healthy market for both player created components and loot drops.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    javisman wrote: »
    I loved the crafting in Earth and Beyond, primarily focused on components like shields, engines, weapons, etc. You had to deconstruct to learn the schematic, it was great to get loot so you could decon it and there was a healthy market for both player created components and loot drops.

    I agree, that was a crafting system that developers (Cryptic or some other one) should consider resurrecting at some point. E&B was treated poorly by EA, and killed before its time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ragerx wrote:
    The reason the replicators work so well is because they follow the Law of Conservation of matter/energy. The matter (item) is fully disposed of because it is transformed into pure energy put back into the ship system. The is no waste nor should there be with a complete conversion of matter to energy

    Yeah probably but who said anything in Star Trek was an exact science LOL.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If i recall correct crafting in CoH/CoV was weak too...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    javisman wrote: »
    I loved the crafting in Earth and Beyond, primarily focused on components like shields, engines, weapons, etc. You had to deconstruct to learn the schematic, it was great to get loot so you could decon it and there was a healthy market for both player created components and loot drops.

    "Cool Game"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ragerx wrote:
    Then call it that dont try to make it rain yellow and call it good..I honestly think that they have no idea HOW to implement crafting because they are incompetent in some areas. I mean really go steal a dev from Blizz already to teach you how to build a crafting system........

    A dev from Blizzard would not be able to create something better than WoW. WoWs crafting system sucked
    Ragerx wrote:
    The reason the replicators work so well is because they follow the Law of Conservation of matter/energy. The matter (item) is fully disposed of because it is transformed into pure energy put back into the ship system. The is no waste nor should there be with a complete conversion of matter to energy

    Not true the replicators don't follow the law of conservation

    A replicator is a device that used transporter technology to dematerialize quantities of matter and then rematerialized that matter in another form. It was also capable of inverting its function, thus disposing of leftovers and dishes and storing the bulk material again. Replicators are capable of producing something as fresh and tasty as non-replicated foodstuffs, inorganically materialized out of patterns used by the transporters.

    Replicators in this game are only a vendor system.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Avondra wrote:
    Why come to these threads if you don't think it needs a crafting system?. Why comment? Would it make you mad if there was a better crafting system would ninja's sneek into your home and eat all your sandwich meat? Why would you not want things added as long as they dont take away?

    Well he is saying it will probably take away from something else.

    STO like any other game only has so many Devs and a limited amount of cash so if they are busy doing a simple crating system like some asked for in the beggining of the thread that will take the Dev working on crafting away from working on something else.

    We do have a crafting system like is actually used in Star Trek
    Get basic components and use replicators to make something from the raw/rare components in Memory Alpha

    And if the new crafting is just something basic then the same people will be on here complaining about it still.......well maybe not
    I am guessing we will see a big drop off of the complainers once they make it so you have to have actually paid for the game. Alot of canceling right before they are about to charge them the $50-$60 on their CCs
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Ragerx wrote:
    Then call it that dont try to make it rain yellow and call it good..I honestly think that they have no idea HOW to implement crafting because they are incompetent in some areas. I mean really go steal a dev from Blizz already to teach you how to build a crafting system........

    I understand what you're saying, but really. They should have taken Star Wars Galaxies crafting system. The way it operates, gathering is just amazing. SWG was a horrible game as a whole (though the beginning was pretty decent), but the crafting system has to be one of the most well thought out systems in the history of MMO's up to this point.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I am saving all my "crafting" materials in hopes that a real system is developed. Right now "crafting" items are nothing but another form of currency in game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Kardall wrote: »
    I understand what you're saying, but really. They should have taken Star Wars Galaxies crafting system. The way it operates, gathering is just amazing. SWG was a horrible game as a whole (though the beginning was pretty decent), but the crafting system has to be one of the most well thought out systems in the history of MMO's up to this point.

    You are right about SWG being a robust system. I think it really just comes down to them using the CO engine and not wanting to put the work in on it really. I envision their dev team at a table with a dry erase board X'ing out crafting from the features list because it wont let them release as fast pure and simple
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    wow ragerx, your system spam takes up more place than the msg. impressive.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Avondra wrote:
    Why come to these threads if you don't think it needs a crafting system?. Why comment? Would it make you mad if there was a better crafting system would ninja's sneek into your home and eat all your sandwich meat? Why would you not want things added as long as they dont take away?

    I'm not quite sure why you're asking this question. I don't like the current system in place and think it needs improvement or be removed. Why would a person that feels differently feel the need to not voice an opinion on something for or against? What's the problem with that specifically? Do you enjoy telling other people what you think they should do?

    I personally don't want to see a half baked crafting system like in most MMO's where I have to craft or buy from a crafter. It kills any trek immersion you mist have while feeling totally out of place. Every MMO crafters almost always have and make the most money. Recipes or whatever you want to call them might require rare items or have rare recipes that again promote spawn camping. I'm totally fine and happy without any of that negativity being added.

    Answering your question yes it does take away something from me it's called choice.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Galactium wrote:
    Well he is saying it will probably take away from something else.

    STO like any other game only has so many Devs and a limited amount of cash so if they are busy doing a simple crating system like some asked for in the beggining of the thread that will take the Dev working on crafting away from working on something else.

    We do have a crafting system like is actually used in Star Trek
    Get basic components and use replicators to make something from the raw/rare components in Memory Alpha

    And if the new crafting is just something basic then the same people will be on here complaining about it still.......well maybe not
    I am guessing we will see a big drop off of the complainers once they make it so you have to have actually paid for the game. Alot of canceling right before they are about to charge them the $50-$60 on their CCs

    This is pretty concise as currently I have issues with getting missions rewards to having to place all my skills on my hotbar again after it resets. They need to get these seemingly trivial issues ironed out in a timely manner.

    Oh and to bring up another point klingons currently don't have an upgrade path like federation. Adding a more complicated crafting system seems counterproductive to any future and current factions.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Eve got it right... they got it too right, with one of the most convoluted, complicated crafting systems in existance. But they also have a (mostly) entirely player driven economy, something that Cryptic cannot, apparently, grasp the basic concepts of.

    Ohh well. Cotton candy is cotton candy; you enjoy the sweet emptiness for a little while before going back to Steak.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As some one earlier in jest said,"Crafting is boring". LIttle did the know they were correct. Now I'm all for diplomatic missions and exploration. It's not all about the pew pew but crafting is boring. It is. If you look deep in your heart, you'll know it too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    there is no crafting in STO? not that ive seen, you collect annomolies and trade them and 1x unit of an item for a better version of it. You havent crafted anything you simply swapped items for an item...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    RichyYoung wrote: »
    there is no crafting in STO? not that ive seen, you collect annomolies and trade them and 1x unit of an item for a better version of it. You havent crafted anything you simply swapped items for an item...

    In all honesty, is 'traditional' MMO crafting any different? Trade ingredients for product.

    The Memory Alpha upgrade method is more fitting to Trek than fabrication of basic items - that's what replicators are for.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Baconnaise wrote:
    I honestly think they couldn't think of any way to include a crafting system. Thinking about it more just makes me think this is the most logical answer. How would you put in crafting in a star trek mmo? The only thing I can come up with really is something similar to what they have which is a system that upgrades what you have. I mean in the series the engineers like laforge and obrien would modify what they have perhaps making it run better etc. The closest thing I have seen in star trek was in voyager with the photonic holograms mining dilithium when the doc was seeking equal treatment. Why would we mine our own resources anyways when we can use holograms? Look at todays assembly lines for any product and they automate as much as possible.

    Upgrades seem the best solution so far imo.

    So ummmm.... who builds the ships? Who makes all the parts inside the ships... what about the weapons.... surely not everything is made with a replicator.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Soluss wrote: »
    So ummmm.... who builds the ships? Who makes all the parts inside the ships... what about the weapons.... surely not everything is made with a replicator.

    People who shouldn't be commanding their ship out on the front lines.

    That said, there's very little in a Starfleet ship that didn't at least get assembled from replicated components.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    People who shouldn't be commanding their ship out on the front lines.

    So that would give STO another form of gameplay.... that would be a good thing. Too much pewpew and not enough anything else atm.
    That said, there's very little in a Starfleet ship that didn't at least get assembled from replicated components.

    Replicators still cant assemble things. Crafting is exactly that.... assembling items from ingrediants.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Soluss wrote: »
    So that would give STO another form of gameplay.... that would be a good thing. Too much pewpew and not enough anything else atm.

    Yes, but I'd rather see at least halfway complete Klingons before even thinking about adding economic personnel into the game.
    Soluss wrote: »
    Replicators still cant assemble things. Crafting is exactly that.... assembling items from ingrediants.

    If the current system is silly, then just buying parts for anything from the same industrial replicaor and slapping them together is even sillier.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yes, but I'd rather see at least halfway complete Klingons before even thinking about adding economic personnel into the game.

    Agreed there but honestly it should all be in by now.... its release

    If the current system is silly, then just buying parts for anything from the same industrial replicaor and slapping them together is even sillier.

    /sigh it doesnt have to be like THAT... use your imagination. Crafting can be very viable but im not about to draw a whole plan out for it.... thats not my job.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Soluss wrote: »
    Agreed there but honestly it should all be in by now.... its release

    Hey, it's an obvious rush job. But better to finish what they have half-included first.
    Soluss wrote: »
    /sigh it doesnt have to be like THAT... use your imagination. Crafting can be very viable but im not about to draw a whole plan out for it.... thats not my job.

    Can't have a crafting system patterned on Eve or Galaxies without crapping all over the lore.

    The 'rare data' + basic item system fits well, and is close-ish to how the plot device phlebotinum of the week would be generated. The system suffers from the tendency of item acquisition systems in STO to be slapdash laundry lists rather than item selection by specification. This is annoying but also a broader issue.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Soluss wrote: »
    So that would give STO another form of gameplay.... that would be a good thing. Too much pewpew and not enough anything else atm.

    Replicators still cant assemble things. Crafting is exactly that.... assembling items from ingrediants.


    But another thing to keep in mind is this: There are no real artisan crafters in Star Trek.

    Leah Brahms designed the Enterprise-D but didn't BUILD it. Sisko designed the Defiant but wasn't active in every component of its construction. Scotty or Spock or Data or LaForge might get an idea for a device but they always have a team they turn to to build it or a machine that simply makes it from the blueprints.

    Warcraft style crafting would be positively theme-breaking. Among other things because it's based on making money off of a trade, something both Star Trek as an IP and Cryptic in its previous games have pretty staunchly opposed. Cryptic puts in some core economic conceits to get stuff cycling around but generally tries to avoid instilling their games with a profit motive. In the past because they said they felt it was "unheroic" for super-heroes and I'm sure their attitude towards Starfleet captains isn't much different.

    In a Cryptic game, you do fun stuff with money. You have maybe a few nice upgrades or cosmetic things to save up for. But make no mistake, Cryptic DESIGNS their games to produce lots of millionaires who have nothing to do but think up ways of giving money to new players, friends or new characters.

    In WoW, lowbies spam you asking for gold to buy a sword or pay a repair bill. In Cryptic games, high levels folks will spam you asking you to take money off their hands.

    And I, for one, prefer the latter. 'Cause I feel like a jerk for ignoring somebody asking me for money and you should too. It breeds contempt for newbs and encourages realistic behavior. If I wanted to behave realistically, I'd go outside. I want to behave like an altruistic hero in a utopian economy, not feel put upon to pay my own bills and contemptuous of anyone else who wants my money/resources.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What is the purpose of crafting if we have replicators?

    Very true. Although i'd miss crafting in mmo's its something to break up doing combat all the time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OP I disagree with the results you forsee, mainly because I can't see this game being successful. In fact, I think its going to tank, in short order. Cryptic has demonstrated what their business ethic is- they don't have one. This is the second game they have launched with a gross lack of content (lol klingons) and now, on the FIRST DAY OF LIVE, they are already selling content in the CSTORE (Ferengi and fed klingon). Once again, they launch a game that is devoid of content, completely filled with holes, and now they are going to charge their players to add in everything that should have been in at launch. This game is already on the express elevator to hell.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    After reading this thread. It would seem to me that not adding in crafting was actually more ture to canon. Now shut your holes and get back to pew pew.
This discussion has been closed.