I know there is a Legendary D7 skin option for those buying the Legendary package, but the option for Romulan players to display the classic Raptor image on their non-Legendary non-D7 ships is non-existent, afaik.
Please, either modify the Romulan Vanity Shield from the current skin to a raptor theme, or offer a Zen Store skin option for Romulan ships that conforms to the TOS and TAS Romulan raptor graphics.
It wouldn't work as a vanity shield, due to how texture mapping works in STO decals like that need to be manually applied directly to the model and added as a separate selectable part. This would need to be done for each ship they wanted to make the decal available on, so it's unlikely to happen.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
It wouldn't work as a vanity shield, due to how texture mapping works in STO decals like that need to be manually applied directly to the model and added as a separate selectable part. This would need to be done for each ship they wanted to make the decal available on, so it's unlikely to happen.
The only ships that really need those decals are the T'liss which already has it and the D7 Stormbird (aka Khenn class in STO) type, which likewise already has it (though the only player-usable one is the "D7 Temporal Battlecruiser" which is a promo pack ship). Making the bird decal available probably would not be a huge problem, though the lack of anything to put it on that does not already have it makes that rather pointless.
Changing the look of an existing vanity item is a really bad idea that's unfair to all existing owners.
I'll almost always vote yes for more Space Barbie options, so +1
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
The only ships that really need those decals are the T'liss which already has it and the D7 Stormbird (aka Khenn class in STO) type, which likewise already has it (though the only player-usable one is the "D7 Temporal Battlecruiser" which is a promo pack ship). Making the bird decal available probably would not be a huge problem, though the lack of anything to put it on that does not already have it makes that rather pointless.