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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    MojoRisen wrote:
    I can deal with bugs and i can deal with unexpected crashes...but what i cannot deal with is the server stabilty feeling exactly the same as it did at the end of OB...what did we wait 3 days for? a char wipe? I thought perhaps they was moving it to a dedicated server in those 3 days..but what i see is a game that cant stay up at all.. there is no reason for the server to have the same crappy stability it had during beta considering this is launch and PAID time we are on now.

    If I ever manage to see this server go a full 24 hours without a crash I will believe we have launched and its just bug fixes now, until then I consider this a paid beta and I didnt agree to pay to beta anything.

    Have you ever played an MMO before?

    From launch?

    You really don't sound like it.

    This is just the way it is. The Dev's set server standards to do something called stress testing. Believe it or not, stress testing goes on in the first weeks of live because of the gross gain of players.

    Be patient and stop moaning.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    kamui wrote: »
    Not just impatient, but they expect perfection. Heck, I decided long ago I wouldn't demand perfection from anyone or anything until I acheived it myself first. <looks in mirror> Nope. Not quite there yet.

    I can understand frustration. I want to play the game to. But to throw the temper tantrums some of them are throwing? It's enough to make me wonder about the human race, ya know?

    However, what IS funny is watching the haters rush to the forum to crow triumphantly about how the game sucks because it crashed...26+ hours after coming on line <LOL>. I remember when DAoC came online...I was the 14th person on the server. It musta crashed a half dozen times just that day. That game crashed so often they handed out free time to the players. Maybe that's why I'm copacetic about it...I've been forged in the fires of MMO crashdom <LOL>.

    You are right about it all. It is totally hilarious to see those people come in here they're right.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I find amusing that things being ****ed up is supposed to be normal and accepted when it comes to MMOs.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Have you ever played an MMO before?

    From launch?

    You really don't sound like it.

    This is just the way it is. The Dev's set server standards to do something called stress testing. Believe it or not, stress testing goes on in the first weeks of live because of the gross gain of players.

    Be patient and stop moaning.


    quite a few over the last 17 years including UO at launch...and every one of them was capable of running for 24 hours at launch..did they have bugs? hell yes...did they crash? hell yes....did they stay up for awhile in between crashes? hell yes...has STO?? hell no
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    well honestly i dont care about the down time. but good news for everyone, all this "stress testing" while people are paying for the game will mean that alot will quit and the servers wont be stressed anymore. so in 1 or possibly 2 months time we can all expect great server responses yay!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Fans are clingy complaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

    Gah, i'm tired of re-quoting that. People in general are impatient idiots who'll only spot the flaws in any product. Anyone who studies psychology or has worked in fast food/stores/any customer service will know that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    MojoRisen wrote:

    quite a few over the last 17 years including UO at launch...and every one of them was capable of running for 24 hours at launch..did they have bugs? hell yes...did they crash? hell yes....did they stay up for awhile in between crashes? hell yes...has STO?? hell no

    That so?


    Star Wars Galaxies ( On Launch weekend, multiple servers crashed constantly. Starsider anyone? It still crashes, by the way. )

    World of Warcraft ( Need I say more? )

    Remember Everquest II? Heh.

    Oh! Oh! What about Champions Online? Hmm...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    That so?


    Star Wars Galaxies ( On Launch weekend, multiple servers crashed constantly. Starsider anyone? It still crashes, by the way. )

    World of Warcraft ( Need I say more? )

    Remember Everquest II? Heh.

    Oh! Oh! What about Champions Online? Hmm...

    The way I see it is, if WoW could have the problems it did at launch and still be the number 1 MMO, this is not going to hurt the game in the long run like all the naysayers think.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The way I see it is, if WoW could have the problems it did at launch and still be the number 1 MMO, this is not going to hurt the game in the long run like all the naysayers think.

    Exactly my point.

    Most of the ones that are crying are the imaptient twelve year-olds that are home from school and have nothing better to do then sit around and moan when the game is down.


    I almost approve of early on issues.

    It proves the Dev's competance.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    That so?


    Star Wars Galaxies ( On Launch weekend, multiple servers crashed constantly. Starsider anyone? It still crashes, by the way. )

    World of Warcraft ( Need I say more? )

    Remember Everquest II? Heh.

    Oh! Oh! What about Champions Online? Hmm...

    yes I do, and I never opened my mouth during those times because I knew it was normal and would get better and it did..although this is the first time i have seen an MMO go through beta and into launch with no sign of a difference in stability, all the others made slow progress but it was progress, if i could pop us all back in time 10 days you would not be able to tell the difference in live play vs beta as far as stability and quite a few of the major bugs are concerned.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think the world has become far too impatient. There are threads now popping up on the forums with people saying that it's "inexcusable for the server to be down" and similar statements. Have you ever played another MMO at launch? They are very unstable. It takes a while to get all the bugs out. MMO's are something that evolve, not something that starts out perfect. What's the hurt in an hour of down time to fix the problem we've had all day with 2 minute load screens for every system? You'll end up with a lot more playtime if they fix it now than if they wait. So my advice to you is to learn some patience.

    Well I guess you have never played a game where you have to pay a monthly fee before have you? Time is money and if people are paying to play a game online then the server down time needs to be at a minimum. Otherwise Cryptic may as well start issueing refunds because nobody will pay a sub for a game thats offline every time you turn around.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    MojoRisen wrote:
    yes I do, and I never opened my mouth during those times because I knew it was normal and would get better and it did..although this is the first time i have seen an MMO go through beta and into launch with no sign of a difference in stability, all the others made slow progress but it was progress, if i could pop us all back in time 10 days you would not be able to tell the difference in live play vs beta as far as stability and quite a few of the major bugs are concerned.

    Then you obviously didn't Beta test because the game is much more stable.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Exactly my point.

    Most of the ones that are crying are the imaptient twelve year-olds that are home from school and have nothing better to do then sit around and moan when the game is down.


    I almost approve of early on issues.

    It proves the Dev's competance.

    Agreed. It gives us the chance to test their mettle and so far I'm impressed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well I guess you have never played a game where you have to pay a monthly fee before have you? Time is money and if people are paying to play a game online then the server down time needs to be at a minimum. Otherwise Cryptic may as well start issueing refunds because nobody will pay a sub for a game thats offline every time you turn around.

    You are implying that you'd rather play the game with massive bugs, rather then wait an hour and have many of them fixed? What ever happened to quality over quantity? Oh wait.. This is America...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well I guess you have never played a game where you have to pay a monthly fee before have you? Time is money and if people are paying to play a game online then the server down time needs to be at a minimum. Otherwise Cryptic may as well start issueing refunds because nobody will pay a sub for a game thats offline every time you turn around.

    Yes, I have played many. WoW, EVE, Runescape. The thing is, we're not paying to play this yet. Not only is headstart a preorder incentive, we have the month that comes with the game before we start a monthly fee.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well I guess you have never played a game where you have to pay a monthly fee before have you? Time is money and if people are paying to play a game online then the server down time needs to be at a minimum. Otherwise Cryptic may as well start issueing refunds because nobody will pay a sub for a game thats offline every time you turn around.
    I'd only point out here that your first Subscription Fee won't be paid until 30 days after you enter your Retail Key. That means you aren't paying them a montly fee until around March 2nd. :)

    Beyond that, every new MMO crashes several times for the first couple of weeks. I get that this might be your first MMO at launch but this is my 13th, and this has been one of the smoothest. A hiccup when the servers went up and then no crash for 28 hours. That's much better then you can imagine.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Honestly impatience is understandable. This is not BETA anymore. The servers should work. At a minimum they need to give us a few minutes warning (assuming the server didn't crash) and an update on what is going on (say once an hour or something).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think the world has become far too impatient. There are threads now popping up on the forums with people saying that it's "inexcusable for the server to be down" and similar statements. Have you ever played another MMO at launch? They are very unstable. It takes a while to get all the bugs out. MMO's are something that evolve, not something that starts out perfect. What's the hurt in an hour of down time to fix the problem we've had all day with 2 minute load screens for every system? You'll end up with a lot more playtime if they fix it now than if they wait. So my advice to you is to learn some patience.

    A player who has played other MMOs at launch too :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is my first time ever at the launch of any MMO, but as someone who spent 5yrs in software development and another 8 using different software, these things are to be expected. The guys fixing this problem i'm sure want to get it fixed as fast as humanly possible. After all, who wants to be in the office on a Saturday?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well I guess you have never played a game where you have to pay a monthly fee before have you? Time is money and if people are paying to play a game online then the server down time needs to be at a minimum. Otherwise Cryptic may as well start issueing refunds because nobody will pay a sub for a game thats offline every time you turn around.

    His posts shows he has, it aint great to pay and have game problems but thats part of the MMO world. (any of them)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Kassidus wrote: »
    I played 14h streight yesterday and loved every minute of it, so its down for a bit so they can fix ****, it happens in all MMO's even ones that are out for years, so get a life.

    Post of the week. They should make this the official post in the news forum.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    everyone keeps telling me I must not have beta'd much software...blah blah blah.

    Ok here is a simple answer for you, in all those betas YOU have been to have you ever seen one that cant flip the on switch back on??

    Even though wow and others crashed like hell alot of the times it was just a reboot and back in game until the next "scheduled" maintenence unless it was an extremely heinous bug or exploit.. this game never goes down without having a 2 hour turn around..thats my main aggrevation.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Vaughnn wrote:
    I don't think it would be near so bad if Cryptic had someone in charge of communicating what the current issues are, when the server is going down, how long it will be down, what they hope to accomplish with the downtime.

    People get crabby when they feel left out of the loop. But this is my first MMO launch so I don't know how realistic good communication is. Sounds easy enough....

    Well, it really depends on the company. We're playing an MMO from a company called Cryptic... that should tell you something. My MMO experience extends to SWG, a little LOTRO, and the text-based MMOS that the company I worked for almost 10 years ago developed.

    Of the three, the company I worked for was the most forthcoming in unexpected downtime messages. We had very loyal fans so we felt it was important to be honest with them. "Well, guys... you broke the server again. Actually, the RAID array took a flying leap of the deep end.... replacements are coming Monday. We're working on getting a backup server running in the meantime... expect a little more lag than usual once we're back up."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    *breaks out the popcorn, marshmallows, sticks, and flame-retardant (oh the connotations...) suits*

    The sticks are for poking the angry people, not the marshmallows, btw...

    Seriously though, it seems... perspective-changing that I can see the general good of the public outcry, and yet cringe when taking a closer look at what some people are saying. I could go on about not being impatient, how every MMO launch is like this, etc, but... meh... :p
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