So, I've been out of the loop for awhile. I decided to start playing on my Xbox Series S instead of my aging laptop. Anywho, that little tidbit aside. I cannot progress in the mission on Xbox Series S as of the point when you take over from your Mirror character's perspective. I assume there's supposed to be some dialogue with the Emperor or some sort of cutscene that plays with Admiral Leeta. None of that showed up. Unless I'm missing something. I'm stuck wandering around an area that has a pathway on the map but no actual path I can walk down. Very troublesome. I'm trying to cover this game in full for my YouTube channel. I tried dropping the mission. Restarting it or even aborting mission and beaming back in. Same issue. I'll include a couple screenshots to show where exactly I am.
Yes, on Xbox One X it's specifically Eye of the Storm, Window to the Soul and no cutscene plus No Control Panel to extend the bridge (however it is marked on the map.) Seems to work okay on PC, but I'm further along on Xbox because I like the gameplay better with a controller. ...This said, let's talk comp lol, could there be some GPL added to the completion bonus when it's fixed? WOW, 2 days after the event started and it's still not fixed! So it took till April 4th!? And now 'Bird's Cage' doesn't work... LOL 😅
3days and counting we're still running across this very precise bug in the game .. there is no progression at this spot characters seem to not know what to do next,,, come on arc you mind telling cryptic to look into this bug that specifically explained in detail by GroundHogMoka,,,,and FIX IT....after I spend my money in your zen shop the next thing I see is the game not working correctly ,,,, 38Hot
I noticed the same bug. It's weird - this didn't happen on release. I've successfully completed this mission with several characters before the Refractions event. The bug seems to be have been introduced during an update.
I have the same issue on the PS5. I have been trying to complete this for two days now. I have repeatedly aborted and dropped the mission; I have tried logging out, changing server instances. It seems to be related to the 13th anniversary event. Someone else I play with was able to complete the missing several days before me. They tried it again today and are having the exact same problem.
I have the same issue on XBox Series S. Tried dropping mission, restarting it, deleting stored data, attempt it on another day, pretty much everything else others have tried, to no avail.
Using Xbox, ! too have the same issue and reported the bug yesterday after trying different character a couple of times. Also having problems accessing the Lupiter Irratus from the event menu, it tells me one moment please when I hover my mouse of the tab.
Same here lol I think it's due to the new mission that came out for the Terran Gambit Arc as both uses the same map but the other one has the first pathway extended so it might be a crossover type bug?
Looks to be a very cool story. Hope it gets fixed soon.
I am a ps4 client user playing on a ps5 and I am affected by the same bug.
...This said, let's talk comp lol, could there be some GPL added to the completion bonus when it's fixed?
WOW, 2 days after the event started and it's still not fixed!
So it took till April 4th!?
And now 'Bird's Cage' doesn't work... LOL 😅
,,,, 38Hot