Example shown in the following video recorded using Elgato HD60S from a Xbox Series S. This happens on other maps as well that are older. Also issues with shadows rendering on maps such as Defera or Imaga for The Doomsday Device and more. I've seen this happen on PC as well and thought it was related to customized settings for Nvidia Control Panel. Nope. It wasn't. It's entirely possible that shadow rendering was accidently set to the wrong option in the game engine? In any case. If you all have seen this as well please say here below and say what console you're playing on. What firmware the console is on etc. at the time of witnessing said bugs/glitches etc. In my case I am on OS Version 10.0.22621.4043 Delta Build for Xbox Series S. You can find this in your system settings by doing the following: Settings>System>Console Info. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Fdet_3tOdfw