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Healthcare Workers Salute Bundle: Some characters can (re)claim/some can't.

Firstly, please allow me to preface that the version to which I'm referring is the one that features the Holographic Julian Bashir Science Miracle-Worker Bridge Officer for Federation characters (rather than the Holographic EMH Mk I Bridge Officer) that was given out as a limited time free claim, and for those that claimed during said time, it, is (i.e. should be) (re)claimable at least once per character per account.

I've contacted support on this, and they've asked me to create its own discussion on the forums, and send them the link to said discussion. And so, without further ado.

To cut to the chase, all of my characters who have claimed it once - even if they discarded/dismissed the items/boff - as expected according to the limitations stated (cannot claim this more than once per character), cannot reclaim it. Those of my characters who have yet to claim it, of course can claim it. However, oddly, in a strange inexplicable exception, the first character I claimed it on (for reference sake, a L65 Federation Elite Human Engineer), even after having claimed it once already, and even with the Admiralty Ship and Vanity Shield still in inventory (albeit Admiralty Ships can't be dismissed/deleted anyway, as intended), but after having dismissed the relevant boff, actually is able to reclaim the bundle indefinitely.

While I'm not sure which is actually intended - to be able to indefinitely reclaim, or to only be able to claim once per character per account as stated on my other characters who already have claimed it - I thought it apt to bring it to the attention of support, in hopes of either a fix, or at least clarification.

Thank you, Cryptic and ArcGames, for all your hard work.
Cordially yours
~Brigid <3
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