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Fleet Starbase Duty Officer Donation Bug/Stuck PS4

On my fleet starbase for Alliance Special Branch (Fleet name), I have slotted "Ongoing Research Projects II". However, I and everyone else I've had try are unable to donate the science duty officers in order to complete it. For me, the fleet leader, it shows a blank donation screen, even though I have officers in my inventory. And for everyone else, it's just greyed out even though they also have duty officers in inventory that can be donated. This has been ongoing since before Christmas. I've opened two tickets on the matter, and both were closed with no action taken. Even after the duty officer donation upgrade, it's still showing the OLD screen as from before the UI upgrade and still no one is able to donate officers to this one specific project. Please help as this is preventing me from provisioning fleet stores and advancing my fleet's progress. I don't understand why this is so difficult to get help. :(


  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,609 Arc User
    Can you share a screenshot of the issue?
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • wolfwalkr#1994 wolfwalkr Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Yes I can. I included how it looks to my fleet leader (here, it APPEARS to be open to donate, but when you open the screen it shows a blank donation screen and you can only cancel out of it). An alt in the fleet (which seemingly cannot donate at all). And an alt in a different fleet but same Armada (again is greyed out, despite having available duty officers in inventory).
  • wolfwalkr#1994 wolfwalkr Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Hello! I need help as this now affecting more than one Holding in my Fleet, Alliance Special Branch. It seems, as a pattern,if anything is slotted in the third space of a holding, the science DOFF donation doesn't work. Below screenshots show I have available DOFFs, but the donation screen still shows as empty. It has been since December since I've had this issue and have received no response or any indication of assistance. The Embassy is now stuck in such a way that I am unable to slot Tier upgrade projects because the project that is stuck is blocking the way. PLEASE HELP!!!

  • wolfwalkr#1994 wolfwalkr Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    An update to this: another player figured out that, in the case of the stuck Embassy project, it was looking for a dilithium value instead of science DOFFs. He donated dilithium in its place and it worked. It could be the stuck Starbase project of Ongoing Research Projects II is having the same issue, but it's greyed out so we cannot test/fix/move past it.
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