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Unlock Tailor Option. Free or Paid

captsquidiouscaptsquidious Member Posts: 5 Arc User
Can we please get an option to wear whatever we want and mix and max different things? i want to have fun playing Space Barbie, since I've done everything else. i get that in Star trek that wouldn't be "realistic" but we can fly jellyfish and Borg ships, i don't think it would be that bad.
Any who just a though that would be fun and just about anyone would love

Only the outfits you own.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    Yes, free the tailor! Unlock the palettes! Let Klingons wear bright pastel Miami Vice clothing!

    I'm all for it. Captains can already wander the social zones in Iconian costumes, as Abe Lincoln, in merc duds, while flying Tholian ships and using non-faction weapons. Using "canon" as an excuse ignores a decade-plus of allowing many non-canon outfits. That applies to crew too.

    I'm fine with accepting clipping or other issues when I decide to costume outside the safe zone.
  • edited October 2024
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  • krisxr400krisxr400 Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    That would be cool, if you get a miami vice klingon i want a magnum pi gorn! lol I also want a nx ball cap like they wore in enterprise that can be worn with the uniform.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,909 Arc User
    Oh yay, so I get to see lots of maximum bust slider vulcans using the seductive stance in bikinis!

    Some people really can't accept others have nice unique toys so they work endlessly to steal everything unique from others...can't have a few people wanting to play something besides fed for unique experiences :/
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    I will dissent. I paid good money for many uniforms and species. you cannot provide one argument for you to get free what i paid for. Cryptic has already burned me twice that way
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • baucoinbaucoin Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    I will dissent. I paid good money for many uniforms and species. you cannot provide one argument for you to get free what i paid for. Cryptic has already burned me twice that way

    I don't think the OP meant that all the paid uniforms should be unlocked to everyone for free. I believe they meant that all the options that they have unlocked on the account should be available to all their characters. With no restrictions on race or faction.
    An example would be to let Aliens have tails again. They had access to them around the time the game came out, but it was taken away later. Also there used to be more options for belts for Orion females to go with the bikini bottoms that too was taken away.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,789 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    I will dissent. I paid good money for many uniforms and species. you cannot provide one argument for you to get free what i paid for. Cryptic has already burned me twice that way

    No, use of any *unlocked* pieces in any way you want for on-duty captain and crew is what we are asking for.

    For example @undedavenger paid precious lobi for Ferengi uniforms but isn't allowed to use them - https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1274514/got-the-ferengi-outfits-from-lobi-store-forgot-they-are-off-duty-only

    Edit: I see you supported the FREEDOM! change there, so I'm guessing you're fine with it here too understanding we're only talking about tailor pieces we've unlocked.
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Oh yay, so I get to see lots of maximum bust slider vulcans using the seductive stance in bikinis!

    Some people really can't accept others have nice unique toys so they work endlessly to steal everything unique from others...can't have a few people wanting to play something besides fed for unique experiences :/

    I have captains in all of the factions and sub-factions. Letting Klingons use bright cheerful palettes instead of muted grimdark isn't "stealing" that from Feds. Nothing wrong with you feeling that letting a Vulcan or Klingon wear Risa swimwear or Orion bikini armor is wrong somehow, but don't assume the players wanting it don't have Klingon captains.

    Also, that ship has literally already sailed for ships with All Faction Flying. My captains fly faction-appropriate ships or alien ships, but nothing is stopping me from flying Romulan ships on Fed, Klingon, Jem'Hadar captains.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,256 Community Moderator
    I understand their reasoning on restricting mix-and-match due to clipping issues. Yes, some may be ok with a few clipping issues here and there, but others may not, and that's why that won't happen.

    But I am all for, and see no reason why, they can't unlock costume category restrictions for BOFFs, i.e. allowing them to wear off duty options. And a unified color palette across all Factions and costumes. They started this with newer cross-Faction costumes using the new color palette. It needs to be extended to the older costumes as well.
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  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,511 Arc User
    I understand their reasoning on restricting mix-and-match due to clipping issues. Yes, some may be ok with a few clipping issues here and there, but others may not, and that's why that won't happen.

    But I am all for, and see no reason why, they can't unlock costume category restrictions for BOFFs, i.e. allowing them to wear off duty options. And a unified color palette across all Factions and costumes. They started this with newer cross-Faction costumes using the new color palette. It needs to be extended to the older costumes as well.
    The main reason I don't put my Roms into Republic uniforms is because of the ugly pastel (and mostly green) color scheme forced on them. The tailoring isn't bad, but the colors are. (How in the name of the Great Bird did they invent pastel black??) Please, devs, find a way to unlock the colors for Roms and Klinks, so I can play Space Barbie right.
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  • nixie50nixie50 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    I'll disagree. I really don't like the wrap or padded shoulders on most of them
    We Need BERETS in the tailor
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    edited October 2024
    I have to agree that the dull color pallet and ridiculous upturned padded shoulders are definite turnoffs and add the dull finish almost all of the uniform items have to the list of bad things. One of the reasons I use the civilian skirt so much is that it actually has a nice silky finish to it.

    I don't mind the wrap cut of the jackets and tunics and whatnot, the cuts themselves are stylish (it is the materials that suck) and play into the Romulan asymmetric aesthetics in uniforms, though it would be nice if they incorporated more metallic elements like they had in TOS (the gold semi-metallic crocheted stuff was supposed to represent actual metal mesh, probably to go with the metal helmets, which they could get away with at far lower prop cost at the poor TV resolution at the time) and left the leatherboy stuff to the Klingons. A lot of the brown ribbed leather inserts, for instance, could be replaced by small overlapping decretive metal plates or scales.

    I know the Romulans are Star Trek's (Unseelie) space elves, but subdued earth tones like the Vulcans (Seelie) space elves prefer just don't fit the Romulan style very well (neither did the walking mattress uniforms from TNG, but that is a different matter).
  • azrael#9500 azrael Member Posts: 272 Arc User
    Let us wear clubwear we just grinded 250,000 GPL for, wherever we want. Kinda sucks being restricted to ESD for the most part.



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