I find the Caitian/Ferasan hair styles limited would it be possible to add more hairstyles to both? if so what kind?
on a second note why can't Ferasans have a second ship caitians get 2 but ferasans only get one... perhaps a Ferasan destroyer or raider to go with their KDF side.... no idea what to call it though. maybe a Pouncer raider or something...
Nobody here, but us blue kittens.
Later, a Ferasan ship was added, but in 2017, Tier 6 was the norm, and so the Slithus was added. Both Caitian and Ferasan each have one ship.
Eventually, as more and more T6 ships came about, it came time to update the Caitian T5 Atrox to the same standard as the T6 Slithus. Thus came about the Aspero and both Caitian and Ferasan each finally have one T6 ship.
There is no reason to add any T5 ships to the game since few (if any) would buy them, especially since there is probably not much difference in effort between making a T5 or T6.
On the other hand, some new T6 cstore ships from mostly neglected major races such as Ferasan, Orion (which only has one cstore T6 even though a new lockbox one came out recently) Vulcan, Wadi, Karemma, Suliban, etc., in each faction would be nice.