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Exchange credits by mail

Did something happen with this system? Profits of several T6-sales just went up in smoke cause it went directly into assets instead of mailwarning. Hoping its a bug and we dont have to go back into 20+ characters just for selling high value items...


  • baucoinbaucoin Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    I noticed this myself. Did the system get changed again? Energy credits from sales and items bought off the exchange are going straight to inventory/assets again instead of to mailbox.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,548 Arc User
    I believe they changed it so it works more like what it used to. Any EC that would put you over the cap will be sent to mail instead of just being debited strait to your player balance.
    It was in a recent PC Patch Notes, and I believe we've inherited it - perhaps prematurely as it hasn't been mentioned in any patch notes for us yet.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
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