About a week ago I unlocked Club Wear. A few days later, I made a Club Wear costume on another character, but found that pressing the "Wear" button in the tailor did nothing, as did attempting to change to it in the ground UI option (right-clicking on your self-portrait). At first I thought it was the costume slot I'd used, as it was a very old character and a slot that had gone long-unclaimed. A brief but thorough series of investigations followed in which I determined that Club Wear was indeed the culprit. I recorded these steps in the video linked below.
The reproduction steps are simple: make enough latinum to claim Club Wear from the GPL store, then make a Club Wear costume. Only the chest piece is necessary. That costume will now be impossible to wear. Switch out of Club Wear into anything else, and the costume slot is functional again.
Customer Support, like most games, are pretty good at sorting out the stuff to do with your account, but they rarely consist of folks who actively play, and thus know, the game.
If anyone's having issues with the game content, then coming here to the forum and asking fellow players will almost always yield a solution.
So does the Jonas Jam Zone.