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Stopping the Autostart from the Launcher?

I'm trying to access Tribble, but apparently I've chosen to autostart the Holodeck server when I open the game in the Arc launcher.

The game loads "too fast" for me to switch to Tribble.. Can anyone help me figure out how to switch starting servers for that? lol
(Yeah, I'm THAT kind of idiot... :D)


  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,993 Arc User
    I've never used Tribble, but most games with a test server have a second icon and a separate line in the start menu (since the client files are different from the main game and installed in a different directory) for accessing that alternate server, if you don't have a desktop icon there may still be that separate entry in the start menu.
  • daemonhelddaemonheld Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    I've never used Tribble, but most games with a test server have a second icon and a separate line in the start menu (since the client files are different from the main game and installed in a different directory) for accessing that alternate server, if you don't have a desktop icon there may still be that separate entry in the start menu.

    There's supposed to be a drop-down box in the launcher, to select the server you want to access… Tribble, Holodeck and there used to be a Redshirt (unsure if that still exists). The issue is, under the settings, I evidently chose "Fast Launch," and now the game just loads too fast for it to register selecting the drop-down box, or to even uncheck the box for Fast Launch.

    I ended up just uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

    (Thanks for the response, and apologies for the delay in responding.)
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