During the holiday event, I had purchased the science training manual
Cryothermic Armor I on a Romulan Tactical Officer. Knowing it would be a bit before it could be used, I naturally stashed it away for the appropriate level to be attained for its later use. The normal. However, upon reaching the required level (
the bridge officer) and promotion, it is not there. The manual itself is just not there available for the officer to use.
is there in my inventory actively unprotected and unused. It is not in the bank when it is being selected, and if it was, it still does not show up as even existing. I checked my other tactical officer character,
whom does not have this manual purchased, if her officer had this available - all of the science bridge officers across my characters that do not have this manual do not have it missing from the selection itself. It just is not purchased on anyone else.
To checklist requirements;
- Max level Tactical officer; 65
- Promoted all bridge officers; Commander
- Appropriate Skill; Ground skill to Away team
- Appropriate profession; Science officer to Science manual
- Manual is inside the inventory, not the bank.
...Annnnnd the manual is not there in the selection to train. Cannot even select the empty box to manually put it there.
So below are the same-day screenshots of what is happening and how, as words cannot explain this well enough;

//footnote; playing on playstation5, not 4