Hello Everyone,
I've recently encountered an issue with the new Risian Terraformer Universal Kit Frame. As I understand it, you gain a +100 bonus to Kit Performance and Kit Readiness if you have a kit module of each elemental type equipped. In addition to this, you get +20 to Kit Performance and Kit Readiness for each elemental kit you have equipped.
However, I have noticed a massive stat drop when equipping 5 elemental modules. The modules I am using here are "Andorian Summer (Water)", "Sandstorm Generator (Earth)", "Ball Lightning (Air)", and "Anchor of Gre'thor (Fire)" as the 4 base ones for the "1 of each type" bonus. The additional module in this case is the "Cyclonic Generator (Air)", but I have also tested this with "Molten Terrain (Fire)" with the same result.
As you can see in this screenshot, I have 4 modules equipped; 1 of each type. My Kit Performance sits at 538, and my Kit Readiness is at 365. The Tooltip for the Kit Frame shows a bonus of 0.8 (+20 per module).
However, when I equip the 5th module, my Kit Performance drops to 442, and my Kit Readiness drops to 285. The Tooltip on the Kit shows a bonus of 1 (+20 per module). It kind of seems like equipping the 5th module negates the +100 bonus for having 1 of each type equipped.
Is anyone else having this issue? I'd appreciate any feedback anyone can give.
Thank you.
Still, great to see it being properly reported here, and with a good amount of detail too.