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Temporal Agent Delta Arc

To get the reward for your Temporal Agent on the Delta Story Arc I found that you must, complete the full arc including the all ground missions on Kobali Prime before being able to get the agent reward. Although you can complete the arc without doing the ground missions, when it comes to the recruit rewards all the missions have to be done before you can claim the reward. I know this is the case with the temporal agent as I did it last night. I do not know if the same conditions apply to Klingon or Delta agents yet.


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    inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,091 Arc User
    The rewards for all recruits storylines are tied to gaining the accolade for the corresponding story-arc.
    Once the accolade is started, it will list the missions required to complete it.
    The Delta Quadrant story-arc does indeed require all of the Kobali Prime missions that make up the Act 1-3 wrappers.
    Although there are a handful of 'found' missions that are not required, these are not part of the Act 1-3 chain.
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    knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    Yes but it is just a bit misleading to new players when you can technically complete the Delta Story arc without doing Kobali Prime. I already knew about the ground missions having done them before the change, so I knew where to go to complete the arc; but new players might get to the end and be wondering why they cannot claim the reward and not know what missions they missed out on or which ones to do.
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