I used a Captain Alteration Token back when they first came out to do a gender swap on my Romulan character. Since returning to the game I have noticed that sometimes the old appearance shows up on the login screen with the arms folded back at odd angles. This also occurs in some cutscenes, most notably cutscenes in the missions leading up to the Battle of Procyon 5.
I have also noticed that when commissioning a new bridge officer and clicking the option to change appearance when the tailor comes up it displays another costume slot for my character that doesn't display anywhere else. This costume slot is positioned before my active one and is the male model of my character with the original appearance and the arms folded back at odd angles. Clicking modify brings up the usual character editor screen, but the model has a strange appearance. Loading a saved appearance over it and clicking Purchase gives an error that it can't be applied "to a character of this type."
I am having the same issue. I have two old outfits that are hidden and are overriding my current appearance in various places (notably character select, away team select, and in cutscenes). They are only visible in the tailor menu using the "/gensendmessage tailor_root show" command in space (or, presumably, enlisting a new bridge officer and opening the tailoring menu that way), not through the normal means through NPCs. Like OP, I have used a captain alteration token on the character to change gender, and they are showing as the old appearance, giving me an error when I try to change them.
The outfits marked with red x's should not be there.
The outfits marked with red x's should not be there.