It got removed when gearbox took over and those that already have it, no longer works. At this stage redeeming codes for xbox is a long convoluted process through the website that is not easy to follow if you can follow it at all and if it even works, I've been unwilling to even try.
> @knightmare#8708 said: > It got removed when gearbox took over and those that already have it, no longer works. At this stage redeeming codes for xbox is a long convoluted process through the website that is not easy to follow if you can follow it at all and if it even works, I've been unwilling to even try.
That sucks. I think I had enough points for the free ship
> It got removed when gearbox took over and those that already have it, no longer works. At this stage redeeming codes for xbox is a long convoluted process through the website that is not easy to follow if you can follow it at all and if it even works, I've been unwilling to even try.
That sucks. I think I had enough points for the free ship