So, I'm sitting here working on Star Trek Online stuff for YouTube, right? Well... I have some semi decent equipment for my ship. I was basically at the end of Into the Nexus when I saw this go across my screen. "Set to loadout 1." (I need to rename my loadout. I know) and I'm like. I didn't do that. My bridge officers were unequipped midbattle, along with disruptors and what not I know I had set. What took the cake for me was my Sunrise rewarded Quantum Phase Quantum Torpedo being nowhere to be seen in the fore or aft weapon slots. I check my inventory. It's not there. After the mission I transwarp back home to Qo'nos and go the Shipyard cause that's closer than the exchange on First City. Check my bank. It's not there as I thought maybe if my equipment got swapped out without any input whatsoever from me. It would go there. Nope. it's gone. Straight up gone. Period. It's not even on any of my unused ships. Now I'm faced with having to redo that mission over again so I can get it back. Only thing that stayed was my traits, duty officer setup. Current build of Star Trek Online as of 4-4-2023. Has this happened to anyone else?
after some looking it did go into my inventory. I'm gonna keep this report up though rather than delete it. I found it in my overflow bag. This is still something that shouldn't happen.