I have a traditional, mostly-canon, Fed build: Phasers and Photon Torpedoes.
I'm not into ship collecting; just going for ships that have a Trait I want.
Here's my current loadout:

And ship traits:

Not sure which to get:
- Premium T6 Starship
- 2x T6 Coupon
- 1500 Lobi
So out of all the available ship choices, anything y'all would recommend that adds a usable console or trait or something?
Personally I'd go for the 1,500 Lobi every campaign, for the exclusively Lobi gear, that unlike the ships, can't be bought on the Exchange. That's more from a generalist point of view though.
I'm pretty happy with what I have now, but open to trying something that will prove to be better.
What's the full name of the ship(s) that have that?
I think the one mentioned is the Constitution-class 'Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier' which is a promo ship, comes with six Advanced Phaser Beam Arrays and is an option as the campaign event prize.
There is another possibility when it comes to the Advanced Phasers....the 'Legendary Constitution Temporal Flight Deck Carrier' also comes with six.
It's part of the 10th Anniversary 10-(Fed)ship bundle. The downside being it's not available as a campaign event prize choice. It's only in the bundle which would cost a large chunk of Zen. I know you said you're not a ship collector, but the bundle is a great set of ships that come with multiple old traits and consoles from previous versions of each ship plus a new trait. Also Phaser Quad Cannons. Lots of value in there for the Fed focussed.
Both ships unlock the Advanced Phasers in the Dilithium Reclaim Store (with a dil cost), for if you decide you want more than the six that come with the ship. I've not got around to using them yet, so can't comment on how they perform.
Some visual demonstration of what those advanced phasers look like, note that green honeycomb pattern is part of a buff I got and isn't part of the effects for the phasers.
Oh and in-case you're wondering that's the Legendary Constitution Temporal Flightdeck Carrier I'm flying (aka the Legendary DSC Connie).
And that first pic is "Beam Overload".
T6 Ship (If you ignore the bait ships)
HOWEVER, the T6 is locked to character (extremely bad design), so if you want a ship (or ships) that can be use by multiple characters (modern design), then the coupons would be your best bet.
Those are some nice looking phasers. Lightsaber Blue. Do they use the standard Phaser firing sound or TOS static firing sound effect?
neither, it's unique sound like a lower pitched version of the TOS sound, same sound they used in Season 2 of Discovery for these.
> Cool, I will check that out.
Sorry for the late response. If I remember correctly, the DSC Connies come with standard advanced phasers (is that a paradox?) so if you go down that route you'll have to buy the dil store versions (as you'll probably want 6 of them, this can be quite a lot of dil).
USS Leftover Parts
nope i just did some testing. they come with Dmg X3. I re-engineered for testing and got about a 15% bump in DPS
For some reason the sound that STO uses for TOS ship phasers is actually one of the sound clips for hand phasers, not the sound for ship phasers (which usually had a lower-toned warble exactly like the DSC S2 sound for the beam-type phasers).
Yeah you said this before but I assumed that the person asking meant the in-game sounds not the ones from the series.