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Buyout/Second Chance Not Working

I have already submitted a ticket in the past and it was closed. I was unable to buyout the Compiler Dreadnought anniversary event ship and submitted a ticket, the result was "that's odd, should be fixed in the next update." It was never fixed. I also recently bought out the last red alert at the last minute but was unable to claim the prize and once again it did not appear in the second chance. I will be deployed on my ship (in real life coast guard) and will miss most of the summer event and am worried I'll not be able to buyout the summer event ship or get the above items. I don't have any pictures to share because its just a greyed out second chance tab on all my characters.

- Had and Have over 1000 zen and 1000 lobi on character
- Playing on Xbox Series X
- This is for the buyout second chance for the Anniversary event and Red alert mini event, NOT EVENT CAMPAIGN 5
- Original Ticket submitted April 14th, day after Anniversary event ended and Ticket said it would be fixed in next update
- I want the compiler but am also worried I won't get the summer event ship ( I will be at sea 20 to 25 days of the event)
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