There seems to be an issue when you target an escaping ship to heal it, it immediately explodes. Does not matter if it is at 50 80 or 100% if you target it, it goes boom immediately even when nothing is shooting it. This happened twice, the first escaping ship was at 80% and I targeted it to throw Engineering Team, Hazard emitters at it and it went boom as soon as I clicked it and there was nothing shooting it or near it.
So I decided to try the 2nd escaping ship to see if the same happened, nothing shooting it or exploding near it; I clicked on it and it was at 100% and went boom, 2 optional tasks missed because the ships just went boom and as a result got hardly any marks after the TFO was over. This same issue happened on PC when I did it there too, but on PC there were so many jellyfish, healing the ships was not required so it only happened a couple of times.
This is quite easy to replicate, just click on the ship when you can and not get the actual starbase and the ship goes boom. Not all ships have this happen 3rd and 4th ships seem to be fine, but the first those guys trying to escape are done fore no matter how much you try and help.
Oh, and for the love of Kirk make Starbase One non-targetable. It's SO big it makes it hard to target the escaping ships when they first start making their run.
And yes that Gigantic Target box for the Starbase has been annoying since day one.
Didn't do anything like that with me. Targetted for heals and healed just fine. The Spheres were vaped nearby, that is why.