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Stop complaining it's just a beta!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Please re-read my original statement.

    It wasn't a key from a partner site.

    You need to re-read mine. My post said you could not get head start from partner sites. You are proving my point
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Seljek wrote: »
    You need to re-read mine. My post said you could not get head start from partner sites. You are proving my point

    Now, I am confused as to precisely what your "point" is/

    You seemed to be challenging the veracity of my statement that the key I have, which came to me for free, could not be allowing me access to the head start.

    Please clarify if this is not the case.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    GMRob wrote: »
    Free with a purchase in the eyes of the legal system has been considered payed for.

    So what happens if you buy a $1000 loaf of bread and the company promises to give you a free car if you order the bread before it hits shelves and then decides to give you a hunk of metal from a car but not the whole car? You just paid $1000 for a loaf of bread. Congrats.

    The beta keys acquired by free promos from other sites do not count as head start keys, only the beta keys that were paid for with pre-orders count, unless you can prove otherwise to me. Its the same as me, my beta key counts also, but I actually bought that key for $5 as a down payment of sorts.[/QUOTE

    The car and bread scenerio is harldy a good comparison. First of all you aren't getting just a part of the game. If the people giving me the car started out with a door for example and had an entire brand new car built in 4 days that would be a better comparison. Your game time does not start until Tuesday relax. After Tuesday troll away.

    Well technically we are paying for a part of a game, its just that there is just enough of the game that it doesnt constitute compensation . If the game is down for half the time that is up, you are liable to sue the company for compensation for lost game time. Would anyone actually do that? I dont know.
    Now, I am confused as to precisely what your "point" is/

    You seemed to be challenging the veracity of my statement that the key I have, which came to me for free, could not be allowing me access to the head start.

    Please clarify if this is not the case.
    I am assuming that you have pre-ordered the game, you have yet to decline that. If you have pre-ordered the game like me, then you have paid for it. You have already said that you have not acquired the game through free promotions on other sites.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Seljek wrote: »

    I am assuming that you have pre-ordered the game, you have yet to decline that. If you have pre-ordered the game like me, then you have paid for it. You have already said that you have not acquired the game through free promotions on other sites.

    I have pre-ordered the game.

    However, the key I am using is not a beta key acquired from that purchase.

    It is a key which was dropped on my account by Cryptic, before I ordered.
    Presumably for my being one of the early registrars of the community.

    I beta'd the game for about a week before deciding to pre-order.

    EDIT: Or, is it registrant?
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