First i must thank you as my report from years ago had an issue fixed, AI of gunboats not responding to carrier commands, albeit another issue still makes them unresposive for 1-3 seconds after first launch which i will write in detail below.
Vanguard Carrier issues;
- Launches all hangar pets to the left sideways. Causing them all to be unresponsive 1-3 seconds. They are facing left, forcing them to turn first fight momentum and then turn to engage enemies, which also exposes them to flanking damage. Quite visually annoying too for a supercarrier with forward facing hangar deck from core to the bow to be launching pets sideways.
- Dampen Energy Signatures starship trait does not work for multiple reasons. As i will write down below as well, its own activating ability Mask Energy Signatures put the ship into red alert state when this trait is installed, breaking the ability. Also the stealth it gives is designed with hangar pets having attack pattern lambda, which they still sold as in description and stated in their tooltip yet missing, replaced with beam overload. Making this stealth AKA number 1 property of this trait broken. And since enemy NPCs have low accuracy i expected to see +15 defense to at least show some "miss" on frigates but it may or may not apply this. More details on this below in "Hangar pet Gunboats and Related Issues" section.
The console Linked Command Matrix issues;
- Using this console reduces my hp from 91k to 76k, this is absurd, i mean yes practically half my ship detaches but i get nothing in turn, it provides no turn rate (supposed to, advertised as, and when compared to other separation consoles it is supposed to be +6 as other consoles give up to +8, but it is written as +%6, in reality instead of giving 0,45 [from 7,5 base turn rate] which is too low anyways, it gives 0,30 meaning its problematic in more ways than one.) and activating console provides no bonuses to the carrier itself only a energy swap which isn't a bonus but outright a trade of 10 shield energy to other 10 weapon energy. If i set my engine power to minimum it grants 0,30, if i set to maximum i have turn rate of 17 before activation and 17,2 after activation for a 0,2 increase. This increase is not only not as advertised "+6" but also bugged.
- Console doesn't auto deactivate to dock the ship back once it is destroyed. This is actually how it was described in zen store but still its annoying since you don't have a HUD element to check its state unlike hangar pets.
- Separated Heavy Attack Craft is useless, it will be instantly destroyed 1vs1 against a cruiser without reducing its health by %1 in easy TFO's, let alone advanced or elites, where i use mask energy signature science ability to go afk and let my hangar gunboat pets solo the mission. This Heavy attack craft should have more single target damage than frigates. Not just to satisfy carrier players or immersion, but also for balance as i sacrifice a ton of HP of my ship to launch it. Extensive testing with and without carrier consoles, traits and various boosts show that this seperated Heavy attack craft always deals 400-500 beam damage and 5-8k randomized quantum torpedo damage, while my vanguard gunboat hangar pets deal 3k beam and 40k qtorp damage at 0 stars and no consoles, while 4x hangar power transmission advanced consoles at 5 star ranks they deal 5k beam damage and 80-95k qtorp damage.
- Hangar pet abilities, boosts and advanced engineering consoles do not apply their effects to ship separated ship. Also it does not benefit from any scaling whatsoever HP, damage or anything always remains the same. Vanguard Wingman's' polaron strafing runs scale with player's ship's polaron damage consoles, this one isn't effected by them nor anything that effects hangar pets. For captain skill picks like Coordination Protocols consider this ship to be a player and only grant %5 increases instead of %20 as they do to hangar pets. Also a note, i tested advanced engineering console hangar power transmissions, its icon do show up on the attack craft but hours of testing kept the both energy and torpedo damage numbers the same at 500 beam to 5-8k torpedo damages respectively. This happens with mines as well, they receive the icon but clearly they do nothing.
- Also swarmer matrix console doesn't effect it either.
- Scramble fighters premium trait does not effect, give hp or damage boost to separated ship.
- I just believe you should take a 5 star frigate class hangar pet's HP, shield and damage values and apply to to the separation console ships, not just this one.
- Separated ship is classified as a heavy attack craft yet has beam fire at will, causing it to draw mass agroo and get instantly blown up, simple fix is to simply remove this one and only keep beam overload which it already has. It would also be more logical.
- There is also this cooldown issue with set bonus of this console, reinforced in the link as well "Reduces Recharge on Linked Command Matrix, Dominion Targeting Synchronizer, Power Dispersal Channel, and Polaron Particle Inverter by 60 sec (for some reason cooldown of Linked Command Matrix is reduced only by 30 sec) This is also mentioned in the wiki "".
Moving to Hangar pet Gunboats and Related Issues.
- Zen store description clearly shows (in screenshots aswell) that gunboats have attack pattern lambda, which they do not. Instead they are granted beam overload which conflict on cooldowns with their beam fire at will. This is a significant issue that doesn't just effect this hangar pet but also the entire carrier ship. Reason being "Dampen Energy Signatures" trait is designed by these hangar pets in mind. It grants +4000 stealth, but this has no value in game regardless of distance whatsoever. That is because every ship has 5000 base stealth detection/perception rating. What this trait was designed and advertised as is that trait gives them +4000 stealth, then hangar pets use their own attack pattern lambda to reduce enemy perception by -750. Essentially equaling to 4750 stealth rating as a combo of carrier's trait and pets' own ability. 5000-4750 equals to 250. 250/50 to 5km cloaking distance, meaning enemy npcs couldn't detect gunboats unless they are withing 5km away. This wouldn't effect pvp balance whatsoever because trait only gives +4000 stealth, and a max rank player has about extra 300 perception so they can practically detect the hangar pets from about 10km away anyways. How to fix this is rather simple, remove beam overload, and give back attack pattern lambda 3 as advertised (to this day you are selling this item with original description both in zen store desc, and in hangar pets own tooltip and both are misinformation). Also a increase on stealth rating of the trait would be appreciated, small enough to not effect pvp, if it was increased to 4250, people can still detect them easily. Or a simply 5 second duration increase as a quality of life improvement would be appreciated as intel ability that trigger it have up to 1minute cooldowns for a mere 10 second effect that currently doesn't even work due to reasons i provided.
- Also while i am not absolutely sure on this, despite trait giving them +15 defense rating, i never once saw them dodge shots or any "miss" label on them from incoming hits.
- Moreover, this trait is activated by Mask energy signatures science ability. Problem is this trait puts your hangar pets into combat state, and you red alert state under certain conditions which prevent the ability from being used at all as it deactivates. Conditions that i found so far are: If there are enemies in or out of combat 15km of carrier or hangar pets. If carrier commands is set to "attack target" regardless if there are enemies in map or you are outright in a neutral zone like sol orbit. Having carrier command in interceptor mode or recalling them prevents red alert state while triggering the trait. This is also annoying on the part of red alert state preventing player from going full impulse when you want it the most: during cloak, if you can cloak at all as it de-actives it.
- Gunboats prefer using beam overloads which they shouldn't have to begin with, this is a issue in multiple fronts. First it breaks ships lore and entire design pattern against Hur'q. Lets call it immersion and theme build breaking. Secondly as gunboats they are designed to deal with multiple ships, which is further proven by the carriers trait dampen energy signatures which reduce threat generated from fire at will's mass multi target attack, and additional defense rating. When they use beam overload this trait becomes pointless
Thank you for reading this post. As you can imagine its been years of frustation and documentation of these issues, i came back from a long break and upon seeing them again i wanted to report these.
On additional note, while has nothing to do with this ship, while i was documenting all these i realized the personal space trait "Psychological Warfare" has its own issues. Its description states: "Improves the effectiveness of all your abilities which Control the enemy. This includes all of the following effects: Confuse, Disable, hold, Knock, Placate, Repel, Root, Slow. +20% Bonus Control Ability Effectiveness" But in reality it effect only a handful of abilities with these effects. I believe gravity well's pull force increasing but radius not is intentional so i will skip it. But Evade Target Lock intel ability does not benefit from this in the slightest despite being a full control skill scaling ability. Tractor Beam Repulsors and repel of Delayed overload cascade are also not effected. Does not effect Chroniton or advanced reputation chroniton projectile proc durations or intensities. Ionic turbulence effect or duration and kinetic magnet duration does not increase.
Hangar Bay/Boarding Party recharge variant
This doff does effect hangar bay cooldowns, but does not effect boarding party ability cooldown.
