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Omni-Directional Voth Antiproton Beam Not Upgradable

caj773caj773 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
The Omni-Directional Voth Antiproton Beam Array is the unique Omni beam you can only get from an Voth T6 ship. It is very disappointing that you cannot upgrade this beam. I am not sure if it is intended for it to be not upgradable but it would much more worth while having the ability to upgrade it.


  • supertomate83supertomate83 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    Unfortunately I don't have that particular piece of equipment, which means that I couldn't try this myself:

    Go to the bottom of your inventory, click the "upgrade" button, a window opens in which you can try to drag and drop the item from your inventory.
    If that works, it will convert to Mk XII and become upgradeable.
    As English is not my native language, i apologize in advance for any misunterstanding - i do my best :wink:
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,631 Arc User
    For the vast majority of items, the right-click menu will only show the "Upgrade" entry when the item is in your Inventory.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • caj773caj773 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    This one doesn't give option to upgrade by right clicking or manually searching in the upgrade screen.
  • dustyhayesdustyhayes Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    I've tried right clicking on it, as well as dragging it into the upgrade screen and nothing. They've never gotten around to making it upgradable or removing the tool tip that says it can be and stating "nope, not upgradable." Kinda sad because I'd like to have it as part of my Voth Rampart vessel. If the only upgradable version of this is the one from the Voth Antiproton Weapons pack, they should probably change the one that comes with the Bastille and the Rampart should probably be changed to a common weapon instead of a purple very rare version to avoid confusion.

    The Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo Launcher from the recent event has the same issue and the same tooltip stating that it can be upgraded to MK XII.
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