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Load times during map moving is sslloowww....

Every time you start a tfo, transwarp, beam to and from a ship the load time has increased 30 seconds to 1 minute. This prevents you from taking part in the beginning of every tfo. This includes the current event (ctrl alt delete)resulting in you being trapped in the beam in spot until the barrier drops, but only drops for a split second between rounds. Many of the other things like "cure" in space you may miss the entire run due to the longer load times.


  • baucoinbaucoin Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited July 12
    Which console are you playing on? I have a Series X, Xbox One X, and Xbox One first year. Each has vastly different load times. Your ISP connection can also affect your load times.

    On a similar note, the servers seem to be lagging quite a bit. Most likely due to the summer event taking place.
    Post edited by baucoin on
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