Does the cooperation is the dominant strategy trait from the Friendship carrier trigger with SAD? If it does, I'm having it, it it doesn't, I'm not. Many thanks!
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I... don't think it does. Based on reading the traits...
Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy reads like you have to have an ally targeted and use a BOff ability or Console ON the ally targeted.
Whereas Superior Area Denial doesn't require a target to trigger a buff for hanger pets. You just need to activate either FAW or Scatter Volley to bestow both to hanger pets, and neither ability is one you can give to others by targeting them as it is an untargeted self buff.
So... best I can figure without testing (As I do not have the Friendship) is that Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy will synergize more with Team abilities like Tac Team or Sci Team if you use those abilities on allies instead of yourself. Not FAW or Scatter Volley.
HOWEVER... you might be able to buff a hanger pet WITH Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy, then trigger Superior Area Denial to take advantage of the damage buff from Cooperation.
So... you use a targeted BOff ability, like Tac Team, on the hanger pet to bestow the buff Friendship is Science, then pop FAW to trigger SAD, bestowing FAW and Scatter Volley to the hanger pets.
I don't know if it will apply Friendship is Science buff to only the one targeted hanger pet or all hanger pets however, so... I don't know how effective it will be.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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I... don't think it does. Based on reading the traits...
Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy reads like you have to have an ally targeted and use a BOff ability or Console ON the ally targeted.
Whereas Superior Area Denial doesn't require a target to trigger a buff for hanger pets. You just need to activate either FAW or Scatter Volley to bestow both to hanger pets, and neither ability is one you can give to others by targeting them as it is an untargeted self buff.
So... best I can figure without testing (As I do not have the Friendship) is that Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy will synergize more with Team abilities like Tac Team or Sci Team if you use those abilities on allies instead of yourself. Not FAW or Scatter Volley.
HOWEVER... you might be able to buff a hanger pet WITH Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy, then trigger Superior Area Denial to take advantage of the damage buff from Cooperation.
So... you use a targeted BOff ability, like Tac Team, on the hanger pet to bestow the buff Friendship is Science, then pop FAW to trigger SAD, bestowing FAW and Scatter Volley to the hanger pets.
I don't know if it will apply Friendship is Science buff to only the one targeted hanger pet or all hanger pets however, so... I don't know how effective it will be.
It seems that a couple of universal consoles that buff pets and allies are used to trigger the buff for all pets, then cooled down in order to use the consoles more often.
Also mention of Command specialization boff abilities that affect allies as triggers.
Does the cooperation is the dominant strategy trait from the Friendship carrier trigger with SAD? If it does, I'm having it, it it doesn't, I'm not. Many thanks!
If you mean with as in both at the same time yes you can have SAD and cooperation triggered together. I prefer cooperation as it works with all pets while SAD is situational boosting some pets and nerfing other pets. The triggers for cooperation are different from the triggers for SAD.
Due to the weird way it stack 1 trigger gives 100% damage boost to friends and summons from cooperation. Pets are still 20% but stack up to 100% over multiple triggers.
I prefer cooperation as it works with all pets while SAD is situational boosting some pets and nerfing other pets.
I don't understand. How is it nerfing other pets? By activating either FAW or Scatter Volley, it bestows BOTH to your hanger pets. So it doesn't matter if they're using beams or cannons, they both benefit from SAD.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I prefer cooperation as it works with all pets while SAD is situational boosting some pets and nerfing other pets.
I don't understand. How is it nerfing other pets? By activating either FAW or Scatter Volley, it bestows BOTH to your hanger pets. So it doesn't matter if they're using beams or cannons, they both benefit from SAD.
SAD overrides Pet firing modes. So, if you have pet with a rank 2 or 3 firing mode SAD downgrades it to rank 1.
A good exmple are Droneships. I often see people using SAD with Droneships but SAD will reduce FAW3 and BO3 down to FAW1 making the Droneships lose around 30% DPS.
That’s why I don’t use SAD on any of my high-end pet builds.
Thanks all, that makes sense. Targeting individual pets on the console is far more hassle than it's worth. I think I'll give it a miss.
Its a pain on PC as well. We use "Needs of the Many" Bridge officer power or consoles like High Energy Network which you just trigger without targeting to boost all pets.
Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy reads like you have to have an ally targeted and use a BOff ability or Console ON the ally targeted.
Whereas Superior Area Denial doesn't require a target to trigger a buff for hanger pets. You just need to activate either FAW or Scatter Volley to bestow both to hanger pets, and neither ability is one you can give to others by targeting them as it is an untargeted self buff.
So... best I can figure without testing (As I do not have the Friendship) is that Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy will synergize more with Team abilities like Tac Team or Sci Team if you use those abilities on allies instead of yourself. Not FAW or Scatter Volley.
HOWEVER... you might be able to buff a hanger pet WITH Cooperation is The Dominant Strategy, then trigger Superior Area Denial to take advantage of the damage buff from Cooperation.
So... you use a targeted BOff ability, like Tac Team, on the hanger pet to bestow the buff Friendship is Science, then pop FAW to trigger SAD, bestowing FAW and Scatter Volley to the hanger pets.
I don't know if it will apply Friendship is Science buff to only the one targeted hanger pet or all hanger pets however, so... I don't know how effective it will be.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
It seems that a couple of universal consoles that buff pets and allies are used to trigger the buff for all pets, then cooled down in order to use the consoles more often.
Also mention of Command specialization boff abilities that affect allies as triggers.
That's pretty cool.
Due to the weird way it stack 1 trigger gives 100% damage boost to friends and summons from cooperation. Pets are still 20% but stack up to 100% over multiple triggers.
I don't understand. How is it nerfing other pets? By activating either FAW or Scatter Volley, it bestows BOTH to your hanger pets. So it doesn't matter if they're using beams or cannons, they both benefit from SAD.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I think the idea is to use consoles and boff abilities that target all pets and allies in order to trigger the cooperation trait.
A good exmple are Droneships. I often see people using SAD with Droneships but SAD will reduce FAW3 and BO3 down to FAW1 making the Droneships lose around 30% DPS.
That’s why I don’t use SAD on any of my high-end pet builds.