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Can't donate or reassign certain doffs

So I had a rather lengthy support ticket convo with a GM, and they suggested I added this info to a thread here, in an attempt to provide devs with more information regarding the following issue:

I have a whole bunch of uncommon doffs that I can neither donate to fleets or reassign to break them down into lower rarity officers.

All of these officers are bound to my character, but none of them are protected, and all of them are of uncommon rarity. These officers simply do not show up on the selectable screen of officers available, thus I don't actually receive any errors or glitching when I try to select them.

Here is a list of all the officers affected by this issue:

- Nilsa - Klingon (TNG) Security Officer
- Dranob Blot - Bolian Security Officer
- Emergency Security Hologram - Photonic Security Officer
- Disok - Tellarite Security Officer
- M'Rinna - Caitian Security Officer
- Lrallsi - Caitian Security Officer

- Rebecca Morgaine Shasta - Human Maintenance Engineer
- Aria Evelyn Silver - Human Warp Core Engineer
- Dinnigt - Saurian Maintenance Engineer
- Emergency Engineer Hologram - Photonic Damage Control Engineer

- Sutnar - Trill Deflector Officer
- Bella Suzanne Muvaku - Human Tractor Beam Officer

- S'ssrak - Gorn Warp Theorist
- Bygriia - Rigelian Botanist
- Otram Maxa - Research Lab Assistant
- Serenity Louise Lei - Human Research Lab Assistant
- Tiloph Mooan - Andorian Biologist

- Sujoi - Trill Counselor
- Rumari - Trill Doctor
- Emergency Medical Hologram - Photonic Doctor

- Daniel Nesmith Carter - Diplomat
- Owaeich - Deltan Diplomat
- Solara Marie Nesmith - Human Entertainer
- Pyva D'nypi - Andorian Advisor

I have only one uncommon, unbound officer that I can actually select for donation or reassignment, so make of that what you will.

The charcter I'm experiencing this on is Loddos@SSJCyberSonic#80448.

Thank you and good luck


  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,547 Arc User
    Certain Doffs are restricted from being donatable to fleet projects or for reassignments.
    This is likely due to how they are obtained, but I cannot be certain.
    The easiest examples of these Doffs are those obtained from Lt. Ferra.
    Other examples appear to be those obtained via Doff assignments that come from opening lockboxes. (The caveat here being these Doffs were obtained by spending cash, either yourself or somebody else via the Dilithium Exchange, so putting money into a donation-grinder isn't a good idea!)
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
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