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At a Game Master's request

I was told to post a bug report to further my ticket.

If you want a quick sum-up:

I have had an account wide bug(s) for a very long time and after doing many arduous grinds comparing, working with builds, learning, resetting etc. I can prove multiple errors on my players over my entire account of which is not large, only 5 characters. All players and over 100 unique builds/ships suffer from large scale file corruption.

Some of my offered suggestions is for my entire account to be debugged, reset or all around "force verified" within the game server. Another option is to build a standalone STO uninstaller that "properly" and "completely" removes everything STO/Cryptic so you can have a clean reinstall of the entire game. Alone or Steam etc. Currently the available options are mediocre at best and much of the game remains on your computer causing cascading further file corruption. I am adept at PC software and repair to make such a claim. These current methods are disastrous.

Long story short; I have an absolutely corrupt account, I can and have proven it. It may be worthwhile to fix me simply for the fact that resolving my issues may give some clarity on some outlier issues inherit in the game that can have some light shined upon them for the community. Such a thing would benefit all.

I need assistance please.


  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,547 Arc User
    I need assistance please.
    I'm just a regular ol' player, like yersel'.
    Alas, you've not given any specific information about the problems you are experiencing so I've no advice or assistance to offer.
    To benefit from the knowledge of your fellow player, you'll have to provide much more detail.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • scorpwanna#3529 scorpwanna Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    And he said onto thee, let my people go!
    As inferiority has said, there's not like exact info you gave here. Most of user account information in STO is stored on their servers, menu settings and the like are on your actual hard drive. For testing purposes, perhaps you should try the Tribble Test Server to see if the (bugs) transfer to that server? I don't really know what anyone on the forums can help do that in-game customer support can't. Good luck.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,547 Arc User
    I don't really know what anyone on the forums can help do that in-game customer support can't.
    Playing with the behind the scenes stuff within a users account is the purview of Customer Support, but knowing the actual game is something I think we players know much better...
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • madmartigan#9740 madmartigan Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Hi all, sorry for any confusion.

    I posted an in-game ticket awhile back about this problem, the person in my email said to post a message here as a "formality" so that "they" can escalate it for help by using the link from this post and my email/ticket.

    Not real sure if that is helpful. My original message is long and drawn out and actually the 3rd? In many attempts to get assistance. I didn't want to waste any of ya'lls time. I also have no idea if this has progressed or not etc. I do know, I still have a lot of account problems/errors/bugs/file corruption and most of it is verifiable. Heck I had a ship yesterday completely unequip everything yet in the game it was all equipped (visually but not really). I had to completely hand-remove everything, save, drydock and then retrieve and reset everything before it was correct once more and playable. Complete contrast ship a vs. b in the end. So, it plays correct at the moment. A player should not have to do this...

    If helpful, one of the things I requested as stated above I think would do many of us a world of good, is an uninstaller. Someone needs to just create a standalone, downloadable, executable "uninstaller" to "properly" remove everything STO/Cryptic and start fresh. I know there are 3rd party things out there, most are nightmares, many of us have tried... This game is a bug-nightmare and it needs cleaned up. One of the few things players can do is remove some of the TRIBBLE left over from previous fix attempts. This can only be properly done with an updated standalone uninstaller. Any regular method does -not- accomplish this. Not addremove programs, not steam uninstall, not cryptic nothing. We need a new method.

    Thanks all
  • scorpwanna#3529 scorpwanna Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    Install a clean STO using Epic. Load that up, create a new account, test it.
  • madmartigan#9740 madmartigan Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    I appreciate that suggestion and I actually have gone to great lengths to get a "clean" install. Great lengths to properly set my internet, router etc. However, I also have installed the game on another computer and a laptop so, 3 in all. The laptop I was using while away from town because I wanted activity on an event. Both of those secondary places to play have ALL, literally ALL the same problems, consider "out of town" meant I was on a different internet too. It is not the install, it is not the ISP/router, it is not the player/activity/behavior or anything else you could label here, it is the account.

    Great lengths to prove this; it has been proven time and again. The account has terrible errors. I wish someone would accept that vs. debate or give suggestions though appreciated. It's time for a resolve. It's been an issue for long enough.
  • josh#0694 josh Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Some of what you talk about sounds like it might be a new layer of the old (and still active) Loadout bug. As scorpwanna said all that data is stored on the Cryptic servers and there is nothing a "clean install" would fix.

    Anyone who has dealt with PWE and now Gearbox support will tell you they will ALWAYS blame you, your equipment, and your ISP before they take ANY responsibility for the issue.

    Keep complaining as often as you can with as many new precise details, screenshots and video captures as you can. The more info you give them, especially if you can find something that triggers it close to 100% of the time, make their job easier to fix it. inferiority is correct that we know the game better than ANY of the GMs. None of the GMs work for Cryptic so they have only been handling STO for what a year or so? Be calm with them and be as detailed and precise as you can, it makes a difference.
  • madmartigan#9740 madmartigan Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    I appreciate those statements. I did send some more info just the other day, I was in Aenigma area and noticed some very interesting disasters and was able to recreate them at will so I posted it all to a ticket. :)
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,558 Arc User
    I appreciate those statements. I did send some more info just the other day, I was in Aenigma area and noticed some very interesting disasters and was able to recreate them at will so I posted it all to a ticket. :)

    You need to post EVERYTHING, in detail, in this forum. Doing it via a ticket is a pointless exercise. So that includes account name, character name and other pertinent informaton.

    The Dev's need to see it here in this forum so it doesn't 'get lost' and so they have something to come back to to reference. The GM's are not the 'go to' for bug fixes, usually just account issues. This also helps other players who either have the problem, or who can verify the bug as well.

    More often than not, a player can give you a solution in this forum as well, such as the 'stuck on loading screen' error that often comes up, which requires a 'safe mode' start up to fix. The only thing user wise that is stored on your computer are your prefs for graphics etc, and often a driver update, or something in a patch invalidates it. Otherwise, anything account related is stored on Cryptic's servers, as other's have already said.

    So, in short, repost your issues, in detail, here.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,547 Arc User
    leemwatson wrote: »
    ...repost your issues, in detail, here.
    It's best to only have one issue per thread too, to prevent confusion.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • madmartigan#9740 madmartigan Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    My original post I think is fair for "sum up". I attempted to find some old messages in my email to post here. It may be semi-jumbled now but here is a couple with a 3rd at the bottom written for today, 8/13. Thank you

    (email attempts Jun 1st - 20s)

    This is part of the ongoing issues with my account still left unresolved.

    Again, since it is ongoing, there are other closed tickets revolving around these issues and I have more screenshots if needed. Simply put, I have account errors and I post tickets in hopes that someone will address it someday. Reminding you the reader, with the facts that I have played on multiple computers to verify the issues and document etc.

    Here is a current one: I played some recent TFOs and on one I did excellent on the other I did very poorly. The reason is because of an account bug. Clicking on the loadout to fix any "unsaved" stuff only breaks the ship build further during battles. The "visually noticed" errors though are as folllows:

    First, Gerrato, duty officer is yet again failing to load with my saved loadout.
    Second, going from ground to space/sector/TFO performs a major malfunction in my trays. (1 - 10). The rows 5-10 should be empty, that is how my loadout is saved, I only use 1-4 filled with clickies. Instead of loading those trays correctly (especially after beam up), it errors out my trays.

    It loads the following errors in this order on Row #6:

    Reroute Power forward then left, Distribute Shield Power, Reroute Power aft then right (all 5 in total).

    It also loads the following on Row #5:
    Command - Attract Fire then Command - Shield Frequency (2 in all).

    Note: The other two Command clickies are loaded in Row #4 purposely and saved in my loadout as skills in the tray on column 6 and 7.

    Conclusion: I go from ground (risa) in this case but all others too (academy, vuclan etc.) then beam to space, sector or TFO then these errors occur. It's random, it's devastating to the point a ship could behave as though it has default gear. This is very problemattic for an advanced que or even elite. And it makes me let my team down.

    Geratto needs fixed, I have already proven this in the past yet given a reply of "he is working correctly". No, he is not, full stop.

    This issue with the Command captain clickies from within available skills randomly placed in the tray needs fixed. I have stated this before as well.

    This issue with Reroute Power skills and the middle one, Distribute Shield Power needs completely overhauled as again, stated before in tickets. They are broken and do not behave as intended. They absolutely should Not Be Linked (as they are) to Row #6 as this has ALWAYS conflicted with loadouts.
    Please recognize this.

    When someone SAVES a Loadout, it needs to SAVE. Permanently. Again, previously stated, Needs Addressed. Going from ground to space/sector totally messing up a player's ship to the point where it behaves damaged in the next battle is unacceptable and almost unplayable.

    Again, these are ONGOING issues. Continually reporting back to me everything is FINE, is not okay. I have proven time and again, my account has a lot of issues. My account needs to be completely debugged. And the issues like the above could be a part of that reality of a bugged account (if) someone wishes to debate validity of an error here working correclty (ex: Geratto).

    But seriously, people have complained about the trays for a very long time. Put some effort into cleaning up its code please, we beg you as a community.

    Why must I enter a battle limping due to an account bug and/or a skills/tray bug? And it's all because none of this has been addressed. I'm stubborn so I remain devoted to STO and my Fleet friends. But this is terrible frustration.

    Thank you

    (email attempts July, random)


    I could add the following that I noticed last night.

    I was in the Aenigma Nebula.

    I never beamed down, I was only (in) the nebula. (Taking some ship photos). Side note: it is again revolving around an area where there is an Option to beam down as notated before, ESD, DS9, Vulcan etc. These type of location areas have something to do with all of this. Ground/Space/Sector.

    While there at Aenigma, changing ships I noticed some very bad errors on loadouts, trays, Boffs and space assigned Doffs. No ship was immune. All of this starts by the original fly-in and simply switching ships. I tried it on all 5 of my account characters to the same result. The error(s) can be reproduced easily by simply pressing the letter (u) to pull up your ship info or by pressing the icon (upper right) for the same game action (ship info page).

    The errors were quite random and very damaging to the ships/loadouts etc. There are hidden bugs here, many that a player can't really rectify even by pressing on the loadout to (reset). Once it happens the ship is crippled. But it all fell in the same categories as: Ship loadout (saved/unsaved), trays (items in tray, moved/removed random additions), doffs (assigned space doffs removing themselves such as Gerrato-doff), and Boffs (completely removing All boffs from assigned ship duty).

    Noticeably, when you press the (u) or button, it would try to load the Boff [directly under the ship] in, top-to-bottom order (vs. loading the ship to be viewed and info etc.) as though that default key press is somehow messed up and trying to grab boffs vs the ship info page.

    For example: my main character Jeffrey is in position 1 (top), directly below that is the ship Beowulf in position 2 (2nd from top), directly below that is a Watcher Tac officer in position 3 (3rd from top), then 20 other boffs vertically going down. When pressing the (u or button) it tries to load the [Watcher] boff as though it is the ship, (so the third from top, Jeff, ship, watcher) instead of defaulting to the ship. This of course is Not the intended result of that key-press so the game reacts with an error explosion, straight up, boom. Almost as if there is a disconnect between loading (first) the ship (in position #2) when pressing the u or button for ship info. What is the keybinding for this set as? Should perhaps ships be in position number 1 and then your main character, then boffs going downward to dismantle what seems to be a loading issue? (Loading character info, boffs and ship, there seems to be a delay that could contribute here.) It may need debugged whatever the case because there is a load failure here mixed up with the button-press. It cascades into a mess of errors, saved(unsaved) loadouts, boff removal, doffs, trays etc.

    It can be recreated at whim. It may be a good place to start to zero-in on the bug/error that haunts players such as myself. Of which there are a lot... And do not focus on the (watcher) boff character. As I stated, 5 characters on this account. I can recreate it with all of them, only one has this boff. It's whomever is in position #3 (a boff) that it tries to load up, fails and then errors galore.

    Thank you

    8/13, today:

    As these two messages represent, I have been going back and forth for a long time in email form with tickets tied to a lot of account problems, this below is just an attempt at describing a little more detail and some errors.

    To better sum up, for over a year now I have had account problems and I mean that when I say [account]. I have gone through a lot of trouble to narrow down variables and eliminate theories to pinpoint a lot of the problems to be more factual and empirical data related. Much of which revolves around jumping through hoops that many people have suggested to prove this or that.

    • I have 1 account with only 5 characters. I use them all extensively as though they are all (main) and monitor my problems.
    • The account I have has been tested on three computers. Main, Secondary and Laptop. Laptop was used away from home with the same issues (so, not ISP related).
    • I have done multiple reinstalls. I have used ARC, I have used Steam.
    • I am computer savvy to a degree and have tools to run a smooth operating home system free of problems.
    • This includes but is not limited to: a proper ISP/router setup, a clean windows 11 (ex: system mechanic), proper drivers etc.

    My [Account] problem amount is actually quite large so it's better to focus on repercussions:
    • Failures to load maps, [constant]. Boot out to the character selection screen. This is not network; it's character/ship failures that anger the map transfer system. Errors build up until the system blocks the cascading problems and sends me to an area to "reload" claiming simplest answers such as: "could not load entity" for example, and many other examples.
    • I have not been able to exit the game properly for over a year. I have to alt-tab and cancel in whatever way, such as pressing the stop button on Steam.
    • Player ships can become inoperable even after attempts to rectify (pressing ship loadout)
    • Weapon systems become unable to perform. Ex: something that crits for 50k might crit for 500-1k (yes, five hundred, like default-new player gear).
    • Cascading item errors all around. Loaded items behave as though they are not loaded (don't believe your eyes) because items, traits etc. may not really "be" there. (Can be proven with manual pull/re-drop when suspicion arises).
    • Consoles not giving multiplications. Endeavors not adding their stackable effects. Traits (space/ground) loaded but not performing/adding. Again, such things are proven by manually removing something like a trait, and reslotting it by hand to all of a sudden behave correctly albeit usually damaged and problemattic after this point.
    • Doff-slotted personnel randomly removing themselves (hi rate on Gerrato/proven) regardless of loadout save. Very damaging and will not resolve without manually fixing it and/or re-logging.
    • A very large rate of overlap code on ground and space character info, Worse though, [extra code] vs. said area that doesn't belong and causes errors. I've even had ground traits loaded into space trait slots after a beam up. This is very hard to remove/reset. So much that I had to remove my shuttle altogether as an example of overlap code. For those that don't know how, it's as simple as getting 2 shuttles, drydocking the 1 you wish to keep and discharging the other. End result: an empty active ship slot where the shuttle was. But the reason I had to get rid of it was because of an example of overlapping code. The shuttle would interfere with ship loadouts as you change ships. Verified and proven. Major errors from a simple item not loading due to a shuttle interference, or a complete disaster on a ship load on all files: traits, doffs, boffs, trays etc. A terrible oversight on game mechanics and forcing players like myself to have to be without a shuttle because of the massive damage it would do to my ships and overall gameplay and hours wasted trying to fix.
    • Math can break and not fix itself. This game revolves around numbers. Any level of broken math is Devastating. I've only ever seen a sure-cure, to be a complete re-log. With so much hidden math in this game it can be very hard to narrow down when something is failing unless you use some sort of 3rd party program of which I do not such as a DPS tracker. But I am very observant and have taken note of a lot of it. Cascading errors can cause everything from an EPS system not giving you the power you were supposed to be set at, a resistance to be half or worse from what it is supposed to be at, or even a weapon simply performing at half or worse what it is supposed to be. All due to a math-failure-cascading event.

    I could go on and on. I have spoken to many players (in game) about a scenario that may have just happened to befuddle the likes of even the most senior players whom ask me a lot of a questions of "have I tried" etc. It usually ends with, "wow, your account is messed up". Yes... Yes it is.

    But in many of my tickets/emails I give ideas too, not just complaints.

    The two I continue to be a proponent or are as follows:
    1. The need for a stand-alone "Uninstaller" file provided by ARC/Cryptic. Something to completely remove Star Trek so players can get the cleanest [re-install] as possible. Current ways of uninstalling are mediocre at best and leave a plethora of traces all over your computer.
    2. The acceptance that a player's account can become corrupt. My account needs to be completely debugged. As I have stated, I take the time to prove my concerns such as multiple computer tests and troubleshooting. A lot of my woes [are] account based.

    With an over 511 Endeavor, high-end gear (compared, proven, done the research) my account should perform Very well. It almost NEVER does. I often play like a novice due to the amount of errors and I have factually wasted 100s of ingame hours trying to rectify them manually and/or document them. My Steam play time for Star Trek Online is 5,220 hours and I've only been a player for a few years. A lot of those hours are spent trying to fix something...

    It's all truly astounding.
  • madmartigan#9740 madmartigan Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    (Flaming, trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
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