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Ship tailor interior bug.

I am trying to customize my ships but the interior gets bugged to be default origin bridge. I tried the randomizer method to work out the bug but it's not working reliably and it's still bugging out even after I log off and back on. Please fix as it's not fun using origin and default bridges all the time.


  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,614 Arc User
    Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing when you try to customise the Interior?
    (The Randomise button only affects the exterior of your ship.)
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • corerunner#1772 corerunner Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    it defaults to origin or for any of the Odyssey type ships for example goes to Aquarius. I tried using either of the galaxy bridges or the Prometheus bridges but would instead load origin. when i did the randomizer method i found it loaded into one of the Prometheus brigdes but i can't change out.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,614 Arc User
    After you select the Bridge you want, are you remembering to press the "Save" button?
    Again, some screenshots would help as it lets us see what it is you're seeing.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • corerunner#1772 corerunner Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    yes every time.
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