From memory, you need to analyse the file structure of all the files, correct the faulty info in all them and then apply the pass keys. When you correct the info it tells you a file has changed that is the file you need to apply all the keys to.
Mariqa -> Yes I know that part but what I am asking is has anyone else RUN OUT of pass keys before finishing I am being told I no longer have any after changing only a couple of those files. When I click the file to analyze I get the message circled above.
From memory, there's 5 (?) files to be dealt with.
You will need to make the necessary corrections in files 1, 2, 3, & 5 before you can completely decrypt the 4th one.
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From memory, there's 5 (?) files to be dealt with.
You will need to make the necessary corrections in files 1, 2, 3, & 5 before you can completely decrypt the 4th one.
I tried all 5 each saying the same thing, Have to admit can not remember the order I tried in I repeatedly clicked on "decrypt files" when I did could that have been the problem? Could I have used them all up clicking to many times?
I have 3 turned yellow (I believe they are completed) and 2 white files (I believe STILL need to be decrypted)
I don't recall the significance of the yellow/white colours, but "Reciprocity" is the key file here.
Since it is yellow, I'll suggest that it's still encrypted.
If I'm correct, that also means that "Plethora" and "Referendum" need to have their wrong information corrected.
This will generate 2 further decryption keys allowing you to fully decrypt "Reciprocity".
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I don't recall the significance of the yellow/white colours, but "Reciprocity" is the key file here.
Since it is yellow, I'll suggest that it's still encrypted.
If I'm correct, that also means that "Plethora" and "Referendum" need to have their wrong information corrected.
This will generate 2 further decryption keys allowing you to fully decrypt "Reciprocity".
From memory, there's 5 (?) files to be dealt with.
You will need to make the necessary corrections in files 1, 2, 3, & 5 before you can completely decrypt the 4th one.
I tried all 5 each saying the same thing, Have to admit can not remember the order I tried in I repeatedly clicked on "decrypt files" when I did could that have been the problem? Could I have used them all up clicking to many times?
I have 3 turned yellow (I believe they are completed) and 2 white files (I believe STILL need to be decrypted)
Since it is yellow, I'll suggest that it's still encrypted.
If I'm correct, that also means that "Plethora" and "Referendum" need to have their wrong information corrected.
This will generate 2 further decryption keys allowing you to fully decrypt "Reciprocity".
Hey I FINALLY got it thank you